Tag Archives: DEMOCRATS

Mark Caserta: Democrats forsook “Democracy” long ago.

16 Nov

nancy and adam

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congressmen Adam Schiff (both D-CA)


Mark Caserta is an opinion columnist and Editor for Free State Patriot

November 16, 2019


Call it a “pet peeve”. Call it a “bete noire”. Call it what you will.  But stop calling it the “Democratic Party.”

It isn’t.

Political pundits need to stop referencing the party of Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff as the “Democratic” party. It’s not the Democratic party! Left-leaning Democrats forsook democracy years ago in their pursuit of bigger and more powerful government. They are the “Democrat” party.

In retrospect, I suppose there are other applicable names, though.

It would be perfectly acceptable to call them the “denial” party. They simply refuse to believe Donald Trump legitimately defeated and ultimately humiliated them in the 2016 presidential election. They lie in bed at night hoping it was all bad nightmare. And they awaken each morning to find out it was! Just for them!

You could even call them the “futility” party. Since the election of President Trump, and even after taking back the House of Representatives in 2018, they’ve set aside their representation of the American people in lieu of solely focusing on crippling the presidency and the most effective world leader in my lifetime.

You may just want to call them the “bogus investigation” party. In their “service”, since the election of Donald Trump, if there wasn’t something legitimate to investigate, they just created something! And then they spend millions of your tax dollars on their pipe dream! They must really think the American voters are ignorant!

One title that certainly fits could be the “charlatan” party. I’ve never seen a group of individuals, not to mention “elected” officials, who lie so much, yet are continually protected by the liberal media. The truth will never stand in the way of our current group of liberal politicians. It simply doesn’t factor into their progressive equation, nor is it relevant to their mission of crushing Donald Trump.

How about the “treasonous” party? The subversive agenda of these self-serving politicians is as unpatriotic as it comes. They absolutely hate Donald Trump and conservatism more than they love the United States or its citizens. Can someone say, “political domestic terrorists”?

The “hypocrite” party fits nicely! Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff decided to investigate a Trump phone call with a Ukrainian leader, citing a threat to withhold military aid unless the country investigated Joe Biden’s nefarious dealings with the Ukraine. The decision to investigate Trump, rather than investigate then Vice President Biden’s “admitted” threat to withhold millions of dollars of aid to the nation unless they fired the prosecutor investigating his son, Hunter, for collusion, is the epitome of hypocrisy. The real kicker is the Ukrainian leader denied he felt pressured and received the military aid! Facts be damned, we’ll get Trump!

“Progressive” party is certainly a title apropos to their agenda and is analogous the “communist” party. They are even running a presidential bid on socialist tenets! The term, “progressive” to Democrats means “anything goes”! Abortion should be without limits and upon demand. The government knows better how to spend your tax dollars than you do. Fossil fuels are destroying our planet, with the exception of the fuel used in their jets or SUVs. There is no such thing as “illegal immigration.” We are one big happy family which should be willing to “take from those who have” and give to “those who have not”. Anything less is homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic or “Christianophobic”.

It’s very sad that a few liberal leaders have diminished the party of John F. Kennedy into something unrecognizable. Factually, they’ve evolved into something quite “less” than American. Yet we continue to condone their behavior!

Frankly, many Americans are spending way too little time defending and supporting President Trump, who is simply fulfilling the promises upon which he was elected.  He is so far outside mainstream politics as we know it, neither the liberal media or Democrats can fathom how to deal with him.

Fulfilling promises and employing integrity commensurate with their elected office simply isn’t in the Democrats self-imposed job description.

The “Democrat” party, sadly,  has become the antithesis of Democracy and enemies of the Republic.




Doug Smith: “General principle” insufficient in impeachment probe

16 Nov

trump leaving for camp david

doug at wvhu

Doug Smith is an opinion columnist, historian and Associate editor for Free State Patriot

November 16, 2019


I learned the specific application of a general principle in the Navy. The specific application was “Anything which is everyone’s job is nobody’s job. The general principle is anything which is too widely, or universally applied becomes meaningless, since it does not specify any thing.

One example in practice is me and my fellow Republicans. Each time we disagree with Leftists, on anything, we are racists, sexists, bigots, and homophobes. Now, I’m willing to accept the premise that among the universe of Republicans, there may be people who are one or some combination of those things. But the words are now meaningless, because they are thrown around as an indictment for anything the Left disagrees with, and not for the real meanings or actions behind the words. So, because it means anything, it means nothing when a “Leftist” calls us one of these names.

