Tag Archives: LIBERALISM

Mark Caserta: Wondering why our nation is upside-down. Here’s the answer!

3 Jan

Mark Caserta has been an opinion columnist for 22 years and is editor for Free State Patriot

January 3, 2023

Have you ever wondered how our nation got so upside-down?  Well, it didn’t happen overnight.

And that’s what made it possible.

The most concerning dynamic in this dilemma is we have a nation comprised of a generation (or two) which frankly have never experienced the beauty and success of government of the people, by the people and for the people.  They have no frame of reference to understand a viable, flourishing Democracy.  And we’ve allowed it to happen.

The only reference they have is what they’ve been exposed to in their lifetime. And sadly, Christian conservatives haven’t been as fervent and determined in the fight.  Don’t get mad at me.  It’s the truth.

 But it’s time we at least begin educating anyone who will listen to the reality that our nation is being destroyed by individuals who are willing to sacrifice our nation’s constitutional core to gain power.

It’s called the progressive movement and is driven by progressive, far left liberals.

In short, progressive liberalism is the perpetual attempt to undermine every pre-conceived notion of right and wrong. Values, principles or morality are predefined standards of behavior and have no place in the progressive vocabulary or playbook.

Liberalism is an ideology (Some say religion) that perverts and confounds every fact and precedent heretofore accepted as the norm.  It leverages the process of “desensitization”, or the constant exposure to standards outside the norm in a relentless fashion.

Morality, if even considered, is on a sliding scale, variable to one’s passion and personal belief system.

For example, In the 1970’s one had to visit what was termed an “X-rated” theater to see many of the behaviors or hear some of the language to which we are now exposed on television – in prime time!  Constant exposure is integral to the desensitization process.  You get “used” to hearing or seeing it and it becomes less offensive in nature and more readily accepted as the norm. 

Another example would be abortion.  When Roe v. Wade was initially passed in 1973, it was done so with conditions involving the viability of the baby and the health of the mother. Now, abortions are performed with very few limitations, the least of which is the viability of the baby!

It may be simpler now to get an abortion, than it is to get a root canal.  The murder of millions a babies every year isn’t even addressed by some politicians anymore.

I’m on a roll, so here’s another example. 

Politicians used to hide their socialist tendencies. Now they run campaigns on them!  Did you ever think you would see a day when U.S. politicians would openly run on socialist platforms and expect people to buy in?  But over the years, the government has forced more and more people into government dependency, hence socialism sprouts from the seeds of addiction to government.  

Campaigning on the premise “we will make your wildest dreams come true” has become the liberal Democrat mantra!  It’s no longer restricted to Pedro’s campaign promise in Napoleon Dynamite, “If you vote for me, all your wildest dreams will come true.”  Democrats have genuinely embraced that platform!

These current quandaries represent only a fraction of the present liberal state and are the result of individuals persistently applying pressure to expose the nation to more and more behaviors previously considered inappropriate.

 This liberal attack is also omnidirectional, in nature.  The tentacles of progressivism are regularly employed by corrupt politicians and right-wing media outlets who are espoused to the left and pledged to serve and protect this ideology. 

 Liberalism defiantly asks the question, “Who are you to define the norm?”  And any person attempting to define “normal” behavior in society is accused of being racist, a bigot, or homophobe, and is obviously filled with hatred.

 It’s the progressive theory of, “morality + conviction + common sense = discrimination”. 

Consider a pre-meditated plan for creating a sociological environment where children, as young as elementary age, are exposed to extreme violence, sex, foul language, gender “choices” and anti-capitalistic content in the classroom.  What if this methodology was employed years ago at a point in history where it would produce a generation or generations indoctrinated and desensitized to aberrations of these behaviors?

Do you know what we would have?  Of course, you do!  You’re living in it! Progressives had a plan to create a generation of followers and they’ve executed it perfectly!

Folks, this is progressive liberalism 101!  Liberals began infiltrating the classroom and brain-washing your children under your very noses! 

Why do you think liberal politicians have been profoundly against private schools and homeschooling?  They can’t control the content!  They can’t re-write history in their favor.  Progressives would never allow a good classical education to stand in the way of progressivism!

Liberalism can only be promoted in a world replete with historical revisions and lies!  It’s never worked and never will!

Remember, Progressive liberals and government hate anything or anyone they can’t control.  And their agenda involves controlling everything – including you and your family!

Abe Lincoln said, “The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” 

Apparently, liberals were listening, while many of us were not. The fact is, Liberals work harder, are more united and more determined than conservatives. 

And we have got to change that!

Haven’t you ever wondered why the Bible and its principles have become so terrifying to liberals?  It’s simply because Biblical principles are the antithesis of liberal principles.

Even though our nation was built upon Biblical standards which can be found throughout all of our historical documents, progressives would be stopped dead in their tracks if “people who are called by His (God’s) name will humble themselves, seek Him in prayer and turn from their wicked ways”.  The Bible says, “God would forgive our sins and heal our land”.

But this “healing” calls for repentance.  Liberal progressives feel that they are gods within themselves and have nothing for which to repent.  Hence the prerequisite of eliminating God’s Word in every venue in our nation – especially the schools!

The Bible is God’s law and liberals don’t want law defined for them, by anyone – even God.  The Bible isn’t “inclusive” enough to suit their inclusive agenda, which ironically includes everyone except those who disagree!

The Bible offers a narrow gate passable only by the penitent.  Liberal progressives don’t want gates, walls, fences, borders or anything that holds them to a behavioral standard.  Their job is to question and redefine the standards – all of them!

So, now that you understand liberal progressivism, what are you going to do differently to prevent its advancement in society?

Whatever you do, don’t expect things to change rapidly.  We must be as fervent and as patient as liberals were in our gameplan.

Where would you begin and when do you start?  I’ll be sharing some answers in upcoming columns.

But imagine this: What would you attempt to do in life if you knew it were impossible to fail?  (Read Philippians 4:13)

Until next time – Be Blessed and be engaged.

Mark Caserta: It’s time to “Drain the Swamp” in Huntington, WV.

17 Jan

huntington old - new


Mark Caserta is an opinion columnist and editor at Free State Patriot

January 17, 2020


Don’t be mistaken. While the mainstream media focuses on what they call “the impeachment of Donald J. Trump,” it’s nothing of the sort.

This is an attempt by liberal Democrats to negate the 2016 presidential election and essentially void the representation our forefathers set in place, known as a Republic.

Understand, Democrats just didn’t envision the impeachment of President Trump over the past couple of years. It began when he descended the escalator in Trump Tower and announced his candidacy for President of the United States.

