Tag Archives: DONALD TRUMP

Mark Caserta: Call to Action: Conservatives, get back in the game!

13 Jun


President Trump takes some time to interact with factory worker supporters


Mark Caserta is an opinion columnist and editor for Free State Patiot

June 6, 2019


For the first time in 15 years, I recently took a month-long sabbatical from writing.

Like many Americans, the constant barrage of fake news, liberal talking points and downright lies began taking its toll on me. And while I always pray for guidance before I write an opinion column, I felt it was important to just step back, observe and seek a fresh, innovative perspective on the idiosyncrasies of politics and the world around us.

Please don’t misunderstand. I’ll never compromise the principles of conservatism or the tenets of God’s Word. But introspection is a crucial part of preparing to change the world around you. How can one possibly attempt to address societal or economic woes if one is unable to move forward, objectively, considering all points of view.

So, after several weeks of thoughtful consideration to not only my critics, but critics of the conservative movement, I’m back in the game. And low and behold, I’ve received an epiphany! I’ve arrived at an incontestable conclusion about the progressive movement.

There are two types of liberals. Those who are unknowingly ignorant and those who are willfully ignorant. Either way, they’re ignorant.

And by calling them ignorant, I’m actually giving them a pass! Ignorance means “uninformed” or “unaware”! I’m crediting them with not knowing the facts!

Because, if they aren’t somehow ignorant of the facts, then, in my opinion, they’re knowingly traitorous to the American dream of peace and prosperity! There is no in-between!

Folks, liberals don’t like America very much. To them, we are and have been on the wrong side of history in everything from Capitalism to Nationalism. They seek another “anointed one”, like Barack Hussein Obama, to help them re-institute “fundamental change”.

In other words, flush America down the toilet in lieu of their new progressive matrix which is void of filters promoting morality, justice or common sense.

Despite their battle cry for “Democracy” and “freedom”, the Obama presidency was more invasive than a colonoscopy with a light saber. And our local leadership isn’t far behind. (No pun intended)

And please don’t rely on the mainstream media, either locally or on a national level!

They’re on a mission to do two things: Prop up the progressive movement and get ratings – period. And facts will never stand in their way! Recent events have illuminated local liberal ideology trafficked by those in whom we’ve mistakenly placed our trust.

Unsightly liberalism is impossible to disguise for very long. Even then, it’s like putting lipstick on Jabba the Hut.

Ok, enough Star Wars metaphors. Geez.

And by no means should you rely on local print media. The Herald Dispatch has succumbed to the Deep State and are seemingly content to solely channel news and opinion designed to influence, not inform. What an inequitable travesty for our local newspaper to take up “virtual arms” against the community that gave it birth.

It’s no wonder, they’re often giving away free copies at the grocery store.

Your peace and prosperity means little to nothing to these minions of progressivism. Trust me when I tell you, many of them would gladly sacrifice America’s wins for a single shot at removing President Trump from office.

Liberals must be the most vicious, vindictive vermin on earth, worse than a “vermicious knid”. (Willy Wonka 1971).

Losing the 2016 presidential election to a politically-incorrect outsider, who calls them out regularly for their intellectual dishonesty, is something which must be avenged! And they are only too happy to spend your hard-earned tax dollars on a witch hunt to dig up anything to discredit our president.

But after millions of dollars, dozens of liberal lawyers and a special prosecutor on a mission to unseat our president – they have nothing – at your continuing expense.

Prior to the 2016 presidential election, America was on a dreadful, downhill spiral. Jobs were disappearing. The economy was grinding to a halt. Our enemies didn’t fear us and our allies didn’t trust us. A record number of Americans had dropped off the labor participation force. Democrat, socialist policies and government regulation were strangling industry in lieu of donations and support from radical left-wing activists.

We were dying as a nation.

Yet, in 2 short years, President Trump’s pro-growth policies have resulted in real gross domestic product growth at over 3 percent over the last four quarters!

More than 5 million jobs have been created under President Trump and the unemployment rate is at a 50-year low!

African American unemployment, in May, fell to 5.9%, which is the lowest rate on record.

Asian and Hispanic-American unemployment rates have reached record lows as well.

President Trump has delivered on his promise to bring back American manufacturing. The National Association of Manufacturers’ Outlook Index had the highest annual average in its history over the past year.

Small Business optimism jumped to a record high under President Trump per a survey by the National Federation of Independent Business.

But, I ask you. Do you hear or read about these accomplishments or dozens of others, either locally or on the mainstream media?

Why not?

Simply put, liberals rely on your disengagement of the facts. They believe if they tell a lie often enough, marginally engaged voters will begin to believe it.

That’s the premise of fake news. And it should make you angry that the media is willing to play you for a fool.

I encourage you, my friend, to research your own facts. Come to your own conclusions. Don’t continue to allow the liberal media to force feed you trash.

And do some introspection. Take some time and gather your thoughts.

