Mark Caserta: How did Democrats really win the 2020 presidential election?

11 Feb

Mark Caserta has been an Opinion columnist for over 22 years and is Editor for Free State Patriot.

Heading into the 2024 presidential election, this is a republication of a 2023 column.


“Two years ago, the economy was reeling. I stand here tonight, after we’ve created, with the help of many people in this room, 12 million new jobs — more jobs created in two years than any President has created in four years — because of you all, because of the American people” –  President Joe Biden

Stunned.  That’s the only word I have to describe my feelings about Joe Biden’s State of the Union address to the nation.

There are two possibilities:  Either Biden can’t recall what was actually happening two years ago, or his integrity as president means nothing to him or his staff – potentially both.  The only thing “reeling” is Joe Biden’s memory.

Two years ago, gasoline was below $2.00.  The employment rate was at its lowest rate since the 1970’s.  Our country was energy independent.  We had regained respect from nations around the world.  The Obamacare individual mandate had been negated.  Americans were regaining their pride as a nation.  Our country was literally recovering from 8 years of a failed liberal experiment under Barack Obama, the “Liar-in-Chief”, who promised everyone they could keep their healthcare and doctor if they wanted.  Politifact declared that to be the Politifact “Lie of the year” – FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

But liberal Democrats were miserable.  President Donald Trump’s tweeting and demeanor was simply not worth the price of a healthy nation.  And it certainly wasn’t worth losing all of their power and government control!

On day one of Trump’s presidency, Democrats began putting together a plan to win back the White House – at any cost.

This plan was multi-faceted and supported by every liberal media outlet in the country.  It involved a conspiracy to exercise the most massive pre-planned voter fraud ever inflicted upon the American people!

Just look at the number of votes Joe Biden and Kamala Harris supposedly garnered in 2020!  Really?  According to the Census Bureau, there are approximately 168 million registered voters in the United States.  Are we to believe that 81 million of those voters voted for Joe Biden during the 2020 election when our nation was at its peak of prosperity in years$

Presidential ticketYearPopular Vote
Obama / Biden201265,915,795
Romney / Ryan201260,933,504
Trump / Pence201662,984,828
Trump / Pence202074,223,975
Biden / Harris202081,283,501

After months of research and contemplating the facts, these are the steps I believe liberal Democrats employed to win the 2020 presidential election.

  • They moved to remove any proof of U.S. citizenship or identity to vote in the U.S. and encouraged illegal immigration to bolster a predictable voter base.
  • They inundated the nation with voter “drop boxes” in heavily liberal populated cities.
  • Democrats employed “dark voters” to encourage and execute multiple illegal votes on every liberal front possible.
  • Dems bombarded liberal mailboxes with write-in ballots which could be submitted as often as possible.
  • They leveraged computer hacking technology designed to interrupt, skew and even change votes.
  • Democrats grew a network of conspirators at the state and federal level strategically planted to be “boots on the ground” to identify Trump voting tendencies and reverse them at every opportunity.
  • They partnered with a complicit media willing to report information not to inform, but to influence results.
  • Liberal Dems utilized a “war room” approach to delegitimize anything and everything in Donald Trump’s favor and divert attention away from massive voter fraud.
  • Finally, liberal Democrats had a plan to insert votes, electronically or physically, as often as needed and where logistically possible right under our noses.

Folks, unless Republicans figure out a way to either diminish the Democrat fraudulent voter conspiracy or devise their own plan to legally match their efforts, the GOP will never win another election.

It doesn’t matter who runs or what they promise. Liberal Democrats simply do not care about you or our nation. They will do or say anything to keep control. And the longer they are in control, the weaker our nation will become.

And the more emboldened other nations will be to attack us on the most obvious fronts.

Perhaps they may even fly a huge information gathering balloon over our country, if they believe we are truly without leadership.

Don’t complain about what you permit.  Fix this GOP!

Mark Caserta: Electoral Call to Action – Stand on God’s Word.

21 Nov
Mark Caserta is an opinion columnist and editor for Free State Patriot

November, 21, 2020

It was late Tuesday evening, November 8, 2016.