I’m not making too broad of a characterization when I submit that liberal Democrats have become vile and despicable purveyors of ignorance. Their willingness to return the U.S. to the days of failing presidential policies, acutely declining economy and appeasing our enemies, both foreign and domestic simply to defeat and disparage Donald Trump, is nothing less than treasonous.

Our country is experiencing a miraculous restoration that defies any conservative expectation! Unemployment is at an all-time low for every single demographic. The labor participation rate is the highest it’s been in years. The economy is thriving. Trade deficits with countries like China have been balanced. Our enemies fear us while our allies, once again, respect and trust us!

In just a little over 3 years, with incredible fortitude and leadership, President Trump has essentially negated the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. And he’s doing it with conservative ideology and Biblically sound principles.

And liberals hate him for it! If Obama had experienced 1/10th the success in his 8 feckless years as president, He would have been hailed as the greatest president in history by Democrats! The hypocrisy is sickening!

Now, let’s bring this down to its smallest common denominator. Let’s bring it to Huntington, WV.

It’s been said, “all politics are local.” We have a city administration that aligns “unfavorably” with conservatism. Their inability to manage the city of Huntington has adversely impacted many people. And since they haven’t a clue as to how to bring in industry, create jobs or clean up our city, they are attempting to build an economic model on drug rehabilitation.

And trust me when I tell you, there are people profiting by attracting and at times, “delivering” addicts within our city limits for drug treatment. Our city, for all intents and purposes, has become a sanctuary for addiction.

Albeit at a different level, these policies couldn’t be more devastatingly liberal and perversely progressive.

If our city leaders worked as hard creating an environment conducive to industry and manufacturing as they do for becoming an addiction sanctuary, we’d be a very different city. The self-serving nature of our mayor and his minions is eroding the very foundation of this once great city.

Just as our nation needed a profoundly different type of leadership following the “fundamental change” of Barack Obama, the city of Huntington needs opposition leadership with the business acumen and intestinal fortitude to return our city to greatness.

Progressive ideology is destroying Huntington, just as it’s destroyed larger cities across the country. We don’t have to wait to see what it will do here. We’ve already witnessed the putrid, filthy lucre it establishes where it’s allowed to thrive. And once it’s allowed to “take root” it’s nearly impossible to expunge.

We need someone with a proven record of unwavering commitment to public servitude. Someone willing to make the unpopular decision, yet willing to always act in the best interest of the community. Someone willing to adhere to Godly values in decision-making.

And we need them now.

It’s very simple. We need to drain the swamp in Huntington, expose the deep state and begin replacing those politicians who couldn’t care less about a viable future for the citizens of Huntington and returning our city to wealth and prosperity.

We are tired of liberal politicians “peeing” down our leg and telling us it’s raining.

It’s time for us to give these people their walking papers.


Mark Caserta: Make no mistake! This year’s mayoral election is the most important in Huntington’s history.

24 Sep

Conservative Christians must get engaged and vote – or we will lose our city.

city of huntington


Mark Caserta is an opinion columnist and editor for Free State Patriot

May 14, 2020



In the city of Huntington, WV. we’ve allowed a minority of liberals to dictate the direction of our city. It’s time to draw the line in the sand. Progressives are rapidly converting our once, thriving community into the East coast hub for substance-abuse rehabilitation, crime and destitution.

Understand, this isn’t about compassion. Anyone with a heart cares about those bound by addiction, buried in poverty or impacted by crime. We are simply in deep disagreement as to how it should be addressed. And conservatives can certainly love people while not condoning their behavior.

This is in stark contrast to liberals, who have proven themselves incapable of this disciplined approach to life. They equate love with an unqualified acceptance of any lifestyle, regardless of the content. They prove it every time they lash out in disagreement immersed in hateful rhetoric.

I’m convinced the only way we are going to begin winning against the progressive movement is to do so at the local level. National change must begin with individual communities rising to the occasion and refusing to be overtaken by failing, enabling liberal policies.

So, are you ready to make a difference?

Several things must happen sequentially for our city to be returned to greatness. The first, arguably, is understanding the progressive movement and its modus operandi. It will be impossible to distinguish qualified leadership until we’re able to discern their heart and genuine intent. We must be able to hear beyond eloquent verbiage, which while “sweet to the ears”, is venomous to the body.

I’ve spent nearly two decades writing about the progressive movement and how it’s destroying our nation. And while it isn’t complicated, it is resilient. The progressive movement relies upon conservatives being either ignorant of the issues or disengaged from the solution. And frankly, they’ve been working diligently in the schools and in the media, to keep us that way.

And sadly, too often, we’ve accommodated them from the sidelines.

Liberals are in the business of creating controversy, very similar to how a pyromaniac starts a fire. First, they require some sort of accelerate to spark a flame. This is usually something by which they can trigger an emotional response by a segment of the population marinated in questionable behavior, usually outside of the Biblical values upon which our country was founded.

Once the flame of contention has been ignited, they are tenacious about “fanning the flame” by striving to be the voice heard above the fray. They understand that while many people in society lack engagement and knowledge about an issue, everyone has emotions. It’s the emotional response they seek to germinate in the soil of contrariety.

It’s a fact that people will respond more often to an emotional stimulation much more than to an intellectual one. Count on liberals to seize upon every opportunity to leverage “identity politics” to rally troops to the far left. They cannot win in the theater of ideas. Truth will never get in the way of a liberal.

Hence, the promulgation and success of the progressive movement.

There are timely examples of how liberals have used this technique. One example is how they’ve converted “illegal immigration” into an emotional issue about separating families at the border. Another would be how “abortion” is all about women’s health. Every time there is a shooting, liberals use emotions, rather than common sense, to suggest taking guns away from law abiding citizens will reduce gun crime. Still another would be how Christian conservatives “hate” the LGBTQ population simply because we don’t condone their behavior or give them additional “protected” status above and beyond the protections we are all allocated by the Constitution.

The list goes on and on.

Liberals have purchased and now “own” terms like “inclusion, acceptance or tolerance.” Sadly, with the complicity of the liberal media, Christian conservatives have allowed them to do so. With identity politics, they’ve also attempted to purchase African-Americans, woman, Hispanics, LGBTQ and illegal aliens.

The only segment of the population liberals have never been able to purchase is Christians.

The liberal infestation is never going to change on the national level, until states, cities and communities stand up against leaders hell-bent on inflicting their liberal policies at the local level.

I can’t think of a better city upon which to build this change than our own city of Huntington. We are better than this!

You may have noticed the recent recognition our city’s leadership has received because they are being portrayed at being at the “forefront” of the fight only against Opioid abuse, and now COVID 19.  Really???