But think for yourself! Don’t allow the progressive prevaricators to control you and your children’s future.

And when you’re armed and ready, get back into the game.





Mark Caserta: Americans, behold the hypocrisy of liberal Democrats!

9 Jan

border patrol

(Brave Border Patrol agents work to protect our nation’s borders from illegal entry)


Mark Caserta is an opinion columnist and editor for Free State Patriot

January 9, 2019


Allow me to illustrate just how hypocritical liberal Democrats are on funding President Trump’s border wall. Even I’m amazed at the audacity of these corrupt politicians! This proves just how “dumb” and “unengaged” Democrats believe the American people have become!

All these quotes regarding border security, are unedited, accurate and available all over the internet, from a handful of fair and balanced media.

Let’s first hear a 2005 quote from former senator and then, president, Barack Hussein Obama.

“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the U.S. undocumented, undetected, unchecked, circumventing the people who are waiting patiently, diligently, lawfully to become immigrants in this country.”

George W. Bush was president.

Now, let’s hear a 2014 quote from progressive “queen,” former senator and “twice” presidential candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

“I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in and I do think you have to control your borders.”

Barack H. Obama was president.

Let’s not forget current Senator Chuck Ellis Schumer, when in 2009, he said:

“People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who enter the U.S. legally. The American people will never accept immigration reform unless they truly believe that their government is committed to ending future illegal immigration.”

Barack H. Obama was still president.

Oh, and then, there is Schumer’s current “presidential rebuttal” partner, House Speaker Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi, when in 2008, the far-left liberal politician said:

“We do need to address the issue of immigration and the challenge we have of undocumented people in our country. We certainly do not want any more coming in.”

George W. Bush was still president.

And we can’t leave out self-proclaimed socialist, Senator Bernie (no middle name) Sanders, when in 2007, Bernard said:

“I don’t know why we need millions of people to be coming into the country who will work for lower wages than American workers and drives wages down even lower than they are right now.”

“W” was still at the presidential helm.

And at no extra charge, let’s hear from ex-Senator Harry Mason Reid, when in 1993, he stated:

“If making it easy to be an illegal alien isn’t enough, how about offering a reward for being an illegal alien? No sane country would do that, right? Guess again … (If you’re an illegal immigrant who gives birth in the U.S. you can go on welfare immediately.) Is it any wonder that two-thirds of the babies born at taxpayer expense in the county-run hospitals in Los Angeles are born to illegal alien mothers?”

Fast forward to 2019.  Donald Trump is President of the United States.

trump in wv

The crisis of illegal immigration is more prevalent than at any time in our nation’s history. America’s southern border is more volatile than ever.

These are direct quotes taken from House Leader Nancy Pelosi’s and Senator, Chuck Schumer’s Tuesday evening rebuttal of President Trump’s address to the nation, regarding his commitment to border security:

First, Ms. Pelosi:

“…The President is forcing American taxpayers to waste billions of dollars on an expensive and ineffective wall – a wall he always promised Mexico would pay for.”

(The president did, indeed, announce, during his address, the wall would be financed indirectly via the recent trade agreement he negotiated with Mexico.)

Now, Mr. Schumer:

My fellow Americans, we address you tonight for one reason only: The President of the United States – having failed to get Mexico to pay for his ineffective, unnecessary border wall…”

These are the same people who voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which, including maintenance, was pegged at $50 billion over the next 25 years!  The act included many of the same features of President Trump’s wall!

These unethical politicians are now the face of the Democrat Party. By refusing to protect Americans, they are, indeed, the face of evil. There is no “downside” in building Trump’s wall. In fact, it’s never been needed more.  Yet, Democrats have no apparent desire to legitimately control our borders!

Per the U.S. Border Patrol’s website, in 2018, an average of 40,000 illegals attempted to cross our southern border every month! Agents have responded with increased in manpower, modern technology, such as infrared night-vision scopes, seismic sensors, and a modern computer processing system. But it isn’t enough. Illegals keep finding entry points along the 2000 miles of border- illegally. These numbers don’t even factor in those who’ve illegally overstayed their visas.

Most estimate the U.S. currently has well over 20,000 illegal immigrants in our nation, most of which strain the economy.

If only 1 percent of these illegals mean to bring harm to our people, is it worth it?

And despite what Democrats would like to leave out, under the guise of “compassion”, this ultimately is about the “rule of law”. Every single person who crosses the border illegally, is already breaking U.S. law – period.

Build the wall, President Trump. If you need to declare a national emergency, true American patriots are with you. There’s no need to play “chicken” with Democrats. And there’s no need to compromise on your devout principle of protecting U.S. citizens and our nation’s sovereignty.

The American people have your back.



Doug Smith: Further thoughts on Settled Law in view of Kavanaugh

26 Jul


President Trump nominates the Honorable Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court Justice


doug and mark 1

This is the second in a series on “settled law” by historian and Free State Patriot social editor, Doug Smith.