The liberal Democrat Party was in shock.  They had just lost the presidential election and their eight-year reign of power – to an outsider. 

It was unacceptable.  What just happened? 

Anger and tears fostered a demonstrable disdain for the American people.  It was those “freedom loving”, “flag waving”, “Bible thumping” basket of deplorables that did it!  How dare they challenge our power and attempt to control what we’ve worked so hard to accomplish!  Who do they think they are?

We’ll show them. We’ve got to make sure this never happens again.

Thus, subsequent to the inauguration of their worst nightmare, Donald J. Trump, the four-year nefarious plot to steal the 2020 presidential election and regain power began.

 As Trump’s wins and victories were applauded by the nation, the liberal hatred festered into a loathsome craze to extinguish conservatives at all cost. Socialist-minded politicians no longer cared if voters knew their intent was never to represent Americans. 

The liberal Democrat hatred for Trump began to far surpass any love they may have had for their country. 

Liberal Democrat allegiance to our country is contingent and relative to the portion of power they receive.  The more power they’re given, the more they will provide and care for you.

Joe Biden’s campaign slogan, “Build Back Better”, was the moniker for the greatest political heist in our nation’s history.  A masterful networking of complicit racketeers was constructed with the liberal media as a willing accomplice, to engage in a coup of the most powerful leader in the world.

 Yes, they would build an organizational structure that could empower and enable them to not only control the election, but the American people!

 Recruitment began at the highest levels of security for those with the adequate amount of disdain for Donald Trump required to undertake a massive ploy to undermine the presidency.  They initiated the distraction of Russian collusion to keep the administration’s eyes off the dirty little elves as they began to embed themselves in the nooks and crannies of the electoral process.

The spider web of activity spread across the nation, into all battleground states.  Outside interests from nation’s losing under Trump’s presidency were employed.  Criminal activities to manipulate the voting mechanisms, as needed, were engaged.  Preparations were made to subvert and overturn an overwhelming loss.  The enthusiasm from Trump supporters was too alarming, despite the fake news and polls designed to influence.

Four years later, Tuesday, November 3, 2020, the votes began to pour in in record numbers.  Liberal Democrats were panic-stricken.

Battle stations! Engage the plan!

And engage they did.  Votes for Joe Biden began appearing from literally nowhere. Counting was even paused in some instances to allow teams on the ground to deploy forces and employ the battle plan.  There was so much odious activity, it couldn’t be disguised.  Lying, cheating, and stealing were nearly omnipresent!    

The American people were never given a clear line of sight.  Media outlets, to include heretofore conservative-leaning networks, had sold their souls to the socialist-leaning Democrat Party, Joe Biden and his attack dog minion, Kamala Harris.  The plan was working!  Revenge is a dish best served cold!

And the cold, hard truth we are being given is Biden/Harris won the election, even though many know in their hearts it couldn’t possibly be true. 

So, here we are.  It’s literally the age-old combat between good and evil.

Is our foundation strong enough?  Have our Founding Fathers prepared us for such a time as this?  Do the American people have enough power and tenacity to squelch the impending evil to the left of us?

Losing is not an option, but often we do not get to choose our options.  Sometimes we have to play the hand we’re dealt.  A win or two would be comforting.

Faith has taught us that when we’ve done all we can do – stand.  God operates best when His people realize they are powerless without Him.

 Answers?  I have none.

All I know to do is pray and stand on what I believe.  I trust God will take care of the rest.

Doug Smith: Here’s some common sense perspective on all this “shouting” about President Trump!

30 Sep

trump in wv

doug at wvhu

Doug Smith is an opinion columnist, historian and associate editor for Free State Patriot

September 30, 2019


Let’s take them sequentially, shall we?   

Editor’s disclaimer: Those incapable of incorporating logic into your mental processing, are free to return to your Sunday comics, gum wrappers and The Springer Show.  This could be hazardous to your mental stability.