It’s very troubling that anyone feels our administration deserves accolades for what they’ve done to the city of Huntington.  There has been zero accountability and an equal amount of transparency.

And while we keep doing the sames things over and over, and patting ourselves on the back about achieving different results; I submit the results we are achieving are intended.  Mayor Williams and his minions have accomplished everything on their bucket list.

Step outside your door and take off your blinders. Are things really getting better in the city of Huntington? Are their fewer drugs? Is there less crime? Are you making more money? Are you proud of your city? Anyone committed to intellectual honesty knows the answers.

Next steps? Turn the sound down on your television or be more discerning about what you hear. Use our local newspaper to line your bird cage. Begin relying on reliable sources for your information – but there aren’t many.

This upcoming mayoral election is arguably the most important election in our city’s history.  We are at a crossroads – one to further destruction – another to improvement.  You MUST do your homework and vote for the candidate who will be more concerned about our city than asserting and leveraging power over you.

And once you’ve gotten the facts, make sure your voice is heard above the fray. Be diligent, committed and then go to the polls!

Understand, if Christians don’t go to the polls this primary and general election, we will lose.  The progressive movement has been far too successful at indoctrinating a generation of voters who truly have no reference as to what our city or nation can be.

So, it’s up to those who do. We can make a difference, but it will take conservative Christians fulfilling what Christ has commissioned them to do.  Make a difference in this world!

Be resolute, be mindful and be engaged.

Then, go vote!


Mark Caserta: Don’t be fooled by policies of “inclusion” or “compassion”. It’s about power.

6 Jul

city of huntington


Mark Caserta is an opinion columnist and editor for Free State Patriot

July 6, 2019


Let’s be very clear about the “newly discovered” progressive policies of empathy and benevolence toward mankind which Democrats have made such an integral portion of their platform.

Can someone please say, “hogwash”!

Additionally, I hate it when I hear people refer to Democrats as the “Democratic” Party. They’ve become the antithesis of Democracy or “government by the people”! They should simply be called the “Democrat” Party! But I digress.

Liberals bank on the fact that way too many Americans are only marginally engaged with the fact versus fiction of politics. If educators and the media did their jobs in educating and reporting the truth, the Democrat Party would be forced into working in the best interest of their constituents.

But, those with their finger on the pulse of the “myocardial infarction” known as “broken government”, know all too well that’s very unlikely to happen.

While I abhor using terms hollow commentators often bandy about in unison like a flock of cawing seagulls by the seashore, I believe I must in this case.

Democrats are very fond of “weaponizing” emotions.

Unlike knowledge, which some people clearly lack, everyone, no matter their level of engagement, has emotions.

And not unlike the scheming, manipulative person who will work harder at playing with a person’s emotions than establishing a relationship based on fact, liberals cling to controversies in which they can solicit and emotional response in influencing the masses.

Illegal immigration is a perfect example of Democrats engendering emotion while subjugating the facts.

If you recall, liberal Democrats, like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer, swore to the American public President Trump’s “crisis at the border” was manufactured for political interest. All it took was a few principled journalists and representatives to visit the border and inundate the airwaves with such overwhelming “fact”, Democrats were forced into telling the truth. And even then, they denied their lack of integrity and action had anything to do with the mess they’ve created.

After having to finally admit there is, indeed, a crisis, as the president and border experts were saying, they now employ the “benevolence argument” that enforcement of the law and protecting the sovereignty of the U.S. is not being “compassionate”.

Liberal journalists are complicit in searching for photos of overstaffed facilities and fatal anomalies simply to claim “migrants” (not illegals) are being mistreated by the Trump administration.

These are not migrants! These people are committing crimes against the U.S. and against humanity. Yet, Democrats personify it in terms of, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

I wish we could add the word, “legally” in the inscription on the Statue of Liberty. But Democrats would have a mental breakdown.

I’m not sure which is worse, the despicable nature of the Democrat lies intended to maintain power or the treasonous manner in which they are intentionally damaging our country.

Liberal loons, like Democrat Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, fabricate stories about illegals being forced to “drink from toilets” at holding stations, knowing these type stories can never be substantiated.

Canards of this nature are simply designed for an emotional response. Facts be damned.

It’s all about power.

Just as in the state of California, where uncontrolled illegal immigration has resulted in such a leftist political environment, no conservative could ever hope to win a major election or push a conservative agenda – it’s all about getting votes and staying in power.

Understand, progressives pave a way to the ballot box for these folks, knowing they’ll never vote against the “hand that feeds them”, all at the taxpayer’s expense.

California lawmakers have already passed legislation to give illegal aliens a driver’s license.

You can’t make this stuff up.

Please understand, this methodology isn’t proprietary to Washington. The desire for power at the expense of those who would deny it, is a ravenous emotion.

Liberal fanaticism is saturating our great nation, including right here in our own city of Huntington, WV.

Our mayor’s policy of “inclusion”, just as illegal immigration, isn’t complicated. It’s about inciting an emotional reaction from marginally engaged individuals by insinuating the inhabitants of our city are racist, homophobic, xenophobes incapable of loving people whose lifestyle we may not condone. We therefore must pry “open” the heretofore “closed” doors to members of the LGBT community and their promiscuous lifestyles. This includes allowing them to read to our children and begin desensitizing them to the LGBT lifestyle at an early age.

I know I’m strange, but it reminds me of the 1963 hit by “The Roof Top Singers”:

“Walk right in, sit right down: Daddy, let your mind roll on. Everybody’s talkin’ ‘bout a new way of walkin’. Do you want to lose your mind?”

Well, based on the liberal desire to welcome anyone with a pulse to cross into any city in our nation – they already have.

Just don’t forget to come to the courthouse and register to vote – Democrat!

Liberal Democrats know they cannot win in the theater of ideas and truth. In fact, they’re perpetually afraid of the truth making its way to the American people. It would be devastating to their platform, which is based on public ignorance and emotion.

It’s no different here in Huntington where I believe the local media searches desperately for “wins” by our city administration while clouding the truth that our city is dying a slow death.

Terms like “inclusion” and “compassion”, sadly, have become red flags in the political theater. They’re now, the hollowest words in the liberal thesaurus.

What used to be genuine compassion for others, has morphed into policies of “enablement” and “coercion” of those beholding to liberals to vote for the progressive, Democrat agenda.

One could say, we’re witnessing a Democrat, proposed form of “government organized crime.”

Protection and entitlements for those willing to be controlled and conforming.

Not for this patriot.



Mark Caserta: Where will Huntington, WV be in 5 years? The Shadow knows!