Settled Law. I still find that an amusing concept, that only Leftists circling the wagons, (though why would they do that, since violence never settles anything?) about a favorite decision can espouse with a straight face. Historically, in fact, little law is “settled”. By settled, of course, they mean “I don’t wish to debate it.”

But let us look at the ways law is, in fact, settled.

By whim.

One of my favorite movie lines is Yul Brenner, as Pharaoh, pronouncing, “I have said it, and it is so. So, let it be written. So, let it be done.” Yes, when the (Pharaoh, King, Emperor) is appointed by or descended from God or gods, then his pronouncements are sacrosanct and may not be questioned. We depend upon his good nature to make good laws. Occasionally, as in the case of Bernadotte in Sweden, or Solomon, or James I in England, it turns out mostly good. Often, as under Henry VIII or King John of England (for those of you who are NOT fans of history, look up Runnymede or read Ivanhoe, or the Magna Carta.) it turns out rather badly. You could ask Anne Boleyn, but the settled law from Henry put her in an awkward position:

A tisket a tasket, a head in a basket, it cannot respond to the questions you ask it.

If the basis of settled law is by the whim or desire and a single or exalted few, then we must hope for the “better angels of their nature “to win out. History suggests that this is a rare, and brief, occurrence. We may observe in passing that the whim of a POTUS or 9 SCOTUS robes carry the same inherent difficulty.

By mob

This is an easy, but equally dangerous way to “settle” the law. Demagogues have whipped up crowds from the days when demagogue did not sound like Greek, because, well, they WERE Greek. It is a powerful weapon. Later, in Rome, the crowds demanded “more bread and circuses” from the Senate, until they were a hollow pipeline of the national treasury into the mob in the street, and little more. Settled law was to pay them off so they would not riot. It worked out, until it didn’t, one cold winter in 406 AD, when the Rhine froze and barbarian hordes swarmed into Rome. Within a few years, they sacked Rome itself, which did not work well for either the Senate, or the mobs. Turns out, there is always a bigger, badder mob, learning from the previous mob that violence does, indeed, solve anything. Rule by mob is rather like setting backfires to fight a brush fire. Make one mistake, and the mob, like the fire, is unforgiving and unstoppable. And, like fire, the more you feed it, the more it wants to eat, until there is nothing left. Including, as Robespierre found, just before the blade fell, the demagogue.

By Outlaw

This is a curious but occasional way of doing business. The pirates working the Caribbean with near impunity, Al Capone buying off Chicago and running his own soup kitchens, medieval bandits extorting tolls to pass a road, are all examples of law by outlaw. The problem, of course, being that they are making up their laws as they go, and that is going to go poorly for the guy who is not holding the gun.


Then there is the law by agreed upon social compact, i.e. the Constitution. The progressives who prefer to rule by a combination of 1 and 2 (the whim of judges and do as we say, or we will shriek and break things) are fond of saying those who support the Constitution are simply “Old white guys who want to hold on to power.”  It is a shame to find them so woefully ignorant of their own history.

In fact, the basic legal framework was built by a group of folks who wrested control over their future away from England, and then spent over a decade arguing over what they would all agree to for governance. The Anti Federalists argued (and we can see the wisdom of their fears) that trading a tyranny in England for one in Philadelphia (Washington was not the capital then) was no bargain, and the Federal government ought to be kept too weak to oppress the people.  Nor were theseThe Federalists argued that it was the very fact of a weak central government that permitted Great  Britain to exert their will on the colonies without considering the consent of the people. (And we can see examples of the wisdom of their argument as well. Imagine South Carolina and Ohio debating whether to send troops to assist President Roosevelt with the invasion of Normandy)

2 opposite positions, but both valid to the health and survival of the fledgling nation, and to that of we, their descendants.

A few observations are in order about the social compact of law.

First is that power, political or legal, is ultimately backed up by violence. From something as mundane as running a stop sign or deciding if a Cuban boy whose mother died bringing him to Florida will stay with an Aunt or be forcibly returned to his father in Castro’s Cuba, there is always the prospect of a gun to the head forcing the question. Power is always backed by the threat of violently enforcing it.

Second is that, as noted by the Federalists, absent any concentrated power of government, power tends to devolve to those most willing to commit violence on their neighbors to enforce their will. When the Sheriffs under King John rode out to extract taxes they had armed men with them. On the other end of the spectrum, you may read at length of lawless, anarchic Missouri and the warring mobs in the run up to the Civil War. Neither alternative is pleasant.

Thirdly, a fluid, or, as leftists who are about to ignore the Constitution are wont to say, “living” legal compacts, are utterly meaningless. For the same reason that we build our homes from “dead” lumber, and not “living” trees, we need stability.  Suppose you and I enter into a contract in which I agree, for a certain sum, to sell you my house. We execute that contract, money changes hands, and we both move. Ten years, later, the value of the house has appreciated, and is now worth 20% more. So, I engage a good progressive lawyer, and inform you of the “living “nature of our contract, and insist that you pay me the difference, or vacate what has been, for 10 years, your home. (Side note: most of the money changing hands will, of course, go to the blood sucking lawyer, which explains a lot about why they have such creative notions about the law) You wouldn’t like that living document, would you? You would protest, this is what we agreed to, and you can’t change it now!