1.      I started out, before his nomination, criticizing Donald Trump as an ass. Nothing to date has altered my opinion. He is rude, crude, and I would not be his buddy. However, that also does not alter my view that he was far and away a better choice than Hillary Clinton, who is vicious and utterly amoral. And based on his performance, I conclude that while I would have liked a less abrasive POTUS, he has done more than any POTUS since Reagan to roll back the progressive’s corrosive effects on the nation. I still give him a solid B.

2.      Joe Biden, like Hillary Clinton, needed to be investigated long ago, by someone who had not predetermined not to bring charges against a Democrat. He is dishonest, self-aggrandizing, and, apparently, utter lacking in a moral code. He committed plagiarism in law school, shamelessly stole speeches from better politicians. One must wonder how he ever managed to graduate. He has falsely, and wildly claimed that he went to law school on a full scholarship (false), graduated in the top of his class (also false), and had 3 undergraduate degrees (he had one, like most college graduates.) Like Hillary and Barack, he consistently tries to convince that he is the smartest guy in the room, without compelling evidence that this is even nearly true. He is also stupidly dishonest. How do we know about his shady and likely criminal dealings with Ukraine s government and a gas holding company, along with his son? Because he bragged about it, on tape. He could take advice in being Teflon from the Clintons.

3.      Impeachment is a political remedy for misbehavior in office. The Democrats have lived and breathed the idea of impeaching Donald Trump since late the night of November 8, 2016, when it became obvious that Hillary was extending her losing streak. Their perspective is not that we should impeach the President because of this act or that, but that we should impeach the President because we don’t like what he says and does, and we need to find a crime to match the punishment we are determined to meet out.

4.      The Democrats have a history of trying to destroy, rather than defeat, Republican Presidents. It is not too much of a stretch to note, that the Democrats’ resistance to the 1st Republican President led to Civil War, and that a Democrat, and actor, assassinated him. But in more modern history, since WW2, there have been 7 GOP POTUS. Of these, Eisenhower doesn’t really count, because he had to check his registration to say what his party was, and he was such a national hero after the war that he was untouchable. Ford doesn’t count, because he was in office only a short time, filling Nixon’s unexpired term. Of the remaining 5, who were elected and served at least one full term, the Democrats have sought to impeach every one of them. Check your history if you find this incredible. Democrats introduced bills to impeach Nixon, Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43, and they are carefully impeaching without impeaching Trump, largely because the want him gone, their lunatic base wants him impeached, but they realize that voting articles of impeachment will be a political disaster.

5.      When your irritating little brother or cousin bugs you, you may smack him. When you see 4 bigger guys jump on him and shove him down, you leap to his defense. This should explain why Trump supporters, even those, like me, who consider him an ass, but an effective ass, and OUR ass, are loathed to criticize him and quick to defend him. Like the camel sticking its nose in the tent, we realize that since the Dems and the Left attack him constantly, for everything, much of it made up, and not with the purpose of convincing him to alter course, but with the sole purpose of destroying him, we feel that we cannot give an inch in defending him. He may blunder sometimes, and his mouth may lead a life of its own, and he may be an ass, but the calculus that made him the choice over Hillary still holds, as do his results. The Dems, particularly the ones who suffer badly from the mental illness that is Liberalism, somehow have the idea that if only they can remove Trump, they will get Hillary. Of course, they don’t understand that what they would get is a fired-up President Pence, a seething GOP electorate, and, in 2021, unmovable GOP control of both Houses of Congress, and the White House, and, sometime in the foreseeable future, and 7-2 Originalist SCOTUS. Nor do they care. They are simply consumed by hate and want to hurt their enemies.

6.      As a student of history, I would urge any Leftists who still have thinking abilities unhampered by political madness to study Robespierre and the Jacobins in France. His final thought, before the guillotines that he set in motion descended on his neck must have been that it is easier to release the Kraken than to control it.


Mark Caserta: Trump to decide balance of the Supreme Court

6 Jul

supreme court building

The Supreme Court of the United States of America:  The highest court in the land.