14 Apr


“The Shadow” lives in American history as a radio classic



Mark Caserta is an opinion columnist and editor for Free State Patriot

April 14, 2019


“Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!”

Such was the introduction from the mid-1930’s radio program, “The Shadow”, spoken by actor Frank Readick. While certainly before my time, it sparks a question extremely relative for society today.

Truth be known, if voters could see into the hearts of many politicians today, they certainly would not elect them. However, one does beg to wonder, “What would many of today’s politicians attempt to do if they knew they could not fail?

So, let’s ask the question!

If Huntington’s Mayor, Steve Williams knew he could successfully turn our city into a “sanctuary city”, (as many of the mayors across the nation have done) would he do it?

For a couple of years now, Mayor Williams has integrated into his agenda an “Open to All” anti-discrimination campaign. Admittedly, I’m shamefully unaware of many potential tangibles related to the policy. I am, however, aware of the acceptance of Drag Queen’s reading to our young children attempting to “broaden” their acceptance of alternative lifestyles.

So, from where I stand, the success of the campaign is ambiguous, at best. But, I believe the intent is much clearer.

A January 2018 column in The Herald Dispatch attempted to explain that the goal of Mayor Williams’ anti-discrimination campaign is to “promote diversity and inclusion by broadening views beyond race, gender and sexual orientation.”

Many readers know I’ve been on a mission for well over a decade to promote our nation’s founding principles and expose the progressive movement for the treasonous enterprise it’s become. So, understand, this piece has nothing to do with what I believe to be the liberal mindset of our local paper.

But it has everything to do with illuminating the ethos of the progressive movement.

Let me be perfectly clear. The goal of liberals is NOT to promote diversity and inclusion. I can expunge that argument simply by asking why they are so averse to Christians and the views of Christianity? While some lay claim to adhering to the precepts of God’s Word, don’t be fooled by their “sheep’s clothing” or poetic oratory.

Progressives “loathe” the boundaries and prescriptions of Christianity. God’s Word is the antithesis of liberalism and the progressive movement. And trust me when I tell you it is the only barrier between liberals and achieving all of their goals!

Additionally, don’t allow liberals to “muddy” the water by allowing them to argue from a premise that doesn’t even exist, simply to validate their bogus “compassion” for the “alienated and downtrodden.”

Case and point. Let’s look at the premises on which Mayor Williams’ campaign builds its case for his policies of inclusion.

By embarking upon a mission to promote diversity and inclusion in Huntington, WV., Mayor Williams is asserting that our city has traditionally done otherwise. His desire to “broaden views beyond race, gender and sexual orientation” suggests there is currently a narrow focus among our city’s residents.

By encouraging “maintaining a safe and welcoming environment” for all inhabitants of the River City, one must surmise the mayor believes we currently do not have a safe and welcoming environment for those of certain races, religions, ancestries, sexes, ages, sexual orientations, genders or varying income status.

Based on these assumptions, city leadership feels there is a case for “fundamentally changing” Huntington.

Gee, that sounds so familiar. Where have I heard that before???

For those knowledgeable of our city history, Huntington was long considered a wonderful city in which to raise a family or work. The quagmire in which we now find ourselves is simply the handy work of liberal Democrats – period.

The goal is not to bring social justice to Huntington. The goal is to get votes by garnering support from those who subscribe to the tenets of liberalism.

The goal isn’t to “broaden views,” the goal is to “broaden the power” for the Deep State lurking in the shadows of City Hall.

Understand, where politicians are concerned, my humor is questionable, at best. It often borders on sarcastic disgust.

Recently, I read an April article by Richard Cowan of Reuters that shared President Donald Trump’s tweet last Friday which stated he was considering sending immigrants illegally entering our country to the various “sanctuary cities”, rather than deport them.

Frankly, I laughed out loud.

Well, why not? They want them, don’t they? The wisdom and political incorrectness of President Trump drives liberals crazy! It’s such a beautiful thing.

Trump’s tweet read as follows:

“Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

Mayors of sanctuary cities across the country were reportedly incensed, yet many continued to hide behind inclusiveness and defiantly declared “everyone” would be welcomed to their city.

Now, I know these must be intelligent people. After all, they got themselves elected to the position of mayor. But they sure don’t act intelligent!

But their commonality is that their policies don’t reflect the best interests of their citizens and constituents! And they incessantly seem to strive to provide more rights and privileges for those from whom they are seeking support, than other law-abiding, indigenous citizens.

That, my friends, is not inclusiveness.

So, beyond the lofty ambitions and jaded words, where are we as a city and where will we be in 5 years? Could we evolve into a sanctuary city?  I’m not sure.  But…

The Shadow knows!






Doug Smith: Is “who we are” worth defending?

17 Jan

nancy and chuck

(House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer)


Doug Smith is an opinion columnist, historian and Associate editor for Free State Patriot

January 17, 2019


As a student of history, I have been asking myself, was there ever an analogous time in history, when leaders of a nation or empire, for whatever reason, gave more effort and concern to foreigners, to defending cultures hostile to their own, as the modern Left in the United States is doing now? What can explain the apparent, willful, blindness to real threats to our sovereignty, and security? What can motivate people like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, let alone the radical new far leftists now infecting the People’s House to advocate for ideas that have failed horribly, again and again, and if fact are doing so at this moment in Venezuela, Iran, North Korea? What can motivate them to invert good and evil, to support dangerous people hostile to their own county, and ultimately, as anyone with logical reasoning ability can see, to them, once they have won?

The Romans permitted other, usually conquered, people to become Roman citizens. But they did not permit them to make Rome become Gaul, or Germania, or Britannia. Until, of course, they stopped being able to defend themselves and fell to the Vandals and Visigoths. The Chinese built a wall to defend against warring tribes to the South, with good effect. They neglected to deal with the Mongols, to the North, and before you could say Kublai Khan, the Yuan Dynasty had the Mongols ruling China. Historically, I can find no instance in which a people failed to defend their borders and their prevailing culture and had a happy outcome.

So, what motivates these people?

It is easy to say it is hatred of Trump. But that, perhaps, begs the question.  Democrat Ted Kennedy approached the USSR asking them to ease up on any military provocations to help him beat Ronald Reagan, the implication being that he would deal with them much more favorably once he won.  Coming at the height of the Cold War, when thousands of Nuclear Warheads were pointed toward both nations, and guys like me were stalking Soviet Ballistic Missile Submarines, ready at a moment’s notice to kill them before they could launch at our cities, it is difficult to see how this was anything but treason. The Special Prosecutor concluded, oh that’s right. There was no special prosecutor to investigate Ted Kennedy and the Russians. Or Mary Jo Kopechne. But I digress.