Or suppose that we had never met. But I’ve been looking at your house and decided that maybe I could build an office building where it stands. Of course, my office building would pay more in taxes than your house, and I make that point to the City Council. Now, instead of me having to come to you and offer you what you want to let me have it, the City forces you to accept the fair market price, as determined by them, for a house you don’t want to leave, vacate it, along with your neighbors, so they can offer it to me for development. Never mind that you and I are both private citizens, and never mind that I decide after all, not to build my office building, and the City is left with an empty lot, some angry and justifiably aggrieved citizens. If the Constitution is “living”, then the “Courts” can rule that the takings clause does, indeed, permit such an action, not just for schools, roads, and public buildings, but because the City Council likes My idea for using your house better than your idea of just, well, you know, living there. Now before you scoff and tell me that I’m being ridiculous, look up the case of Kelo vs City of New London, Ct and the SCOTUS decision in that case. For that is precisely what happened there.

Finally, the protections of the law, that is, the Constitution, are primarily designed to protect the people from excesses and corruption by those in power, exercising the awesome power of the Federal government.  As Madison put it,

First, That there be prefixed to the constitution a declaration, that all power is originally rested in, and consequently derived from, the people.

That Government is instituted and ought to be exercised for the benefit of the people; which consists in the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the right of acquiring and using property, and generally of pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.

That the people have an indubitable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to reform or change their Government, whenever it be found adverse or inadequate to the purposes of its institution.

These protections are for the people, that is you, dear reader, if you are a citizen of these United States. Madison and the Anti Federalists no more intended that these should be a living document, subject to the whim of a lawyer or tyrant, than a locksmith would intend that the door to your house have a living lock, permitting access to whoever some judge decided could share it with you.

And while there is debate as to what laws we desire, Madison and the other Framers included a mechanism, and a right, to amend these laws, but made it tedious and difficult to do so. And there is genius in that. We can, and do, and have amended the Constitution, but only in those cases where it is clearly the will of the people, as demonstrated by their ability to vote their desires and for each state to weigh in on the question.  In the same way I can amend my house, by tearing out a wall and building a door, but do not wish for my studs and joists to amend my house by growing vines, we can amend our laws without being held captive to the tyranny of an aggrieved minority, however loud or vociferous. One judge, or a handful, ought not to be entrusted with the power to remake our laws. Nor, except when Congress abdicates its authority, and the Democrat party finds it is easier to shop for judges than to win in the court of public opinion and get the votes for their agenda, do they.

To our detriment, that has been the way of things for some time. But we ought not to let it continue. Whether you are on the left or the right politically, you ought to want the protections of the Constitution to be adamant. If you are on the Left, and you like the rulings various courts have made, consider this. Suppose Conservative judges adopted the same play book. Suppose, instead of revering the law, they chose to revere agenda above all else.

What liberal organizations might they outlaw overnight? What liberal rulings might they rule invalid. Suppose a 7-2 Conservative SCOTUS sat down with a newly elected POTUS and said, ok Mr. President, tell us what you want us to do this year.

Liberal reader, that makes you shudder, doesn’t it? As well it should. But while it makes Conservatives shudder that something very like the opposite has occurred all too often, especially in the Anthony Kennedy era, that is not what Conservative Justices will do, nor is it what Conservatives expect. Instead, both the people, and the judges, expect that a 9th grade Civics class should be able to figure out what is legal and protected under our Constitution, by simply reading it. And, more to the point, should they find something they dislike, understand the process by which we change our laws, and govern ourselves. If they understand that, they will properly exercise the franchise, and the power, which is, by law, entrusted to the people.

Sadly, far too many do not. And that is why we are increasingly governed by the 1st three options: whim of judges, deference to mobs, and fear of outlaws.

Our great experiment, self-government, has worked, not without fault, and not without growing pains, going into its 3rd century now. If we give it up, we will be ruled by the most ruthless men with guns.

It is not too late to reclaim it.





Mark Caserta: President Trump working to control our borders and protect Americans

13 Jul


As Commander-in-Chief, Trump boldly places America first



Mark Caserta:  Free State Patriot editor

July 13, 2018


Since winning the presidency, Donald J. Trump has successfully exposed the liberal bias in our nation, not only among the mainstream media, but in the nooks and crannies of “dark state” America. Even individuals heretofore considered “moderates” are “coming out” and revealing their ardent disdain for conservatism.

Exposing the progressive movement in this country has long been a mission of mine. As millions of Americans awaken every day to an unprecedented number of non-sensical attacks on this presidency, the mission has accelerated exponentially.

