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Mark Caserta: Wondering why our nation is upside-down. Here’s the answer!

3 Jan

Mark Caserta has been an opinion columnist for 22 years and is editor for Free State Patriot

January 3, 2023

Have you ever wondered how our nation got so upside-down?  Well, it didn’t happen overnight.

And that’s what made it possible.

The most concerning dynamic in this dilemma is we have a nation comprised of a generation (or two) which frankly have never experienced the beauty and success of government of the people, by the people and for the people.  They have no frame of reference to understand a viable, flourishing Democracy.  And we’ve allowed it to happen.

The only reference they have is what they’ve been exposed to in their lifetime. And sadly, Christian conservatives haven’t been as fervent and determined in the fight.  Don’t get mad at me.  It’s the truth.

 But it’s time we at least begin educating anyone who will listen to the reality that our nation is being destroyed by individuals who are willing to sacrifice our nation’s constitutional core to gain power.

It’s called the progressive movement and is driven by progressive, far left liberals.

In short, progressive liberalism is the perpetual attempt to undermine every pre-conceived notion of right and wrong. Values, principles or morality are predefined standards of behavior and have no place in the progressive vocabulary or playbook.

Liberalism is an ideology (Some say religion) that perverts and confounds every fact and precedent heretofore accepted as the norm.  It leverages the process of “desensitization”, or the constant exposure to standards outside the norm in a relentless fashion.

Morality, if even considered, is on a sliding scale, variable to one’s passion and personal belief system.

For example, In the 1970’s one had to visit what was termed an “X-rated” theater to see many of the behaviors or hear some of the language to which we are now exposed on television – in prime time!  Constant exposure is integral to the desensitization process.  You get “used” to hearing or seeing it and it becomes less offensive in nature and more readily accepted as the norm. 

Another example would be abortion.  When Roe v. Wade was initially passed in 1973, it was done so with conditions involving the viability of the baby and the health of the mother. Now, abortions are performed with very few limitations, the least of which is the viability of the baby!

It may be simpler now to get an abortion, than it is to get a root canal.  The murder of millions a babies every year isn’t even addressed by some politicians anymore.

I’m on a roll, so here’s another example. 

Politicians used to hide their socialist tendencies. Now they run campaigns on them!  Did you ever think you would see a day when U.S. politicians would openly run on socialist platforms and expect people to buy in?  But over the years, the government has forced more and more people into government dependency, hence socialism sprouts from the seeds of addiction to government.  

Campaigning on the premise “we will make your wildest dreams come true” has become the liberal Democrat mantra!  It’s no longer restricted to Pedro’s campaign promise in Napoleon Dynamite, “If you vote for me, all your wildest dreams will come true.”  Democrats have genuinely embraced that platform!

These current quandaries represent only a fraction of the present liberal state and are the result of individuals persistently applying pressure to expose the nation to more and more behaviors previously considered inappropriate.

 This liberal attack is also omnidirectional, in nature.  The tentacles of progressivism are regularly employed by corrupt politicians and right-wing media outlets who are espoused to the left and pledged to serve and protect this ideology. 

 Liberalism defiantly asks the question, “Who are you to define the norm?”  And any person attempting to define “normal” behavior in society is accused of being racist, a bigot, or homophobe, and is obviously filled with hatred.

 It’s the progressive theory of, “morality + conviction + common sense = discrimination”. 

Consider a pre-meditated plan for creating a sociological environment where children, as young as elementary age, are exposed to extreme violence, sex, foul language, gender “choices” and anti-capitalistic content in the classroom.  What if this methodology was employed years ago at a point in history where it would produce a generation or generations indoctrinated and desensitized to aberrations of these behaviors?

Do you know what we would have?  Of course, you do!  You’re living in it! Progressives had a plan to create a generation of followers and they’ve executed it perfectly!

Folks, this is progressive liberalism 101!  Liberals began infiltrating the classroom and brain-washing your children under your very noses! 