Mark Caserta:  Free State Patriot editor

July 6, 2018



Let me be perfectly clear. The reason liberals are incessantly attacking Donald J. Trump, is they know they’re losing ground in “fundamentally changing America.” During the Obama administration, priorities were turned upside down, and we were rapidly becoming a nation of insignificance to the world.

But let not your heart be troubled. The more wins this president gains for America, the more obnoxious and out of touch with reality progressives become. We should begin worrying when liberals stop attacking Trump!

For example, last week, in the wake of Trump’s enforcement of his “zero-tolerance” policy on illegal immigration and decision to adhere to the law, liberals irresponsibly began calling for the abolishment of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.

Can you imagine the impact if ICE were dissolved? Our borders would be massively overtaken by illegals, including those desiring to do us harm. Isn’t it telling liberals seem to fight harder for the rights of illegal immigrants than they do for the protection of their fellow Americans?

The notion we should be willing to compromise our safety is another reason liberals can’t be taken seriously where the prosperity and safety of our nation is concerned.

Thankfully, considering recent events, liberals may as well get used to losing.

checks and balances

The pending balance of the Supreme Court was right at the top of the list for conservatives voting for Trump in 2016. We’ve witnessed the deleterious impact a liberal-leaning court can have on our nation. Millions of innocent babies have been murdered because of a Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade. Conservatives were committed to electing a president who would help mold a court incapable of such calamitous decisions for future generations.

Less than six months into his presidency, Trump successfully nominated and achieved confirmation of Judge Neil M. Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Gorsuch replaced the late Antonin Scalia and backfilled his conservative stance on the bench.

Last week, I thought liberals were going to lose their minds when Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement from the Supreme Court. A Ronald Reagan appointee, Kennedy took the bench in 1988 and was often the moderate “swing vote” between liberal and conservative-leaning justices. His key votes were influential in rulings for same sex-marriage and abortion access.

Kennedy’s decision to step down could transform the Supreme Court and impact the progressive movement for generations. A justice is bound by an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” and a berth on the Supreme Court is a lifetime appointment.

Should Trump be successful in replacing Kennedy on the court with another conservative, the balance of the court is likely to lean to the right, possibly resulting in not only more conservative rulings, but past liberal judgments overturned upon challenge.

Liberals are enraged because he’s negated many of Obama’s socialist policies. They’ll be incensed beyond measure if Trump successfully tilts the balance of the Supreme Court to the right for decades.

Currently in this political tennis match, it’s advantage Trump. If progressives decide to double-down in the weeks to come on their attacks on the president, Trump is sure to break his opponents’ serve.

But if the Supreme Court picks up one or two more conservative justices, it might just be game, set and match for conservatives.

Mark Caserta is a Cabell County resident.


Mark Caserta: Are liberal Democrats rooting against America?

22 Jun



Are Trump’s failures more important to progressives than America’s wins?



Mark Caserta:  Free State Patriot editor

June 22, 2018



Liberal Democrats are exposing their true colors, and they’re not “red, white and blue.”

Let’s be clear. Americans are keenly aware of issues impacting them. And frankly, what people are “seeing and feeling” regarding the Trump presidency, versus what progressives are “telling and selling,” simply don’t align.

The “Trump Effect” has our nation improving in nearly every single metric, yet liberals continue to rail against every word, every step, every action taken by Trump. When called on it, the lame liberal response typically expresses a desire for our nation to be successful “under any president,” even Trump. They just don’t see our president as being successful.

Really? Putting liberal and conservative bias aside, and looking only at metrics that help make America prosperous and peaceful, what possible failures can be leveraged against Trump? Nearly every issue important to the American voter has improved since Trump took office!

Our economy is thriving. Per a January CNBC column by Patti Domm, the first year Trump was in office he was able to help our economy do something it’s been unable to do since 2005 – maintain a 3 percent GDP growth rate for three quarters in a row, which is a critical indicator according to most economists. And our outlook is healthy, per other key economic indicators, through 2018 and beyond.

Jobs are on the increase. A Fox Business column by Brittany De Lea in January recognized that about 2.1 million new jobs were added to the economy in 2017, per government statistics.