I believe many of the so-called “never Trumpers” would rather our nation’s unemployment rate and taxes be higher, the labor participation rate lower, and our brave military men and women facing down ISIS in large numbers, just so they can defile the Trump presidency.

And it’s the epitome of hypocrisy that they do it under the guise of protecting our “republic” from the “worst president in U.S. history,” a moniker for which they’ve no concrete foundation, other than his demeanor and success makes them look irrelevant.

The most recent attempt by the left to assault President Trump resulted from his promise to the American people to enforce border security and protect our nation.

Trump’s wins for America are compiling so rapidly that liberals have no argument that engaged Americans are willing to support. Ineffective as they are, they must find a way to make an emotional connection with the masses if they ever hope to regain the White House.

The attempt to make a connection between Russia and Trump failed miserably. Liberals are now reduced to throwing anything possible against the wall and hoping it sticks – hence their clamor on illegal immigration.

I wish I had a Buffalo nickel for every time I heard a “never Trumper” make the case against Trump’s border policies by asserting “we’re a nation of immigrants.”

Agreed. The U.S. has always been inviting for individuals desiring to come to our country – but legally. Anyone saying otherwise is woefully ignorant of American history.

And yes, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free.” But don’t begin your assimilation by ignoring our laws and entering our country illegally. We are a nation of laws. When we ignore them, we’ll resemble the nations from whence these individuals desire to escape.

The Statue of Liberty was gifted to the United States by France to commemorate our alliance during the American Revolution and to honor our perseverance for freedom and democracy. The sonnet mounted on the statue, written by Emma Lazarus in 1883, was written to help raise funds for the statue base.

It’s not a “Bada book, Bada boom” invitation!

America’s military is far too mighty for our sovereignty to be challenged by another country. But I can think of no quicker way to concede our sovereignty than to eliminate our border. That’s essentially what liberals are proposing in dealing with illegal immigration.

My great-grandfather traveled from Italy and disembarked at Ellis Island over 100 years ago. He arrived legally, assimilated into our American culture and worked hard to become a contributing citizen to society. He earned his citizenship and learned to love his country. That sort of patriotism can’t be imparted to someone unwilling to respect our laws.

When our nation becomes inundated with illegal residents, who haven’t pledged their allegiance to our country and flag, we’ll become weak from within, susceptible to civil unrest and discord.

Sound familiar? The liberal position on border security will make it devastatingly worse.

That’s why President Trump and millions of supporters realize our borders must be controlled.

It’s time liberals put America first.

Mark Caserta is a conservative blogger, a Cabell County resident and a regular contributor to The Herald-Dispatch editorial page.


Mark Caserta: Trump presidency part of a divine plan

27 Apr



Mark Caserta:  Free State Patriot editor



team trump

The importance of the relationship between the United States and Israel cannot be understated. As a major contributing factor for evangelicals casting their vote for Donald J. Trump in the 2016 presidential election, one might say the relevance of our relationship is of “Biblical proportion.”

The relationship between our two nations was arguably on a downhill spiral during the Obama years. No previous American president has ever engendered such a precarious relationship with Israel as Barack Obama did. Our entire U.S. foreign policy was upside down, with our enemies not fearing us, and our allies not trusting us.

But the Trump presidency not only promised to right the troubled ship of U.S. foreign policy, but to restore our coveted relationship with the nation of Israel.

Late last year, President Trump announced the U.S. would formally recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the U.S. embassy accordingly. Decades of prior administrations had vowed to do the same. The decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital was heralded by many pro-Israel activists and decried by Palestinians and America’s Arab allies.

But true to form, Donald Trump didn’t adhere to the politically expedient or safe mode when acting on behalf of Americans. He simply did what he said he would do.

It’s refreshing to have a president who defies the unprincipled political parameters designed to protect and pacify one’s way into a lucrative political career. Trump doesn’t need money from lobbyists or activists, nor does he care which foe’s feathers he ruffles! He’s comfortable being the antithesis of a career politician and is changing the way Americans view their representation in Washington.

Give me one moment of God’s favor over years of political pandering anytime!

In the Bible, the Hebrew prophet Zechariah reminds us of “the burden of the Word of the Lord concerning Israel.”

“Thus, declares the Lord Behold, I am about to make Jerusalem a cup of staggering to all the surrounding peoples. The siege of Jerusalem will also be against Judah. On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves.”

Of Israel, Genesis 12:3 says, “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Many, including myself, believe we are living in the final days before the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus, the Christ. I know this faith is mocked by some. They alone must account for their disbelief. But I’m fully persuaded that despite Donald Trump’s imperfections, he’s been placed in the office of the presidency for a purpose, possibly beyond anything we could ever anticipate.

Many are aware Donald Trump wasn’t my first choice as president. But throughout history, God’s always chosen the most “unlikely” among us to fulfill His Word. And while I’ll not be led as a sheep to slaughter, I believe our president is a work in progress.

