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Mark Caserta: How did Democrats really win the 2020 presidential election?

11 Feb

Mark Caserta has been an Opinion columnist for over 22 years and is Editor for Free State Patriot.

Heading into the 2024 presidential election, this is a republication of a 2023 column.


“Two years ago, the economy was reeling. I stand here tonight, after we’ve created, with the help of many people in this room, 12 million new jobs — more jobs created in two years than any President has created in four years — because of you all, because of the American people” –  President Joe Biden

Stunned.  That’s the only word I have to describe my feelings about Joe Biden’s State of the Union address to the nation.

There are two possibilities:  Either Biden can’t recall what was actually happening two years ago, or his integrity as president means nothing to him or his staff – potentially both.  The only thing “reeling” is Joe Biden’s memory.

Two years ago, gasoline was below $2.00.  The employment rate was at its lowest rate since the 1970’s.  Our country was energy independent.  We had regained respect from nations around the world.  The Obamacare individual mandate had been negated.  Americans were regaining their pride as a nation.  Our country was literally recovering from 8 years of a failed liberal experiment under Barack Obama, the “Liar-in-Chief”, who promised everyone they could keep their healthcare and doctor if they wanted.  Politifact declared that to be the Politifact “Lie of the year” – FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

But liberal Democrats were miserable.  President Donald Trump’s tweeting and demeanor was simply not worth the price of a healthy nation.  And it certainly wasn’t worth losing all of their power and government control!

On day one of Trump’s presidency, Democrats began putting together a plan to win back the White House – at any cost.

This plan was multi-faceted and supported by every liberal media outlet in the country.  It involved a conspiracy to exercise the most massive pre-planned voter fraud ever inflicted upon the American people!

Just look at the number of votes Joe Biden and Kamala Harris supposedly garnered in 2020!  Really?  According to the Census Bureau, there are approximately 168 million registered voters in the United States.  Are we to believe that 81 million of those voters voted for Joe Biden during the 2020 election when our nation was at its peak of prosperity in years$

Presidential ticketYearPopular Vote
Obama / Biden201265,915,795
Romney / Ryan201260,933,504
Trump / Pence201662,984,828
Trump / Pence202074,223,975
Biden / Harris202081,283,501

After months of research and contemplating the facts, these are the steps I believe liberal Democrats employed to win the 2020 presidential election.

  • They moved to remove any proof of U.S. citizenship or identity to vote in the U.S. and encouraged illegal immigration to bolster a predictable voter base.
  • They inundated the nation with voter “drop boxes” in heavily liberal populated cities.
  • Democrats employed “dark voters” to encourage and execute multiple illegal votes on every liberal front possible.
  • Dems bombarded liberal mailboxes with write-in ballots which could be submitted as often as possible.
  • They leveraged computer hacking technology designed to interrupt, skew and even change votes.
  • Democrats grew a network of conspirators at the state and federal level strategically planted to be “boots on the ground” to identify Trump voting tendencies and reverse them at every opportunity.
  • They partnered with a complicit media willing to report information not to inform, but to influence results.
  • Liberal Dems utilized a “war room” approach to delegitimize anything and everything in Donald Trump’s favor and divert attention away from massive voter fraud.
  • Finally, liberal Democrats had a plan to insert votes, electronically or physically, as often as needed and where logistically possible right under our noses.

Folks, unless Republicans figure out a way to either diminish the Democrat fraudulent voter conspiracy or devise their own plan to legally match their efforts, the GOP will never win another election.

It doesn’t matter who runs or what they promise. Liberal Democrats simply do not care about you or our nation. They will do or say anything to keep control. And the longer they are in control, the weaker our nation will become.

And the more emboldened other nations will be to attack us on the most obvious fronts.

Perhaps they may even fly a huge information gathering balloon over our country, if they believe we are truly without leadership.

Don’t complain about what you permit.  Fix this GOP!