To bring the general principle to another specific case in point, let us consider the case for impeachment of Donald Trump. The Left, of course, made the point that he was not qualified to be President during the campaign. Fair enough. That is how politics is played. ( Note for a future article: the point may be made that his opponent, Hillary Clinton, is not qualified to hold any position of public trust, including dog catcher in Little Rock) But, here we differ from the normal, because as soon as it became apparent that Trump would win, the argument became one of get him at any cost. For any reason. He must be impeached, the reasoning went, because we think he is unfit (and by extension, so are all of you who voted for him) and therefore, ought to be impeached. Not, mind you, because he committed high crimes and misdemeanors in office, but because we do not like him. Our opinion of his qualifications, his manners, his speech, his “pink monkey” outsider status, is enough that he “deserves” to be impeached. So now all we need is a reason, or an excuse.

So “deserves to be impeached”, or impeachable offense, has becomes so general as to be meaningless. Everything the Left, or the Never Trump Elitist so called Conservatives, disapproves of, disagrees with, or dislikes about Donald Trump becomes the latest smoking gun, bombshell, reason, excuse to remove him.  And they all become so universal as to become meaningless. Worthless. Impeachment itself, has become a meaningless political exercise, and excuse for soft coups to change governments. It has been used over and over, and we should remember, has never been successful. I suspect it never will.

But the greatest offense of the Left, (again, Never Trumpers on the Right? A whole different article.) is the assault on language, and ultimately, the Constitution. The protection of impeachment against a truly egregious POTUS is evaporated. No one takes it seriously as anything other than sour grapes. And no one takes seriously the latest avocado. Huh? Means as much as bombshell, and I like avocados. And no one who is not consumed with Trump Derangement Syndrome misses the fact that without reason, or with excuse after excuse which has evaporated, the Democrats are into a political process, impeachment, which will fail, in the hopes of skewing the outcome of the next election, which they surmise they will also lose to Donald Trump.

And so, they should.

Free State Patriot: Will Democrats return to the tactics of bullying and intimidation?

5 Mar

wv capitol

State Capitol Building. Designed by renowned architect Cass Gilbert, the West Virginia State Capitol sits along the Kanawha River in Charleston.

doug mark

By Doug Smith and Mark Caserta of Free State Patriot

March 3, 2019


Is there some sort of “rite of passage” that occurs following the election of politicians which converts them into spineless “representatives” of the people, unable to see beyond winning their next election?

Now, I know some well-meaning politicians, (not many) who attempt to stay focused on their campaign promises and work diligently toward delivering for their constituents.

Contrary to the liberal media, Donald J. Trump is one of them. His “archaic” approach to living up to one’s pledges and working hard for those who elected him to office, has certainly becoming a “pipe dream” for voters in today’s modern era.

But liberal Democrats are the very worst.

Positioned as the predominate party in the state of West Virginia since the early 1930’s, their reign helped perpetually cripple our state and move us to the cellar in nearly every metric regarding jobs, the economy, education, you name it, West Virginia falls on the lower side of the grading curve.

In many regards, progressive Democrats were arguably successful in their mission in our state. Their ideology of capturing the poor and uneducated in their liberal nets of government sustenance has provided them a predictable voter base year after year.

And they did it all in the interest of “compassion” and “benevolence”. Hogwash!

They did it for power.

Liberal Democrats live by the old proverb which says, “If you want to go fast – go alone. If you want to go far – go together”. They’ve adhered to that philosophy for decades.

They don’t go it alone, and they don’t eat their own!

In the face of battle or controversy, they circle the wagons and unload everything in their arsenal to protect their progressive, self-centered ideology of fabricated compassion for the “downtrodden” and “disenfranchised” among us.

It’s the equivalent of liberals keeping West Virginians “barefoot and pregnant” and in the kitchen and bedroom where they belong.

And don’t worry, you can abort your baby more easily than buying cold medication. And true to form, Democrats will keep the food stamps coming – just don’t get a job and become self-sufficient or they’ll drop you faster than The Ten Commandments on the courthouse lawn!

Just remember to vote for the hand that feeds you.