God created each of us with the ability to choose our path in life. Our choices, while impacting our lives and possibly those around us, will not impact God’s Word and Divine Plan for Israel.

Mock as some may, I believe the presidency of Donald J. Trump is part of that plan.

And God surely watches over His Word to perform it.

Mark Caserta is a conservative blogger, a Cabell County resident and a regular contributor to The Herald-Dispatch editorial page.


Mark Caserta: Millions of Americans are grateful for Trump

22 Apr


Apr 20, 2018


president trump



Donald Trump is making America great again, just not for liberals.

While millions of Americans are enjoying the “conservative reawakening” President Trump has sparked within our nation, they’re also becoming increasingly aware of the irresponsible, self-serving, liberal antics to discredit our president.

And it’s making them angry.

From even a common-sense perspective, given the improvements for Americans in jobs, taxation, the economy, illegal immigration, healthcare, national defense and so many other areas since Trump was elected president, how can liberal Democrats continue to mount their campaign of resistance?

I submit it’s an unprincipled war against Americans who elected this president to return our country back to the path of prosperity, all in the name of protecting the progress liberals enjoyed under the Obama administration.

But despite the progressive petulance, millions of Americans reaping the dividends from the Trump presidency are grateful for the improvements in their lives.

Of course, liberals don’t seem thankful that Americans are once again prospering under President Trump. They would rather have speeches and empty promises, than a president committed to “America first.”

Frankly, the antics of the left have become so incredulous, it’s become downright embarrassing for liberal Democrats.

The recent return of ex-FBI Director James Comey and his interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News was nothing short of demeaning to a revered law enforcement organization like the FBI.

Nestled safely beside Clinton ex-crony Stephanopoulos, Comey revisited unverified claims about President Trump’s alleged 2013 activities with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel room, for which Comey admitted there has never been evidence to support.

Astoundingly, Comey freely admitted the so-called “dossier” generated by Democrats and Hillary Clinton and used by the Obama administration to obtain a FISA (Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrant to spy on the Trump campaign contained totally unverified information.

If Comey knew the allegations in the dossier were salacious and questionable, how did he present it to the FISA judge? Unverified and unsubstantiated information would fall short of obtaining such a warrant.

Did Comey, who supposedly represented an apolitical organization, lie to the FISA court about the dossier simply for political reasons?

During the interview, Comey exposed his lack of character when he compared President Trump to a “mob boss” and felt compelled to make disparaging remarks about the size of Trump’s hands and the color of his skin.

Folks, isn’t it clear, liberal Democrats have absolutely no credulity to leverage against President Trump? Isn’t it terribly sad and telling they’re willing to continue to blame our country for their sad representation in the 2016 presidential election.

I predict the voter perception between reality and liberal fantasy will continue to widen as more Americans become aware of liberal Democrat motivations. Their quest to delegitimize the presidency of Donald J. Trump at the expense of the American people will surely backfire.

I fully suspect voters will take their epiphanies regarding liberal politicians all the way to the polls in the mid-term elections.

Mark Caserta is a Cabell County resident and a regular contributor to The Herald-Dispatch editorial page.


Trump’s approval rating jumps to 51 percent

16 Apr

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Monday, April 16, 2018

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 35% who Strongly Approve of the way the president is performing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -4. (see trends).

Regular updates are posted Monday through Friday at 9:30 a.m.  Eastern (sign up for free daily email update).

Now that Gallup has quit the field, Rasmussen Reports is the only nationally recognized public opinion firm that still tracks President Trump’s job approval ratings on a daily basis. If your organization is interested in a weekly or longer sponsorship of Rasmussen Reports’ Daily Presidential Tracking Poll,  please send e-mail to beth@rasmussenreports.com .

Former FBI Director James Comey has taken to print and the airwaves to angrily denounce Trump, the man who fired him last year. But voters don’t rate Comey’s FBI performance too highly, and more think he should be legally punished for leaking to the media. 

Comey incorrectly notes in his new book that polls in October 2016 showed Hillary Clinton was most likely to win the presidency. Not all polls. Rasmussen Reports and two others showed that it was a close race, and they were the ones who proved to be right on Election Day.

Comey earned the wrath of many Democrats just before Election Day 2016 with his reopening and reclosing of the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information. Clinton initially listed Comey’s actions as perhaps the chief reason for her stunning loss to Trump, and 44% of Democrats agreed.

At the time, however, 60% of all voters agreed with Comey’s decision to go public with the reopened investigation shortly before the election. In a survey just before that decision was announced, 53% continued to disagree with the FBI’s decision not to seek a criminal indictment of Clinton.

Prior to reports of a new gas attack on civilians in Syria, fewer voters here viewed the war-torn Middle Eastern nation as vital to U.S. national security.

Tomorrow’s Tax Day. Find out at 10:30 how many Americans expect to make the deadline.