Why do you think liberal politicians have been profoundly against private schools and homeschooling?  They can’t control the content!  They can’t re-write history in their favor.  Progressives would never allow a good classical education to stand in the way of progressivism!

Liberalism can only be promoted in a world replete with historical revisions and lies!  It’s never worked and never will!

Remember, Progressive liberals and government hate anything or anyone they can’t control.  And their agenda involves controlling everything – including you and your family!

Abe Lincoln said, “The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” 

Apparently, liberals were listening, while many of us were not. The fact is, Liberals work harder, are more united and more determined than conservatives. 

And we have got to change that!

Haven’t you ever wondered why the Bible and its principles have become so terrifying to liberals?  It’s simply because Biblical principles are the antithesis of liberal principles.

Even though our nation was built upon Biblical standards which can be found throughout all of our historical documents, progressives would be stopped dead in their tracks if “people who are called by His (God’s) name will humble themselves, seek Him in prayer and turn from their wicked ways”.  The Bible says, “God would forgive our sins and heal our land”.

But this “healing” calls for repentance.  Liberal progressives feel that they are gods within themselves and have nothing for which to repent.  Hence the prerequisite of eliminating God’s Word in every venue in our nation – especially the schools!

The Bible is God’s law and liberals don’t want law defined for them, by anyone – even God.  The Bible isn’t “inclusive” enough to suit their inclusive agenda, which ironically includes everyone except those who disagree!

The Bible offers a narrow gate passable only by the penitent.  Liberal progressives don’t want gates, walls, fences, borders or anything that holds them to a behavioral standard.  Their job is to question and redefine the standards – all of them!

So, now that you understand liberal progressivism, what are you going to do differently to prevent its advancement in society?

Whatever you do, don’t expect things to change rapidly.  We must be as fervent and as patient as liberals were in our gameplan.

Where would you begin and when do you start?  I’ll be sharing some answers in upcoming columns.

But imagine this: What would you attempt to do in life if you knew it were impossible to fail?  (Read Philippians 4:13)

Until next time – Be Blessed and be engaged.

Kevin Rice: Liberal hypocrisy rampant on gun control

5 Dec

kevin rice

“Liberals insist we disarm ourselves and rely upon government to keep us safe; while simultaneously advocating for and enacting policies which make the world a more dangerous place to live.” David Risselada

2nd amendment

There have been a number of instances where the federal government have failed to secure their own firearms. This summer a stolen federal agent’s gun was used by an illegal alien Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez to murder and American citizen, Kathryn Steinle on a California pier in front of her father. On September 29, 2015, 27 year old Antonio Ramos from Oakland was shot and killed by 20 year old Marquise Holloway using a stolen gun from an Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent. This gun had been stolen from the sanctuary city of San Francisco by Sean Gibson during a car burglary.

An article from Crime/ Law and Order states that “Federal agents and police lose track of their gun all the time.” The article goes on to indicate that UC Berkeley Police Chief, Secret Service agents, FBI agents, and DEA agents have all left their guns in cars and had them stolen. 250 guns a year are lost by federal agents every year, according to a GAO report. Not to mention the dozen guns a year lost by the ATF who is task with preventing illegal gun trafficking. The Blog page does not contain enough space to even begin to talk about the “Fast and Furious” ATF gunwalking scandal .

With all the training and regulation that the federal and local law enforcement receive you would think they would be able to keep better track of their guns. But they want to keep track of our guns for us. What an absurd idea?

We hand over to them our tax money and they cannot keep track of it. That has to be the explanation for the trillions of dollars of federal debt. A bunch of governmental accountants cannot do the math required to balance a check book. “We will bring in about $3.25 trillion so lest spend @3.5 trillion.” Do the math it doesn’t work.

So let them take our guns put them in a database. I know the US government has the best cybersecurity in the world. No one will ever hack the national gun database to find out where the US government is keeping all the confiscated firearms or which citizen are legally allowed to own a gun. No one have every hacked a federal computer system and stolen social security numbers or stolen someone’s identity and used it to receive someone else’s federal tax refund.