Republicans in Washington just aren’t that smart. I’ve can’t recall seeing such a group of feckless politicians wavering in the winds of discontent, like those on Capitol Hill.

It’s as though the ability to wield power on behalf of their constituents is an incomprehensible concept to them!

They flounder worse than Barack Obama not speaking from a teleprompter!

And believe me when I tell you Democrats are smiling on the sidelines, watching the GOP implode. Right now, the dissention among Republicans in Washington, is simply a gift to the Democrats, who remain cohesive, even in their reckless abandon.

Speaking of a gift of dissension, Republicans offered up a huge one last week at our State Capitol.

What the liberal media called an “anti-Muslim” display, resulted in a legislative aide seeking medical attention, another resigning and an “out of control” House Democrat kicking a door open to the House Chamber during prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Dems are so gracious in their approach.

Reportedly, a poster with an image of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, set off a firestorm, angering House Minority Whip Mike Caputo, D-Marion, to forcefully enter the chamber, injuring an aide.

Of course, the liberal media, ever on the attack of conservatives, escalated the news to a national forefront, predictably portraying the GOP as racist Islamophobes and Democrats as “Knights in shining armor”.

“I’m the one who kicked the door open,” Caputo said. “That’s how angry I was. I went over to that poster and I said it was a racist poster … . Yeah I kicked that door open; I’ll own it.”

I can’t help but wonder if Caputo would have forced the door open with the same reckless anger if it were an anti-Christian poster on the other side? Apparently, He and his liberal colleagues put on quite the show for the media.

But here’s the fly in the buttermilk.

Rather than members of the GOP presenting a united front and posturing offensively, they apparently chose to cower in the shadows, fearing retribution of the mainstream media.

Understand, this tactic of bullying and intimidation isn’t a new stratagem for the left.

Throughout the 1840’s and forward, Southern Democrats in the Congress increasingly used bullying tactics, threats, intimidation, and even physical violence to stifle debate, limit amendments, and shut down any attempts at limiting or threatening their current “sacred cow”: Slavery.

Northerners were increasingly incensed at the Southern Democrats bullying tactics, feeling that it robbed them of representation in the Congress, and gave Southerners a double advantage, in that they already had representation for their slaves, who could not vote, under the 3/5 Compromise. Northerners in Congress often stayed silent for fear of being challenged to a duel, or direct violence.

Indeed, in the 30 years prior to the Civil War, there were over 70 cases of direct violence between members of Congress.

Sound familiar? Is history doomed to repeat itself, beginning in the state of West Virginia?

The nation already suspects the Mountain State is filled with uneducated hillbillies, who cling to their “God” and “Guns”. Are we now revealing our true, racist colors?

No wonder these mountain people voted for their hero, Donald Trump!

Caputo and his liberal minions did absolutely nothing but embarrass themselves, our great state and the Democrat Party with this shameless display of workplace violence.

But, isn’t workplace violence grounds for termination?

You see, we understand Democrats not having a moral compass. We expect that. It’s not prerequisite to their platform. They will make whatever change is necessary to remain in power, even if it means re-writing or re-living history.

But if Republicans don’t learn how to control their majority status and leverage it to legislate on behalf of the people, it won’t be long before we hand this state, “lock, stock and barrel”, back to the Democrats.

Free State Patriot has nothing but respect for our local, Cabell County GOP management. We know them to be God-fearing, trustworthy individuals. They are true conservatives. We need more like them on the field of play.

But we must unite as a party, with a singular goal of delivering to our constituents. We will never be able to stand successfully against the Democrat machine otherwise.

The GOP must learn how to present a unified message with consistency. Only then can we effectively evaluate the need, plan the action and manage the results for the American people.

Let’s begin our own “progressive” approach to rebuilding the conservative foundation in West Virginia.

Let’s learn from history – not relive it.




Doug Smith: Pity the Liberal

14 Sep

doug smith

Doug Smith is an author, historian and regular contributor to Free State Patriot.


Pity the modern liberal. He, no, sorry, she, no wait we can’t use gender centric language. Well, She-it. Ok, She-It has to defend some pretty difficult positions.