Some states are attempting to tackle income inequality at the state level, but when it comes to salaries, Americans think decisions should stay in the hands of the employer.

Still, most Americans support equal pay for men and women, although they’re not convinced that discrimination is the sole reason for wage disparities now.

See “What They Told Us” in surveys last week.

Some readers wonder how we come up with our job approval ratings for the president since they often don’t show as dramatic a change as some other pollsters do. It depends on how you ask the question and whom you ask.

To get a sense of longer-term job approval trends for the president, Rasmussen Reports compiles our tracking data on a full month-by-month basis.

Rasmussen Reports has been a pioneer in the use of automated telephone polling techniques, but many other firms still utilize their own operator-assisted technology (see methodology).

Daily tracking results are collected via telephone surveys of 500 likely voters per night and reported on a three-day rolling average basis. To reach those who have abandoned traditional landline telephones, Rasmussen Reports uses an online survey tool to interview randomly selected participants from a demographically diverse panel. The margin of sampling error for the full sample of 1,500 Likely Voters is +/- 2.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Results are also compiled on a full-week basis and crosstabs for full-week results are available for Platinum Members.


Mark Caserta: Liberals in denial over Trump’s wins for America

30 Mar


Mark Caserta:  Free State Patriot editor



state of trump

The Trump presidency is benefiting America in many ways. Among them is exposing liberals for whom they really are – partisan extremists who apparently despise Donald Trump more than they love their own country.

I was certainly not a fan of President Obama, but when he did something good for our nation, albeit seldom, I supported him. Sadly, liberals are choosing to selfishly relinquish our nation’s prosperity rather than support President Trump.

For nearly a year and a half, liberals have done everything from propagating fake Russian collusion to interviewing hookers and adult film stars to discredit this president.

I can’t help but shake my head when I see the mainstream media, as well as local columnists, focusing on Trump’s “womanizing,” his “associations” or his time spent on the golf course as examples of how he isn’t “fit” or “qualified” to be president of the United States.

Where were these liberal cynics during the “porno-presidency” of Bill Clinton, during which no less than eight women accused “slick Willy” of everything from sexual misconduct to rape during his controversial political career? Yet, he’s become iconic to liberal Democrats!

Where were the progressive dissenters during the “socialist presidency” of Barack Obama when questions arose regarding his association with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn, unrepentant terrorists with the Weather Underground, an organization responsible for bombings, killings, violent protests and other anti-American activities during the 1960s and 1970s?

And if playing golf is a detriment, please! President Obama was on the fairways soon after tragedies such as the brutal beheading of American journalist James Foley by the Islamic State.

Don’t insult the intelligence of the American people with your double-standard assault against our president. It’s clear your wrath is birthed from your realization Donald Trump is rapidly eradicating the progress liberals enjoyed during the Obama presidency.

And conservatives, “let not your hearts be troubled” as the mainstream media attempt to persuade Americans the Trump administration is in chaos. These are the same left-wing prognosticators who assured you Hillary would win in a landslide.

So, while liberals languish in progressive denial, let’s delight in some of Trump’s accomplishments, shall we?

President Trump gave Americans a huge tax cut by passing GOP tax-reform reducing individual rates as well as corporate rates. Apple Inc. will reportedly bring hundreds of billions of overseas dollars back to the U.S. and pay about $38 billion in taxes, while investing billions on domestic jobs, manufacturing and data centers in coming years, per Fortune.

Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation to the Supreme Court to succeed the late Antonin Scalia was a tremendous win for Americans. This preserved the court’s narrow conservative majority and paved the way to improve that majority moving forward.

Cutting massive government regulation for businesses has truly been a signature win for President Trump, prompting a resurgence in the energy industry. The president also expanded oil drilling in the Arctic and Gulf of Mexico and approved the Keystone XL pipeline rejected by his predecessor.

President Trump empowered our military commanders to effectively deal with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, rendering them virtually powerless in the region, saving countless lives.

And as our nation’s GDP continues to climb, our economy is surging and jobs are rapidly returning for all demographics.

President Trump may act a little unorthodox at times, but that’s OK. It’s refreshing to have a president unconcerned about being politically correct.

So, despite liberals attempting to distract Americans from his accomplishments, President Trump is proving he loves his country much more than playing politics with feckless swamp dwellers.

Stop taking your hatred of Trump, out on your country!

Mark Caserta is a conservative blogger and a Cabell County resident.


Mark Caserta: As president says, state of our union is strong…sorry liberals

9 Feb


Mark Caserta:  Free State Patriot editor



state of trump



I sat before the television last Tuesday anxiously awaiting the 45th president of the United States’ first official State of the Union address.

“Mr. Speaker, the president of the United States!” announced the sergeant at arms, as President Donald Trump made his way to the podium, joining Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

My heart swelled with pride in anticipation of the president’s speech to the American people. Sadly, some liberal Democrats chose to skip this momentous occasion, choosing instead to boycott President Trump’s efforts to unite our country in lieu of their progressive agenda.