So let us turn our guns over to the liberals. Let them create a federal database for all firearms owned or resident within the borders of USA. Let them place our firearms under Federal protective custody where we must check them out to use them for governmental approved recreational activities.

I can just imagine where this could end up. I can read the breaking news article now.

“Legal gun owner killed by his own firearm: John Doe murder used Mr. Legal Gunn owner’s stolen identity to check the gun out of the federal gun storage bank. John Doe then robbed the Piggly Wiggle on his way to Mr. Gun’s home where he broke into the house to steal Mr. Gunn’s single box of federally registered ammunition.”

The liberals would just use this as another case for removing any gun ownership. But what of the law enforcement officers and their guns. In a society of strict gun control where citizens cannot arm themselves and must rely on law enforcement for protection. Where criminals have access to two available sources of guns, those purchased on the black market and those freely available from the federal government left in the cars of law enforcement. What is the average law abiding citizen to do?

If the liberals want to impose gun control they need to start in their own house. If they cannot keep track of their own guns take them away and give them to the law abiding American public. If the liberals want gun control they need to learn to control their own guns not ours. I am not aware of the statistics and they may or may not exist. But I am sure if you calculated the number of legally owned guns stolen from gun owners per capita compared to the number of Federal agent guns stolen per capita the difference would be astounding.

So to all you liberals out there. You can’t take my guns just because you lost yours.

Mark Caserta: Common Core is nationalized education and frustrating our children.

16 Apr

Heart-wrenching Viral Photo Of Frustrated Little Girl Shows What Common Core Does To Children

common core acommon core 2

It’s time for this failed liberal experiment to END!


Free State Patriot Editor, Mark Caserta

Apr. 16, 2015 @ 12:01 AM

Abe Lincoln once said, “The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.”

Truer words were never spoken. For years progressives have sought ways to infiltrate the classroom at an early age to begin the indoctrination of liberalism. Their methodology has been to sow seeds of discontent with current standards while proposing a “progressive” alternative. Typically, this liberal solution involves more government control and fewer individual rights.

For those less informed, the Common Core State Standards Initiative appears to be the result of years of exhaustive and collaborative effort aimed at raising the achievement levels of students across the country.

common core 2

But for those focused on reality, Common Core is a premeditated, liberal attack on states’ and parents’ rights to control local education. All across America, concerned parents and students are refusing to participate in new tests aligned with the Common Core state standards.

“The explosive growth of the opt-out movement has been one extremely encouraging development in a sea of bad news when it comes to government education in the United States,” said Alex Newman, international journalist and educator, in a World Net Daily interview. “As more and more parents and teachers realize what is going on with Common Core, I expect this movement to continue growing by leaps and bounds.”

Newman, who co-authored the book, “Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children,” views Common Core as profound government overreach into our lives.

“There is no doubt that this Obama scheme to nationalize education is designed not to educate children properly, but to shape their minds with propaganda and reduce their critical thinking abilities for nefarious purposes,” Newman said.

And indeed, this apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Common Core standards stem from a 2008 task force created by then Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano (Barack Obama’s Secretary of Homeland Security from 2009-2013) as a result of her apparent dissatisfaction with the U.S. school system’s ability to “adequately prepare” students for entering the workforce. Napolitano’s group of governors and recognized “experts” in higher education prepared a report that would eventually serve as the building blocks for Common Core.

Now the curricula issues and potential unintended consequences tied to Common Core are so vast, it would be impossible to adequately address them in this venue. But this attempted liberal coup on public education is apparent.

Common Core, as defined on its website, is a “set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy which defines what students should know and be able to do each grade.” The entire Common Core conception narrows the purpose of public education to “college and career readiness” and excludes the foundational principles our state constitutions give for establishing an educational system led by parents and local educators.

Clearly, this proposed set of standards is an attempt by progressives to control states’ and parents’ rights where educating our children is concerned. Liberals simply want a greater presence in the classroom.

Common Core grants them that presence.

Mark Caserta is a conservative blogger, a Cabell County resident and a regular contributor to The Herald-Dispatch editorial page.