“From economic growth and job creation, to the surging stock market, business has boomed in America over the past year,” De Lea wrote. The column went on to attribute much success to expectations following Trump’s delivery on his promise to overhaul the U.S. tax code.

The result? The number of people collecting food stamps has declined by more than 2 million under Trump, per USDA data.

Remember ISIS? A December 2017 column by Alex Pappas of Fox News titled, “Trump ends 2017 with big wins on economy, taxes, ISIS and more,” tracks Trump’s success in crippling the Islamic caliphate in Iraq and Syria. The column shares data from U.S. military officials reporting ISIS had lost 98 percent of the territory once held, “with half of the terror group’s ‘caliphate’ having been recaptured” since Trump took office.

American intelligence, at that time, assessed fewer than 1,000 ISIS fighters remained in Iraq and Syria, down from a peak of nearly 45,000 just two years ago.

Illegal immigration is something I believe Trump has come to understand in terms of the implications on families, not just criminals.

Last week, a CNN column by Lauren Fox and Jeff Zeleny revealed CNN learned from three sources Trump is headed to Capitol Hill this week to discuss immigration with the House Republican conference. Discussions will include the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) and funding for Trump’s border wall. I anticipate the president will strike another deal overhauling U.S. immigration policies in an historic manner.

One thing I’ve learned from the Trump presidency is that vermin in the Washington “swamp” scurry down both sides of the aisle. I find it ironic that while these card-carrying members of the genus “Rattus” phylogeny despise Trump, they actually empowered him through their feckless leadership and failing policies.

And these “never Trumpers” are slowly painting themselves into a lonely corner. Rooting against America won’t be popular in November.

Mark Caserta is a Cabell County resident.

Mark Caserta: President Trump shows he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize

16 Jun

U.S. President Donald Trump shakes hands with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at the Capella Hotel on Sentosa island in Singapore

President Trump greets Kim Jong-Un during historic summit in Singapore.




Mark Caserta:  Free State Patriot editor

Jun 15, 2018 



In October 2009, President Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for “his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” per the official website of the esteemed award.

The mainstream media nearly wet themselves. A host of media outlets extolled the recognition as historic. An ABC column by Mark Phillips, claimed Obama had “changed the tone of American diplomacy,” alluding to the fact many considered Obama’s approach “ground breaking” in nature. French President Nicolas Sarkozy claimed awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama embodied the “return of America into the hearts of the people of the world.”

Well, the notion that Obama deserved this recognition has since been disavowed by many, including then secretary of the Nobel Committee, Geir Lundestad, who revealed in his 2015 memoir he regretted awarding Obama the prize, since Obama had obviously done little to qualify him for such recognition.

Fast forward to Donald Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize and compare the tone of the media.

In early May, 18 House Republicans sent a letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee, formally nominating President Trump for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize, citing recognition “of his work to end the Korean War, denuclearize the Korean peninsula and bring peace to the region.”

CBS News, HuffPost and The Washington Post each published a column mocking or condemning the idea that Trump could ever be deserving of such recognition, despite his successful diplomatic global efforts.

Many liberal media outlets, such as CNN, framed Trump’s meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un as caving U.S. diplomacy! But no prior president has ever been in a position of strength as the Trump administration in dealing with the rogue nation. Rather than succumbing to extortion or employing a strategy of “appeasement,” Trump has made it clear all options are on the so-called “table,” from which he’s also willing to walk away if his demands aren’t met as shown.

In January, Trump raised the curtain on his strategy, after Kim called for improved relations with South Korea, reminding the world he has a nuclear button on his desk.

Trump responded on Twitter that his button is larger and more powerful, adding, “my Button works!”

In March, South Korea’s presidential security director, Chung Eui-yong, after visiting Kim in Pyongyang, reported Kim was willing to discuss the fate of his nuclear arsenal with the U.S. Shortly afterward, Trump accepted an invitation from Kim to meet.

In late May, amid rattling sabers, North Korea hints the meeting could be canceled, protesting U.S.-South Korean military exercises. A senior North Korean diplomat calls Vice President Mike Pence a “political dummy” and says it’s up to the Americans whether they “meet us at a meeting room or encounter us at (a) nuclear-to nuclear showdown.”

