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Mark Caserta: DOJ should consider some factual Russian collusion

9 Dec


Mark Caserta:  Free State Patriot editor

December, 8, 2017




For nearly a year, liberals have been frantically attempting to delegitimize the presidency of Donald J. Trump by asserting American voters somehow fell victim to the influence of “evil” Russians who wanted Trump to win and Hillary to lose.

It lacks credulity at face value! Whose ideology aligns more closely with Vladimir Putin, the socialist rationale of Hillary or the capitalist conviction of Trump?

To date, liberal Democrats have failed to produce any evidence that even a single vote was fraudulently impacted by the Russians. And special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into this progressive pipe dream has cost taxpayers over $5 million thus far, per a report by Pierre Thomas of ABC News.

Liberals are repulsed by President Trump because he’s committed to negating the failed policies of the previous administration. Unlike his predecessor, he lacks the willingness to appease his enemies or apologize for his country. His performance isn’t a factor in moving the liberal “hate-ometer.” He could perform superbly for Americans, and progressives would still hate him.

Frankly, the futility of the fight makes one wonder about the patriotism of a faction of people willing to vigorously pursue the demise of an individual and possibly themselves over the success of their nation. Once again, I’m reminded of those famous final words of Captain Ahab in Herman Melville’s “Moby-Dick”:

“Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.”

The emotional, nonsensical nature of this quote just seems befitting of progressives.

Factually, when one considers how liberals have turned a blind eye to verifiable acts of Russian collusion by their peers, it makes the accusations against Trump laughable. For posterity’s sake, let’s reverse roles in some of the liberal-Russian interactions over the past few years.

Imagine, for a moment, the mainstream media’s reaction to a “hot mic” inadvertently picking up President Trump’s conversation with outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev relaying that Vladimir Putin should “give him more space” and that after his re-election Trump would have “more flexibility,” as happened with President Obama.

Suppose President Trump gave Russia control of approximately 20 percent of U.S. uranium capacity and in turn received $2.35 million in donations to the Donald J. Trump Foundation, as happened with Obama and the Clinton Foundation. And supplemental to the deal, the FBI gathered evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaging in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering inside the U.S. as reported by The New York Times.

And suppose, germane to the Uranium One deal, Melania Trump delivered a speech to a Russian bank, promoting Uranium One stock and received $500,000, as happened with Bill Clinton.

Liberals would be calling for Trump’s immediate removal from office and subsequent prosecution for treason.

I’m convinced liberal allegations against Trump were a premeditated diversion from the real Russian collusion that transpired under the Obama administration.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions should launch an immediate counter-investigation.

Mark Caserta is a conservative blogger, a Cabell County resident and a regular contributor to The Herald-Dispatch editorial page.