To be a Liberal Democrat (henceforth LD), you must argue your Bills carefully. Clinton’s abusive treatment of women is excused, and he is an advocate of women’s rights because he “feels their pain” (and supports abortion.) Cosby’s behaviors toward women are not excused, because his positions are at odds with the Liberal dogma.

bill cosby bill clinton

But pity the poor liberal, who must defend Willy and condemn Cos for the same moral failings. While we are at it, we must accept Hillary as an advocate for women, despite paying women on her staff less than men, and acting as the attack dog on women who were objects of Bill’s predilections. All for the good of the cause. Pepto Bismol, anyone?

The LD must defend Planned Parenthood, because it is the sacrament of the religion of liberalism. Sheit must defend it as a “Women’s Health” organization helping with Breast Cancer, ignoring that is does no such thing, and attacks another organization which does so for withholding money. Extortion, anyone? Vito Corleone would be proud. LD s must defend PP for “keeping women out of back alleys, and in the hands of butchers, while ignoring and defending unsafe clinics and abortionists who do indeed, even in the 21st Century of Roe V Wade, maim and kill women with impunity. No criticism or attack can be tolerated. Hence, the LD has to somehow defend an abortionist cutting through the face of a living baby to remove his brain. He is, apparently, a blob of tissue, until he can be enrolled in a LD approved, state sponsored Head Start program. Wow. Pepto?

planned parenthood 2 planned parenthood

The LD must turn hits (in Appalachia that is proper grammar. For the gender confused LD it is an amalgam of his her its, and one more reason to reach for the Pepto) logic inside out to insist that Obamacare, which is on the approved list, is the “law of the Land” and must be obey, nay, praised, Nay Worshipped!, but yet Barack Obama can unlawfully alter it dozens of times, fail to implement troublesome parts, and that is an acceptable heresy.

The LD must revere, rightly so, the work and dream of Martin Luther King, yet at the same time eschew criticism of Barack Obama’s failings, and his reversals of the gains won by MLK based not on the content of his character, but on the color of his skin. For no criticism of Obama is accepted and debated, rather, the critic is loudly labeled a racist for his disagreements. Pity the LD, and pass hit the Pepto. MLK must come to Sheit in hits dreams and thunder “Were you not listening?”

Pity the LD, who, supporting the law, turns on law enforcement; who, supporting black lives, must be blind to hundreds killed the right way; who, ( oh my poor aching belly, ) must condemn every shot fired at a black criminal, and, by silence, condone every killing by a black criminal, whether of a white or ( most frequently,) another black. Sheit must condemn blacks who say “We have got to stop killing each other”, and put the blame on, who? Sheit must check with Josh Earnest to see who is at fault this week for the 2000 shootings and 350 murders so far this year in Chicago. Sheit must suspend common sense, and the evidence of hits eyes. Pepto?

mike brown 2 mike brown

The LD must be ok with the lawlessness of ignoring property rights, and rewarding the UAW over bondholders in GM, by Obama, not by, as 100 years of precedent dictates, by a judge, and publicly deriding investors who protest getting pennies on the dollar as greedy, while rewarding the greed of UAW contracts with a company in default. Sheit must be ok with suspending the law, and committing robbery on private individuals, to reward the friends of a corrupt politician. It’s the pink bottle, right there in the front of the fridge.

false 3 false 2

In short, Sheit must be ok with suspending common sense and the law when it serves “the greater purpose.”

Yet, there is a problem with that suspension of conscience. As Robert Bolt has Sir Thomas More state it in “A Man for All Seasons”,

“And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned round on you—where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws from coast to coast—man’s laws, not God’s—and if you cut them down—and you’re just the man to do it—do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then?    Yes, I give the Devil benefit of law for my own safety’s sake. “


And there is, perhaps, the crux of the problem. The LD sees the law as a hindrance to do what Sheit wishes, instead of the protection against the worst urges and greed of barbarians, bandits, and tyrants.

And it is not working for her. Him. It.

Well, Sheit! Pepto?

Big review set by Democrats after election losses

9 Nov

By KEN THOMAS Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats are planning an extensive review of what went wrong in the 2014 and 2010 elections, hoping to find ways to translate success in presidential campaigns into future midterm contests.

A party committee will conduct a “top-to-bottom assessment” of the Democrats’ performance in recent midterm elections and try to determine why they have struggled to turn out its core voters in nonpresidential elections.