Unshaken, Trump announced hours later he’s walking away from the table and pulling out of the summit.

But, it was no surprise that following major media outlets finding fault with Trump’s decision to meet with Kim, they proceeded to find fault when he pulled out.

Sadly, Trump’s “failures” are more valuable to liberals than America’s “successes.”

But despite liberal prognosticators, this past Tuesday, the president successfully brought North Korea’s leader to the negotiating table. And now, his efforts to build a working relationship with Kim could very well lead to permanent, verifiable, nuclear disarmament on the Korean Peninsula.

Now, that deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.

Mark Caserta is a conservative blogger and regular contributor to The Herald Dispatch.

Mark Caserta: President wisely ends the Iran nuclear deal

18 May


Mark Caserta:  Free State Patriot editor



Trump “nukes” Iran Deal

trump iran deal



The defining measure by which Donald Trump will be judged will not be his tweets, his relationships or even his politically incorrect style. President Trump will be remembered for the peace and prosperity he ushered in for all Americans.

Prosperity has been added for millions in tax cuts and jobs. As the president establishes a foothold in global leadership, he’s working toward achieving peace through strength. As a skilled negotiator, Donald Trump understands you must operate from a position of strength.

Weakness is a poor strategy for winning.

It was the Obama administration’s policies espousing apology and appeasement that diminished the strength of the U.S. on the world stage. Sadly, this sort of negotiating prowess gave Americans the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

Officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA), I believe this deal, between the U.S., Iran, China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the European Union, was nothing more than a “paper tiger” for Barack Obama. From the beginning of his campaign, Donald Trump promised Americans he would “nuke” the deal if elected president.

True to his word, after attempts at renegotiating the deal, President Trump announced last Tuesday the U.S. will withdraw from the JCPA and reimpose economic sanctions on Iraq. In a show of Trumpian strength, the president added that any nation helping Iran in its quest for nuclear weapons could also be strongly sanctioned by the U.S.

Understand, the Iran nuclear deal was never an official treaty. President Obama never secured the support of the Senate for the deal. Congress did pass the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act in 2015 that requires the president to certify to Congress every 90 days that Iran remains in compliance with the deal and that sanctions relief remains in the national security interest of the United States.

Also understand, the JCPA wasn’t intended to prevent Iran from attaining nuclear weapons. It’s “sunset provisions” allowed Iran to continue pursuing nuclear proliferation after about 10 years.

But the immensely nave premise overshadowing the deal required the U.S. to “trust” Iran to adhere to the provisions of the agreement. Remember, this is a nation whose head of their army, Abdolrahim Mousavi, recently threatened to annihilate Israel in response to tensions escalating between the two countries, per an April column in The Telegraph, by Rana Sweis.

Israel, a nation cognizant of the Iran threat, wisely maintained vigilance over Iran’s nuclear aspirations. Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed conclusive evidence Iran had not been complying with the JCPA and was, in fact, hiding its nuclear arms capabilities from the world.

From the Diplomatic Room in the White House, President Trump aptly described his reasoning behind killing the deal on behalf of the American people.

“The Iran deal is defective at its core. If we do nothing, we know exactly what will happen,” Trump said. “In just a short period of time, the world’s leading state sponsor of terror will be on the cusp of acquiring the world’s most dangerous weapons.”

Thankfully, many of Obama policies that crippled America for eight long years are disappearing under Donald Trump. But the eradication of the JCPA may have been Trump’s greatest accomplishment thus far, benefitting not only Americans, but Israel and the world.

Peace through strength, simply put, is a possession of power that never has to be demonstrated. This can only be achieved through true leadership.

Our enemies and allies once again revere the power of the United States and presume an unwavering resolve from our president in his negotiations on behalf of all Americans.

This will be the legacy of President Donald J. Trump.

Mark Caserta is a conservative blogger, a Cabell County resident and a regular contributor to The Herald-Dispatch editorial page.