I am somewhat at a loss to understand the reasoning of a certain genre of Americans who find it chic and enlightened to enjoy the benefits of this society and culture, while simultaneously decrying it as unjust, immoral, and evil. Every time a Republican runs for President, there are a group of pampered elitists, actors, singers, talentless hacks whose wealth derives from marriage or pictures of their derrieres who loudly proclaim if X is elected, I’m leaving! But they stay. Or, as in the case of George Clooney, they buy a villa in the south of France with wealth they could not possibly have earned anywhere else in the world, and retreat there; safe in their wealth from the effects of French socialism and stupidity and criticize the very culture that enabled them to do so.

What a contrast between the patriots of WW1 and WW2 who lined up to put their lives on the line to defend what they believed was the greatest country in the world. Or, for that matter, between immigrants who escaped to the US from Cuba or Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, who listen to chic liberal rhapsodize about the merits of socialism and say Are you people crazy? It occurs to me the ideal candidate for Congress is one who was in the Gulags of the Soviet Union and managed to come here after that evil empire collapsed.

So what is it that makes these foolish people continue to whittle at the deck of the lifeboat in a sea of misery in which they ride safe and secure, all the while criticizing how the crew handles the oars?

Here are a few things that I observe as a part of it.

Ignorance of history.

Much of the ain’t it awful crew has either no, or a badly skewed knowledge of the history of the world or their own nation. For instance, it is easy to criticize the ancient Hebrews of Abraham’s time because of the status of women; essentially the property of a husband or a father, and very firmly relegated to the traditional roles of child bearer and household mistress. Compared to their roles in society in 2018, that was rather outdated. Until, of course, one really understands the history and the time and contrasts the Hebrews with other tribes. They did not sacrifice children to stone statues by tossing them alive into fires to burn to death. They relegated women to traditional roles as mother and homemaker, but they did not make them temple prostitutes to encourage fertility. Judged by 2018, people living in 2500 BC were primitive, but in the context of the world in which they lived, it is a different thing.

It is very chic to condemn the US for the institution of slavery. But once again, consider the context. In the 1400s to the 1700s, capturing and selling slaves was big business in African nations. It was common throughout the history of the world, and endemic in the Arab world. England, and later the US, went through great turmoil and even war in order to wipe out slavery as an institution. In the Arab world, and much of the socialist paradise our chic leftist critics admire, slavery is going on today. Right now. Iran and North Korea have among the largest populations of slaves in the world. Yet somehow there are those who find it appropriate to condemn the practice which was abolished 150 years ago in America but give a pass to those doing it right now.

Denying the excellent by demanding the perfect.

I am an unabashed American Patriot. By this I mean that I believe, with all my heart and intellect, that the United States of America is, hands down, the greatest, most prosperous, most free and desirable nation ever to exist in the history of the world. I challenge anyone, a challenge you will fail, to find another nation, or time in history, where it would have been preferable to live. The Tudor Kings of Medieval England never ate, or perched their behinds on a toilet, or dressed, or slept, in anything approaching the standards of living of a poor laborer in present day America. Unique among all times and nations of the world, America has gone to war and not conquered and occupied land and spoils but has liberated oppressed people and left them to determine their own fates. The Greeks, the Persians, the Babylonians, the Romans, the French, the British, the Prussian, the Russian Empires all together cannot make that claim. We have the luxury to criticize the failings in our country because we are so safe and prosperous.  Empirical evidence: we do not debate who may leave this country. We do not witness Americans shot down or drowning seeking to flee oppression and reach Germany, Vietnam, Cuba, or Russia. Or even, except for George Clooney, who found the lifestyle of a multimillionaire so oppressive that he had to flee: to France. And no one tried to stop him or keep him from taking his millions with him. There is a reason why millions have sought to feel TO America since her founding. We used to teach that reality in our schools, and around our dinner tables. Now it is often chic to complain about America with the same arguments as our bitterest enemies use, and the same distractions. Alexander Solzhenitsyn was happy to defend America, and contrast the early conquest of the continent, and the failures in our society against the 100s of millions starved, murdered, or imprisoned by Soviet Russia. There was and is simply no comparison. Only fools and useful idiots would advocate that the lowest and worst of in American ought to feel to the free air of Russia.

Left leaning teachers, and college professors, and parents have engaged in a dangerous, and potentially fatal game of finding the best to be bad because it is not perfect, while failing to place it in the proper context: the worst place to live, except for all other places.

So what is it we are, and wish to defend?

We are not, Leftist media aside, a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of ideas and laws. We welcome those who embrace our ideals and wish to obey our laws and work and contribute. Our open secret is that American is a place where hard work and thrift pays huge dividends. We are not stronger because we had an influx of Irish, Scot, German, or Japanese immigrants. We are stronger because we got immigrants from those shores who came already loving America and embracing her laws and her promise. Work hard and be rewarded. You can make it here.  We are not a nation of government handouts. We did not become great, conquer the continent, become the breadbasket of the planet, and set our feet on another one, by the promise of other people feeding you. We did it by embracing and encouraging work. As a people, we are more generous and helpful than the rest of the world combined. No desperate please go out to the Chinese or Russians when a Tsunami destroys homes and lives. It is American Carriers which show up and help.

We are a generous people who will gladly give a hand up to a struggling neighbor. We will always resent those whose charitable impulses consist of reaching in our pockets in order to bestow their largess on ungrateful recipients, who then go on strike demanding more. Americans will help you get back on your feet, they will bridle at helping you stay on your donkey. (You know the word I mean, but this is a family friendly article.) Isn’t it odd that the symbol of a certain political party is that same animal which spoke to Balaam and told him he was headed for destruction?

And we are a people, and a sovereign nation who have the right, and privilege, of defending our nation, our borders, and our identity. In case you have not heard it, we won or bought the land area we inhabit, and no one in the Southwest wishes to become part of Mexico. Nor do the citizens of Mexico want to be part of that failing state and culture. You have never seen, and will never see, a mass of people rushing Mexican border guards to get in. And we have every right and responsibility to take pride in our culture, though we recognize it as imperfect, because it is superior to all others you may stack it against. Our citizens do not stream to other countries or cultures for work, or education, great orchestras do not play the classical masterpieces of 3rd world countries which struggle for subsistence. We can work to adjust the edges, correct mistakes, and right wrongs, but for the Lefty elite who seek to wholesale reject our nation and culture, they are just as wrong as it is possible to be. They seek to destroy what we have in favor of some coffee shop dreams of their idea of a perfect society which does not, and never has, existed.