“It’s apparent that there are increasingly two separate electorates: a midterm electorate and a presidential electorate. We win one and we don’t seem to be able to win the other,” said Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who leads the Democratic National Committee, in an interview Saturday. “That is a fundamental dynamic that we have to change.”


Democrats suffered heavy losses in last week’s elections, ceding Senate control to the Republicans and surrendering more seats in the already GOP-majority House as Republicans ran against an unpopular President Barack Obama.

Republicans picked up governor’s offices in a number of Democratic-leaning states like Massachusetts, Maryland and Illinois and strengthened their grip on state legislatures.

Democrats have been successful in turning out an Obama-led coalition of minorities, women and young voters in presidential elections, but have struggled in midterm races when turnout is lower and the electorate tends to be older and whiter, favoring Republicans.

Wasserman Schultz said the new committee, whose membership will be announced in the coming weeks, will look at the party’s tactics, messaging, get-out-the-vote operations and digital efforts in recent nonpresidential elections. The group plans to report back in February at the DNC’s winter meeting.

Republican National Committee spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski said last week’s elections underscored GOP momentum.

“When Republicans came to the table and played their game, they lost and that’s a problem,” Kukowski said. “We have said from the beginning that Obama 2012 wasn’t the standard for us. The midterms showed that and we are going to keep building on our successes.”

The DNC’s postelection review has parallels to a postmortem that Republicans conducted after Mitt Romney was defeated by Obama in the 2012 presidential election.

The report urged Republicans to shift its focus to year-round, on-the-ground political organizing in the states and recommended that the GOP embrace a comprehensive immigration overhaul. That recommendation quickly hit resistance from congressional Republicans who rely on primary voters who oppose creating a path to citizenship for immigrants living illegally in the U.S.

“Our party has a problem,” Wasserman Schultz said in a video announcing the project. “We know we’re right on the issues. The American people believe in the causes we’re fighting for. But the electoral success we have when our presidential nominee is able to make a case to the country as a whole, doesn’t translate in other elections. That’s why we lost in 2010, and it’s why we lost on Tuesday.”

Wasserman Schultz said she discussed the need for a review with Obama on election night and both agreed on the need to move forward. She also spoke about her plans Saturday with Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California and Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the party’s leaders in Congress.

“We need to understand everything that went wrong so that we can address all the potential problems and prepare for future elections,” she said.


Trouble Looms for Obama, Democrats with Election Day 2014 Approaching

15 Oct

three amigos

By Gary Langer

Oct 15, 2014 7:01am

(Evan Vucci/AP Photo | Danny Johnston/AP Photo | Melinda Deslatte/AP Photo)

Barack Obama and his political party are heading into the midterm elections in trouble. The president’s 40 percent job approval rating in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll is the lowest of his career – and the Democratic Party’s popularity is its weakest in polling back 30 years, with more than half of Americans seeing the party unfavorably for the first time.

The Republican Party is even more unpopular. But benefitting from their supporters’ greater likelihood of voting, GOP candidates nonetheless hold a 50-43 percent lead among likely voters for U.S. House seats in the Nov. 4 election.

See PDF with full results, charts and tables here.

These and other results are informed by an array of public concerns on issues from the economy to international terrorism to the Ebola virus, crashing into a long-running crisis of confidence in the nation’s political leadership. Almost two-thirds say the country is headed seriously off on the wrong track. Even more, three-quarters, are dissatisfied with the way the political system is working.

Scorn is widely cast: Among those who are dissatisfied with the political system, two-thirds say both sides are equally to blame, with the rest dividing evenly between Obama and his party, vs. the Republicans in Congress, as the chief culprits. But as a nearly six-year incumbent president, Obama – and by extension his party – are most at risk.

pelosi, obama, reid

Beyond his overall rating, Obama is at career lows in approval for his handling of immigration, international affairs and terrorism (long his best issue) in this poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates. Approval of his handling of the conflict with Islamic State insurgents in Iraq and Syria has plummeted by percentage 15 points in the last two weeks, amid questions about the progress of the air campaign now under way.

Further, while Obama’s negative rating on handling the economy has eased, more Americans say they’ve gotten worse off rather than better off under his presidency; the plurality is “about the same” financially, for most not a happy outcome. Even with the recovery to date, 77 percent are worried about the economy’s future, and 57 percent say the country has been experiencing a long-term decline in living standards – all grim assessments as Election Day looms.

economy chart