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Mark Caserta: Trump presidency part of a divine plan

27 Apr



Mark Caserta:  Free State Patriot editor



team trump

The importance of the relationship between the United States and Israel cannot be understated. As a major contributing factor for evangelicals casting their vote for Donald J. Trump in the 2016 presidential election, one might say the relevance of our relationship is of “Biblical proportion.”

The relationship between our two nations was arguably on a downhill spiral during the Obama years. No previous American president has ever engendered such a precarious relationship with Israel as Barack Obama did. Our entire U.S. foreign policy was upside down, with our enemies not fearing us, and our allies not trusting us.

But the Trump presidency not only promised to right the troubled ship of U.S. foreign policy, but to restore our coveted relationship with the nation of Israel.

Late last year, President Trump announced the U.S. would formally recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the U.S. embassy accordingly. Decades of prior administrations had vowed to do the same. The decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital was heralded by many pro-Israel activists and decried by Palestinians and America’s Arab allies.

But true to form, Donald Trump didn’t adhere to the politically expedient or safe mode when acting on behalf of Americans. He simply did what he said he would do.

It’s refreshing to have a president who defies the unprincipled political parameters designed to protect and pacify one’s way into a lucrative political career. Trump doesn’t need money from lobbyists or activists, nor does he care which foe’s feathers he ruffles! He’s comfortable being the antithesis of a career politician and is changing the way Americans view their representation in Washington.

Give me one moment of God’s favor over years of political pandering anytime!

In the Bible, the Hebrew prophet Zechariah reminds us of “the burden of the Word of the Lord concerning Israel.”

“Thus, declares the Lord Behold, I am about to make Jerusalem a cup of staggering to all the surrounding peoples. The siege of Jerusalem will also be against Judah. On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves.”

Of Israel, Genesis 12:3 says, “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Many, including myself, believe we are living in the final days before the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus, the Christ. I know this faith is mocked by some. They alone must account for their disbelief. But I’m fully persuaded that despite Donald Trump’s imperfections, he’s been placed in the office of the presidency for a purpose, possibly beyond anything we could ever anticipate.

Many are aware Donald Trump wasn’t my first choice as president. But throughout history, God’s always chosen the most “unlikely” among us to fulfill His Word. And while I’ll not be led as a sheep to slaughter, I believe our president is a work in progress.

God created each of us with the ability to choose our path in life. Our choices, while impacting our lives and possibly those around us, will not impact God’s Word and Divine Plan for Israel.

Mock as some may, I believe the presidency of Donald J. Trump is part of that plan.

And God surely watches over His Word to perform it.

Mark Caserta is a conservative blogger, a Cabell County resident and a regular contributor to The Herald-Dispatch editorial page.


Mark Caserta: Millions of Americans are grateful for Trump

22 Apr


Apr 20, 2018


president trump



Donald Trump is making America great again, just not for liberals.

While millions of Americans are enjoying the “conservative reawakening” President Trump has sparked within our nation, they’re also becoming increasingly aware of the irresponsible, self-serving, liberal antics to discredit our president.

And it’s making them angry.

From even a common-sense perspective, given the improvements for Americans in jobs, taxation, the economy, illegal immigration, healthcare, national defense and so many other areas since Trump was elected president, how can liberal Democrats continue to mount their campaign of resistance?

I submit it’s an unprincipled war against Americans who elected this president to return our country back to the path of prosperity, all in the name of protecting the progress liberals enjoyed under the Obama administration.

But despite the progressive petulance, millions of Americans reaping the dividends from the Trump presidency are grateful for the improvements in their lives.

Of course, liberals don’t seem thankful that Americans are once again prospering under President Trump. They would rather have speeches and empty promises, than a president committed to “America first.”

Frankly, the antics of the left have become so incredulous, it’s become downright embarrassing for liberal Democrats.

The recent return of ex-FBI Director James Comey and his interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News was nothing short of demeaning to a revered law enforcement organization like the FBI.

Nestled safely beside Clinton ex-crony Stephanopoulos, Comey revisited unverified claims about President Trump’s alleged 2013 activities with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel room, for which Comey admitted there has never been evidence to support.