We need to take pride in America. There is a reason why so many wish to come here, and why so many volunteer to defend her. I make no apology for being proudly American. I take pride in my Irish heritage, but I AM an American. To the Elitist chic dandies who want to tear it down and find their Utopian society, a dream which has cause endless misery and death throughout history, I consign you to the other side of Chesterton’s Fence.

G.K. Chesterton used an analogy of a fence in the middle of a field. When you propose to me to remove a cultural barrier, or part of our way of life, like that fence, first you must tell me why it was built. If you do not know, you cannot remove it. Once you find out why it is there, then we can discuss whether to remove it. Who knows? Perhaps it is to keep wolves away from the sheep, even though standing next to it, you can see neither the sheep nor the wolves. Still, its purpose still exists, and so, therefore should it. If we permit you to destroy fences willy nilly and build without knowing the purpose of what you destroy, or what you build, the result we get will be anarchy and barbarism.

So, to answer my premise, yes. It is worth defending American, and the American ideals and principles. And that begins with our founding documents, not the fad of the day. If you are an American, chances are you have never, or not for a long time, read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, or the Federalist Papers. I challenge you to make that a project for this year. They are readily available. They form the basis for the nation and the freedoms you have enjoyed. They also contain a number of fences. Understand why they are there, and how they protect and defend you.



Mark Caserta: It’s time for Huntington, WV to stop losing to the Deep State.

16 Dec

deep state

(The Deep State in America is real and poisoning communities with progressive policies)


Mark Caserta is an opinion columnist and editor for Free State Patriot.

December 16, 2018


A call to action for our readers:

There is a segment of our nation’s community, mostly liberals, who hate Donald Trump more than they love their country. Ironically, this more accurately resembles the definition of “deplorable”, despite the declaration of their progressive queen, Hillary Clinton.

Their defeat is paramount to the continued success of our nation.

Progressives have but one goal – destroy the presidency of Donald J. Trump and the conservative movement. Sadly, they’re willing to sacrifice everything – including our country’s most foundational principles.

Understand, this mindset is closer to home than you may think, right here in Huntington, WV.

In my lifetime, I can’t recall a more destructive, manipulative media than we currently have in the United States. Fake news is a very real dilemma in our lives. In fact, the scales may finally have tipped to the left when weighing news, genuinely designed to inform, versus news pre-meditatively fashioned to influence, in support of one’s agenda.

In this writer’s opinion, most of our media resources, including our local newspaper, The Herald Dispatch, (for which I was the “token” conservative opinion contributor for 14 years), intentionally slant the news away from President Trump’s successes and toward anything they can spin as a loss.

And frankly, it takes a lot of effort to avoid reporting Trump’s successes. They’re everywhere!

Consider this for a moment. If the liberal media or the deep state had evidence of even the slightest crime committed by this president, don’t you think it would be plastered all over the news?

Liberal assailants have nothing, but continue to seek vindication while wasting millions of your tax dollars conducting one witch hunt after another looking to bring down the man who embarrassed liberal Democrats in the 2016 presidential election. Trump’s election, over liberal prognosticator’s odds, exposed them for the feckless, progressive minions they’d become.

Additionally, in this humble columnist’s opinion, it is an act explicitly void of patriotism to fight against the success of America simply to foster the failure of Donald Trump. He is working diligently to honor his commitment to Americans who hired him to deliver our country from the bonds of impending socialism and ruin, manufactured by his predecessor.

And the fact that Trump is having unprecedented success, drives liberals absolutely, out of their minds.

For the first time in my lifetime, the U.S. energy system is largely independent. One portion, that runs on renewables, such as nuclear, coal and natural gas is energy independent. While the U.S. continues to import a fair amount of its oil supply, even that is on the decline and will eventually shift toward a greater amount exported than imported.

President Trump accomplished this energy independence without a single Democrat, a handful of Republicans and little to no media support.

The nation’s unemployment rate is at an all-time low, for every single demographic. Jobs are on the increase along with the labor participation rate.

The Obamacare individual mandate, which forced you to purchase health coverage, even if you didn’t want it, so it could bolster coverage for others, is gone. This has been a huge boost to our economy, and jobs.

When was the last time you heard a news story about an ISIS beheading or attack? They’ve been decimated through President Trump’s leadership.

The most devastatingly compromising deal in our nation’s history, the Iran Nuclear deal, has been terminated, aligning with Trump’s “America first” policy.

The Paris Climate Accord, which placed the U.S. in an unfair position fighting the myth of man-made climate change has been eradicated.

Jerusalem has been officially recognized by this administration as the capital of Israel and the U.S. embassy has been relocated accordingly. Despite other president’s promising this action, it was only important enough to Donald Trump to do so.

Based on President Trump’s decisiveness, business savvy, and negotiation prowess, the United States is once again, respected and revered by other nations. And the only thing that changed was the man in the oval office, and the favor of Almighty God.

Yes, Donald Trump is certainly not a politician. Thank God.

In fact, he’s possibly the most politically incorrect person ever to hold political office, especially the presidency. But, I believe Trump has changed politics forever. Americans now know they have other options in leadership.

Trump has effectively negated the Obama presidency in just two years. Now, that’s worth cheering about! If Barack Hussein Obama had accomplished even a portion of Trump’s wins, He would be anointed by the media as the greatest president in U.S. history.

Sadly, in addition to his poor policy choices, Obama missed a unique opportunity to unify our nation as the first African-American president in history. He chose, rather, to divide us with his progressive, socialist belief system. I believe his legacy will be one of failure. It could have been much worse if his failures weren’t aptly corrected by his successor – Donald Trump.

Thanks God America was spared long term devastation.

We must understand, as citizens of Huntington, we face similar devastation at the hands of progressives determined to ride our fair city all the way to the highest level of power possible. And, it appears, our city’s leaders are also willing to sacrifice everything, simply to fundamentally change our city to align with their liberal aspirations of power.

May God continue to bless our nation as we head into the new year. I predict, that while President Trump will, no doubt face continued challenges from progressives and the complicit, liberal media, 2019 will be a banner year for our nation. Despite liberals working against the president, America is great again. And the best is yet to come.

May God also intervene on our city’s behalf and send someone to return Huntington to greatness. As citizens of Huntington, we face issues, on a local level, that are being fostered by the same, liberal policies which were incorporated on a national level during the Obama administration.

This is unacceptable.

May our state and local leaders adopt “Huntington first” policies so we, also, may also be spared long-term devastation from liberal, deep state progressives.

The call to action? Get informed and engaged. It’s time to stop losing to the Deep State.


Mark Caserta: Don’t complain about what you permit.