Some predicted President Trump would use the address to build upon his “America first” policies, but his measured, presidential oratory focused on much more.

With members of the Cabinet looking on, the House speaker used his gavel to present the president of the United States to the House Gallery. After the thunderous applause settled, the president began recapping his year-long journey to making America great again.

“Over the last year, we have made incredible progress and achieved extraordinary success,” the president said. “We have faced challenges we expected, and others we could never have imagined. We have shared in the heights of victory and the pains of hardship. We endured floods and fires and storms. But through it all, we have seen the beauty of America’s soul, and the steel in America’s spine.

“So, let’s begin tonight by recognizing the state of the union is strong, because our people are strong.”

The president proceeded to eloquently make his case for a stronger America. He noted that since his election, 2.4 million new jobs, including 200,000 new jobs in manufacturing alone, have been created and that after years of “wage stagnation” Americans are finally seeing rising wages.

He boasted unemployment claims hitting a 45-year low with African-American and Hispanic American unemployment hitting the lowest rates ever recorded.

President Trump noted small-business confidence is at an all-time high and the stock market keeps smashing one record after another, gaining more than $8 trillion in value since his election. Americans are reaping the dividends in skyrocketing 401(k)s, retirement plans, pensions and college savings.

The president heralded the promise he kept to the American people by enacting the “biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history,” nearly doubling the average standard deduction. The elimination of the Obamacare individual mandate, which forced individuals to purchase a government-ordered health plan or pay a penalty, was a huge win for Americans and our economy.

The president spoke of “faith and family,” not “government and bureaucracy,” as the center of American life and reminded us our motto is “in God we trust.”

Frankly, it was embarrassing to see most liberal Democrats sitting and scowling even as President Trump extolled these wins for America.

But despite liberal rancor, the state of the union is becoming much stronger. America is, once again, beginning to feel like the “land of the free and the home of the brave.”

Thank you, Mr. President, for putting America and our people first!

Mark Caserta is a conservative blogger, a Cabell County resident and a regular contributor to The Herald-Dispatch editorial page.


Mark Caserta: Trump effect moving the US ‘great-o-meter’

27 Jan


Jan 26, 2018



In what some are calling “The Trump Effect,” our president is rapidly moving the needle on America’s “great-o-meter”! This past weekend marked “a day which will live in infamy” for liberals – the anniversary of the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump.

In honor of this day, I’d like to share a few “victorious headlines” from the domestic front in 2017.

Our U.S. “jobless rate is at a 10-year low as hiring grows and wages rise,” per a May 2017 column by Patricia Cohen in The New York Times.

A January 2018 column by Dom Caliccio of Fox News reads, “Food stamp recipients down 2M under Trump, USDA figures show.”

“Border crossing hits 45-year low” was a portion of a headline for a December 2017 column by S.A. Miller of The Washington Times.

The successes of 2017 were delivered by Donald Trump and the American people. Despite ravenous hatred by liberals, Trump’s mystique and total disregard for political correctness resonate with most Americans. Donald Trump is doing exactly what voters hired him to do – “drain the Washington swamp” and “make America great again!”

President Trump also promised Americans he would improve the U.S. business climate and persuade American companies that outsource jobs or manufacture products abroad to bring their manufacturing, jobs and money back home.

Last Wednesday, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced his company would repatriate some $250 billion back to the U.S. As part of their five-year, $30 billion reinvestment plan, Apple will open a new campus and pay $38 million in taxes on its overseas cash.

Per a column by Stephen Nellis of Reuters, Apple’s spending plan includes hiring 20,000 people, broadening their business with U.S.-based suppliers and spend $350 billion in the U.S. over the next five years.

When asked in an interview if President Trump’s tax reform bill prompted Apple’s repatriation of funds and business to the U.S., Tim Cook shared his reasoning.

“Let me be clear: There are large parts of this that are a result of tax reform, and there’s large parts of this we would have done in any situation,” Cook said in the interview with ABC News.

But while this is the largest single return of business to the U.S., Apple is simply joining the ranks of others announcing similar moves in 2017, as detailed in a Fox News Insider column.

General Motors announced a $1 billion investment in U.S. factories, moving some production from Mexico to Michigan. Hyundai announced its subsidiaries, including Hyundai and Kia, have allocated more than $3 billion for supporting their factories in Georgia and Alabama. German chemical giant Bayer AG promised billions of dollars in research and development in the U.S., creating 3,000 new jobs.

And don’t forget Carrier and Ford reversing plans earlier to move some manufacturing overseas.

The political theater has changed. The days of electing a president based on an ability to eloquently pander to Americans and leverage victimization, polarization and division to garner power and influence are forever gone.

And Americans are, once again, winning.

Mark Caserta is a conservative blogger, a Cabell County resident and a regular contributor to The Herald-Dispatch editorial page.