Astoundingly, Comey freely admitted the so-called “dossier” generated by Democrats and Hillary Clinton and used by the Obama administration to obtain a FISA (Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrant to spy on the Trump campaign contained totally unverified information.

If Comey knew the allegations in the dossier were salacious and questionable, how did he present it to the FISA judge? Unverified and unsubstantiated information would fall short of obtaining such a warrant.

Did Comey, who supposedly represented an apolitical organization, lie to the FISA court about the dossier simply for political reasons?

During the interview, Comey exposed his lack of character when he compared President Trump to a “mob boss” and felt compelled to make disparaging remarks about the size of Trump’s hands and the color of his skin.

Folks, isn’t it clear, liberal Democrats have absolutely no credulity to leverage against President Trump? Isn’t it terribly sad and telling they’re willing to continue to blame our country for their sad representation in the 2016 presidential election.

I predict the voter perception between reality and liberal fantasy will continue to widen as more Americans become aware of liberal Democrat motivations. Their quest to delegitimize the presidency of Donald J. Trump at the expense of the American people will surely backfire.

I fully suspect voters will take their epiphanies regarding liberal politicians all the way to the polls in the mid-term elections.

Mark Caserta is a Cabell County resident and a regular contributor to The Herald-Dispatch editorial page.


Mark Caserta: Liberals should refocus and put America first

2 Feb


Mark Caserta:  Free State Patriot editor





Liberals always seem to be fighting against America. Their conduct since the election of President Trump has some challenging their allegiance to our great nation.

A couple of questions for liberal Democrats: Do you really hate Donald Trump more than you love your country? What would you be willing to allow our nation to endure to derail his presidency? It seems, even in the face of Trump’s successes, you’re willing to compromise just about anything to see him fail.

Here are a few examples.

Given the drug epidemic sweeping our nation, wouldn’t it be prudent to strengthen border security to prevent a significant number of illegal drugs from entering our country?

Last Saturday, National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd told Fox News that Trump’s “business acumen” is leading him to an “impending success” on immigration reform. Yet liberal Democrats are fighting more for illegal aliens and keeping the border open than they are for the safety of Americans. Does that make sense to you?

Anyone who’s been around for a few decades realizes manufacturing has been fleeing our country at a phenomenal rate. We’ve seen once prosperous cities like Pittsburgh, Detroit and even our own city of Huntington severely impacted by the loss of manufacturing jobs. Yet liberal Democrats fight constantly against lowering taxes to make our nation more “business friendly” and bringing back good-paying jobs to the U.S.

Again, liberal Democrats seem more willing to fight to keep more of your hard-earned money to waste than for improving your future and quality of life.

During the Obama presidency, ISIS became the most powerful jihadist organization in the world, controlling vast areas in three countries. Americans were inundated with horrific stories of death and torture nearly every day, yet all we saw from the Obama administration was apology and appeasement.

But during President Trump’s initial days in office, he began changing our military rules of engagement and providing our commanders the tools and resources they needed to defeat ISIS. But despite the fact ISIS has been severely crippled under President Trump, liberals refuse to give him credit or support a continued approach to strengthening our military and empowering our troops.

Article 1 of the Constitution speaks to a primary role of U.S. federal government – defending the homeland and our citizens. Yet its clarity continues to be clouded by liberal Democrats desiring to remove boundaries from their progressive movement as they fight to preserve sanctuary cities and the illegals they protect from the very federal law designed to protect U.S. citizens. And, as they do so, innocent people are dying.

Finally, my friends, Democrats and liberal factions of the party are not the party of compassion as they would have you believe. They are singularly minded in that they are determined to destroy and delegitimize President Trump and regain control of Congress.

Donald Trump is a political anomaly. His supporters hired him to clean up Washington. But he could achieve world peace and liberals would still despise him. That isn’t right.

Liberals should re-examine their priorities and put America first.

Mark Caserta is a conservative blogger, a Cabell County resident and a regular contributor to The Herald-Dispatch editorial page.