11 Nov


(We must be men and women of action.  A half-hearted attempt at greatness will result in mediocrity)


Mark Caserta is a conservative columnist and editor for Free State Patriot

November 11, 2018


A wise preacher I once knew said, “Don’t complain about what you permit.”

That challenge has resonated with me for the past 35 years. How often in life, do we find ourselves complaining about the world around us, but do absolutely nothing to enact change?

Christians, listen up! We have permitted way too much! It’s time to get off your backsides and make a difference!

  • We should not be “okay” with the murder of an unborn child just because someone made a poor choice and the pregnancy has become an “inconvenience” to them.
  • We shouldn’t be okay with a few far-left liberals wanting to redefine traditional marriage simply because they think we’re being homophobes and intolerant conservatives.
  • We can’t be okay with a few liberal loons in society eliminating gender identity simply because they don’t believe a man or a woman should be restricted by their God-given anatomy.
  • We shouldn’t be okay with a man being allowed to go into a women’s restroom simply because a few liberal nut jobs believe if a man identifies as a woman, we must honor that identity crisis, even in the face of peril for a child.
  • We shouldn’t be okay with the legalization of drugs simply because a few progressives want to profit from the death of people and the destruction of our society.
  • We shouldn’t be okay with anti-gun extremists who want to ignore the Second Amendment and take away our right to “keep and bear arms” to protect our families.
  • We shouldn’t be okay with politicians who want to take more of your hard-earned money to recklessly spend on pet projects and line their pockets with your wealth.
  • We shouldn’t be okay with re-electing representatives who lie to their constituents and refuse to live up to their campaign promises, year after year.
  • We shouldn’t be okay with liberal Democrats who are willing to undermine the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and remove the presumption of innocence until proven guilty just to protect their progressive agenda.
  • We absolutely cannot be okay with liberals resorting to intimidation, mob rule and childish temper tantrums simply to get their way.
  • We simply can’t be okay with a liberal media incessantly filling the airwaves and print with fake news designed to influence, rather than inform.
  • We should not be okay with liberal Democrats wanting open borders to allow more “undocumented Democrats” to enter and vote for the hand that feeds them.
  • We shouldn’t be okay with liberals maligning the 1st Amendment of the Constitution and telling us we cannot pray or worship in public.
  • We shouldn’t be okay with our local Health Department providing needles to penniless addicts under the guise of preventing disease.
  • We shouldn’t be “okay” with the progressive agenda which removes God and boundaries of decency from our schools and society so a few liberal buffoons can sew “wild oats” of immorality in the minds of our youth.
  • We also shouldn’t be okay with liberals who would re-write history to disparage our nation’s greatness and exceptionalism in the annuals of antiquity.

We must be men and women of action. No battle was ever won through apathy and indifference. And a half-hearted attempt at greatness will always result in mediocrity.

We must be resolute in standing up for right over wrong! If Christians don’t, who will?

Don’t simply complain – do what you can do to fix it.






Doug Smith: Is Huntington, WV. headed down the same path as San Francisco?

1 Oct

Reflections and so much more from historian and Free State Patriot associate editor, Doug Smith.



Doug Smith: Historian and Free State Patriot associate editor

October 1, 2018


Although I spent many years away from her, the River City of Huntington, WV is my home town. I spent parts of my boyhood there, but my Father’s moves pulled me far afield and I also grew up in Ohio, Virginia, and California. After High School, I became a Navy sailor, and, as one would expect, saw even more of the world and country. These travels give me a somewhat different perspective on my hometown than those who spend their entire lives hanging their hats on a hook in Huntington.

As a boy, there came the point when I was deemed able to take a bus to downtown on a Saturday to walk around and explore. I can remember (Always!) getting a bag of nuts from the Planter s store, sometimes a BLT from Whites, or a Milkshake at the lunch counter at Kresge Department Store, exploring the stores for Christmas gifts, even enjoying a Disney movie and a box of popcorn.  I loved the smell of the bus fumes (a matter of contention: some did, others despised it. To me, it smelled like Huntington) I remember going with my Dad to watch the Thundering Herd, (or the Blundering Bird, as we called them when they blew it started to lose) play Bowling Green.  There were trees to climb, dirt to dig, pop bottles to collect and sell for pocket money. All in all, it was not such a bad place to be a young boy in the late 50s and early 60s.

In 1977, the US Navy sent me off as a 21-year-old young sailor to Mare Island, California, on the North side of the San Francisco Bay, for a 2-month school. I left my young wife and 18-month-old daughter (who imperfectly understood Daddy’s travels: for her I was on the airplane to California for 9 weeks) in WV and went off to further my education as a Submariner. While I was there, I took advantage of my travels to visit Sacramento, Vallejo, and San Francisco. San Francisco was quite the experience.

I had fresh seafood on Fisherman’s Wharf, saw the Ripley s Believe it or Not Museum, went aboard a replica of The Golden Hind; Sir Frances Drake’s ship, had lunch in Chinatown, and took a cab down Lombard Street, one of the curviest in America. I heard street musicians playing bagpipes, string quartets, jazz Saxophone, you name it. I bought an Aran sweater from an Irish import shop. It was quite a place to visit.

I also saw, somewhat to my surprise, a young man with a long raincoat, with many pockets, strolling along and singing, like street vendors his wares: heroin, cocaine, marijuana. Say What?  I had an inkling then that something was not quite right about San Francisco.

Looking at San Francisco today, they are a city which just committed $ 750,000 a year to cleaning up human feces from the streets from their homeless population. They put out maps of where the poo builds up, so you won’t step in it. A medical convention that had been hosted for years cancelled.

San Francisco is far down the path of decades of extreme progressive rule. They have the sort of mind set that rewards failure, undergirds bad mistakes, and punishes hard work and achievement. And they are a living, or perhaps, dying ongoing experiment proving the premise that what you pay for and encourage, you get more of. So, San Francisco becomes a scofflaw city, welcoming illegal aliens with criminal records, rejecting law enforcement, and achieves notoriety when one of their aliens murders a tourist, and is then acquitted by a jury of San Franciscans.

If you were considering visiting and spending your money in San Francisco after hearing of my adventures in 1977, think again.  San Francisco has chosen to be warm and welcoming to IV drug addicts with free clean needles, violent citizens of other countries, homeless street dwellers, while driving off hard working citizens and businesses with high taxes, over regulation, and the highest cost of a place to live in the country. At the same time, they have looked down their elitist noses at the military, which has a long history in the San Francisco Bay area, cops, and business and condemned them and made them feel unwelcome.

Rudy Giuliani took the approach that what you accept, you get more of and proceeded to instruct the NYPD not to tolerate low level crime such as the “squeegee “guys or broken windows. The result? NY under Rudy became one of the safest big cities in the world, as crime overall took a nose dive.  

And San Francisco? Well, ask Kate Steinle. Wait, you can’t, she was murdered in broad daylight on a busy street in San Francisco. In 2017, SF lost more population (moving, not murdered,) than any other city in the US. 46% of current residents plan to move away. Companies have been bailing in droves. Even the Raiders (from Oakland, just across the Bay Bridge,) are moving the franchise to Las Vegas after this season. (Aside: The Las Vegas Raiders? That conjures all sorts of images.)

Pardon the puny allusion to the Poo Problem, but San Fran is circling the drain.

And as for my erstwhile hometown? If you work there, you get to pay an extra fee each week to the City. If you shoot up there, the City will provide you a nice clean needle, since they are all about the safety of IV drug use. Heaven forbid we let it be dangerous or spread disease. Business does not seem high on the list of Huntington priorities. Huntington manages to lose long time businesses to other locales when the choice in Huntington or virtually anywhere else. Once we could beam with pride seeming a bottle from Owens Illinois, or (if one is a Submariner) seeing a Main Sea Water valve stamped DeLavel, Huntington, WV. Not anymore.  

Can you imagine a parent today letting their 10-year-old repeat my adventures on the bus? No peanut shop for them. Nor would they feel safe to wander the streets of Huntington. Nor do businesses feel safe or welcome, in their revenues or hiring employees nor in the safety of their facilities.

Now, how much of this is a result of the liberal, grasping policies of Huntington political leadership?  I’ll leave that as a thought exercise for the residents of Huntington. Walk down pothole filled streets, past boarded up buildings with desperate “For Sale” signs, consider the ¾ million-dollar poop patrol out scooping up what so far, we still deposit in porcelain and send to a treatment plant in Westmoreland, and pause to wonder: Are we doing the same things? And if we are, how far are we from the “poop patrol” and half the population, the working half, fleeing the old town?

Huntington used to be a heck of a town, not the Big Apple, but not so much wrong with it. Not so much anymore. Maybe it is time to alter course.


Mark Caserta: Kavanaugh Hearings Become Circus in the Senate

1 Oct

The U.S. system of confirming Supreme Court justices has forever been tarnished.


Day 1 of Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation process in the Senate.


Mark Caserta:  Free State Patriot editor

October 1, 2018



“Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!”  The military order “Havoc”, was a signal given to the English military forces in the Middle Ages directing the troops (in Shakespeare’s colloquialism “the dogs of war”) to pillage and create chaos.

This phrase seems to define the new political methodology of the progressive Democrat Party.  Truly, these “representatives of the people” have pillaged the Senate confirmation process and instigated nothing less than fruitless, feckless havoc in the Senate chambers.

This “circus in the Senate,” masquerading as Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings has forever compromised the integrity and efficiency our judicial system, most assuredly for Republicans and Democrats, but more tragically, for Americans.

Understand, we’re talking about the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, where we need our brightest, most dexterous constitutional scholars weighing in on matters of the U.S. Constitution, on behalf of the American people!

But who the “H-E – “double-toothpicks” is going to want to throw their name in the hat to become a Supreme Court Justice?  Can you imagine anyone more qualified than Brett Kavanaugh seeking to join the highest court in the land? Yet, at the peril of losing a distinctive mechanism of our Republic, progressives have methodically orchestrated his failure, even before they knew anything about the man, much less the adjudicator!

Realistically, in the future, what sort of servant will be willing to place his or her livelihood and reputation on the altar of these politically ravenous, self-centered politicians?

Imagine, for a moment, that any individual, lacking any sort of verifiable proof, could presume any number of wild accusations against you, ignoring even the most noble of causes. Subsequently, they would force you into proving, beyond reasonable doubt, that you were innocent, or be subject to the unjust consequences of a guilty person.

Really?  We now have a “presumption of guilt” rather than a “presumption of innocence!

My friends, can you imagine the world in which we would live? Anyone wishing to cause any degree of harm, to anyone, for any reason, would be empowered to create havoc in their lives given the proper venue.

In fact, this is so upside down in its concept, any sane person would deem it laughable to even make the argument.  But not so, for liberal Democrats, who couldn’t give a rat’s hairy backside for your well-being.

Do we really pay these people to be this utterly negligent in their sworn duties to the United States?  Why do we keep hiring them year after year!

While the phrase, “presumption of innocence” isn’t articulated in the Constitution of the United States, as precedent, it’s been a basic component of a fair trial, or the fundamental liberty of Due Process as secured by the Fourteenth Amendment.

It is, in fact, the legal burden of the prosecution, to collect and present compelling evidence necessary to convict any individual of a crime.  If reasonable doubt remains, the accused must be acquitted.

The antics of liberal Democrats represent the antithesis of this constitutional premise.

But, in fairness, the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh has never been about guilt or innocence.  It’s about blocking a legitimate conservative nominee of the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, a man duly elected in 2016 by the American people who knew the balance of the Supreme Court, presumably for the next generation, would be decided by the next president.

As many are aware, an appointment to the U.S Supreme Court is a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land.  Through the years, the court has been integral in giving us Roe v. Wade, the Affordable Care Act, and many other rulings heavily impacting our lives.

My fault, your fault, nobody’s fault, ownership of the ideological balance of the court has become a politically, weaponized tool for which many politicians would sell their soul, as it represents the “supreme” decision-making power in our country when argument meets impasse.

Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump made it clear he would appoint conservative judges who would interpret the law, versus legislating political ideology from the bench.  He even provided a list from which he would choose his nominees.

How can one be more transparent?

But trust me when I tell you President Trump could have nominated the honorable, Chief Justice John Marshall and liberal Democrats would have done everything possible to discredit him for the court.

It’s really quite sad the crippling concessions liberals are willing to make for Americans and our country simply to propagate their progressive ideology.

At what point does this “betraying of one’s country” become treasonous in nature?

I submit it already has.

Are these the people we want representing us in Washington?  Is this the ideology we want infesting our state? Our city?

I believe this is a problem that must be addressed on a national and local level, simultaneously.  As patriots, we have a responsibility to leverage our vote to return our country, our state and our city to greatness.

It’s crucial we begin examining politicians “records and actions” versus “politically expedient rhetoric.” Not only are they doing our people a disservice, they are now becoming enemies of the state, seeking to enhance their power and influence.

Liberals cannot be allowed to pillage and create havoc any longer.  And it’s up to you to stop them.

Get mad if you want, but anything less, frankly, makes one complicit in the offense.
