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Ronald Reagan on Memorial Day: It will renew your patriotic spirit…

25 May

Celebrate today by watching this historic Memorial Day address by the Great Communicator!

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Go to this link to watch:

President Ronald Reagan spoke on Memorial Day, 16 May 1982, at Arlington National Cemetery.  Reagan’s words give us insight into the sacrifices of our military men and women who have fought and died that we might have Liberty.  When Reagan spoke, Communism was our major foreign enemy.  Now we are also dealing with well-funded and highly determined Fundamentalist Islamic Terrorists and a tyrannical Presidential Administration.

When Ronald Reagan was President, we felt that our government was protecting us.  Now we feel that our President is giving aid and comfort to both the Communists and the Fundamentalist Islamic Terrorists while attacking those Americans and traditional allies who oppose him.

President Ronald Reagan said,

“I have no illusions about what little I can add now to the silent testimony of those who gave their lives willingly for their country. Words are even more feeble on this Memorial Day, for the sight before us is that of a strong and good nation that stands in silence and remembers those who were loved and who, in return, loved their countrymen enough to die for them. Yet, we must try to honor them not for their sakes alone, but for our own. And if words cannot repay the debt we owe these men, surely with our actions we must strive to keep faith with them and with the vision that led them to battle and to final sacrifice.”

“Our first obligation to them and ourselves is plain enough: The United States and the freedom for which it stands, the freedom for which they died, must endure and prosper. Their lives remind us that freedom is not bought cheaply. It has a cost; it imposes a burden. And just as they whom we commemorate were willing to sacrifice, so too must we — in a less final, less heroic way — be willing to give of ourselves. It is this, beyond the controversy and the congressional debate, beyond the blizzard of budget numbers and the complexity of modern weapons systems, that motivates us in our search for security and peace. … The willingness of some to give their lives so that others might live never fails to evoke in us a sense of wonder and mystery. One gets that feeling here on this hallowed ground, and I have known that same poignant feeling as I looked out across the rows of white crosses and Stars of David in Europe, in the Philippines, and the military cemeteries here in our own land. Each one marks the resting place of an American hero and, in my lifetime, the heroes of World War I, the Doughboys, the GI’s of World War II or Korea or Vietnam. They span several generations of young Americans, all different and yet all alike, like the markers above their resting places, all alike in a truly meaningful way.”

“As we honor their memory today, let us pledge that their lives, their sacrifices, their valor shall be justified and remembered for as long as God gives life to this nation. … I can’t claim to know the words of all the national anthems in the world, but I don’t know of any other that ends with a question and a challenge as ours does: ‘O! say does that star-spangled banner yet wave, O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?’ That is what we must all ask.”

“Once each May, amid the quiet hills and rolling lanes and breeze-brushed trees of Arlington National Cemetery, far above the majestic Potomac and the monuments and memorials of our Nation’s Capital just beyond, the graves of America’s military dead are decorated with the beautiful flag that in life these brave souls followed and loved. This scene is repeated across our land and around the world, wherever our defenders rest. Let us hold it our sacred duty and our inestimable privilege on this day to decorate these graves ourselves — with a fervent prayer and a pledge of true allegiance to the cause of liberty, peace, and country for which America’s own have ever served and sacrificed. … Our pledge and our prayer this day are those of free men and free women who know that all we hold dear must constantly be built up, fostered, revered and guarded vigilantly from those in every age who seek its destruction. We know, as have our Nation’s defenders down through the years, that there can never be peace without its essential elements of liberty, justice and independence. Those true and only building blocks of peace were the lone and lasting cause and hope and prayer that lighted the way of those whom we honor and remember this Memorial Day. To keep faith with our hallowed dead, let us be sure, and very sure, today and every day of our lives, that we keep their cause, their hope, their prayer, forever our country’s own.”

Ronald Reagan was a man of integrity who loved Liberty and our nation.  Reagan’s courage, patriotism, and strength of spirit protected the American people, our Constitution, and the United States of America.


Mark Caserta: Free State Patriot Editor

Mark Caserta: Fundamental change must come from people

30 Apr

Not from government!


Mark Caserta: Free State Patriot Editor

Apr. 30, 2015 @ 12:01 AM

“We’re approaching the end of a bloody century plagued by a terrible political invention – totalitarianism. Optimism comes less easily today, not because democracy is less vigorous, but because democracy’s enemies have refined their instruments of repression. Yet optimism is in order, because day by day democracy is proving itself to be a not-at-all-fragile flower.”

It’s been 32 years since President Ronald Reagan spoke these words in his enduring “Westminster Speech” to the members of the British Parliament. But there is undeniable wisdom for today in the speech, which laid the foundation for bursts of democracy throughout the world.

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Watch this enduring speech from President Ronald Reagan

In a manner feared by some, yet revered by all, the Great Communicator poised America for decades of a prodigious heightening of America’s strength and resolve. Reagan was quick to recognize and fearless to expose any internal threat of government overreach and lack of steadfastness in principle. In his speech, he spoke directly to these dangers.

“At the same time there is a threat posed to human freedom by the enormous power of the modern state. History teaches the dangers of government that overreaches – political control taking precedence over free economic growth, secret police, mindless bureaucracy, all combining to stifle individual excellence and personal freedom.”

Noble words from the father of conservatism, yet we live in a day in which “individual excellence” is losing ground to the Marxist notion, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”

President Reagan understood the ultimate determinant in America’s struggles with those who would challenge democracy would “involve a test of wills and ideas, a trial of spiritual resolve, the values we hold, the beliefs we cherish” and the “ideals to which we are dedicated.”

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But around the globe, America’s enemies are emboldened, and our allies dispirited. Nations once inspired by the stoutheartedness of the United States are now disheartened by its disquieted purpose.

But democracy has always had its price. In our nation’s nearly 240 years of sovereignty, we’ve endured plenty. But the American spirit has always persevered and emerged from the challenge stronger than before.

But America has never faced an enemy with such a tailwind as the progressive movement. The liberal assault on our nation over the last six years has been cataclysmic and relentless. We’ve witnessed America’s decline in nearly every measurable area.

But the blame no longer rests solely on the liberal movement. The current GOP party leaders have become complicit in this war on America. They’ve failed their constituents time and again by offering false hope and empty promises.

But I choose to believe that optimism is still in order. We are still a republic where the people are empowered to pursue change.

It’s incumbent upon each of us to study our choices carefully, regardless of political affiliation. Has your candidate demonstrated a commitment to integrity? Have they represented your values, beliefs and ideals? Will they govern by principle versus what’s popular? These characteristics must be non-negotiable in America’s next leader.

Fundamental change must not come from government, but from the people.

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Mark Caserta is a conservative blogger, a Cabell County resident and a regular contributor to The Herald-Dispatch editorial page.

Mark Caserta: America can once again be ‘shining city upon a hill’

1 Jan

…rather than manage her decline.


Mark Caserta – Editor’s column

Jan. 01, 2015 @ 12:14 AM

Ronald Reagan had a vision for America and a forbearing of her greatness that few could rival.  He never gave a speech that didn’t affirm our nation as the greatest on earth and wasn’t afraid to lift her lamp of laurels high for the world to see.  In fact, he saw America as a “shining city upon a hill.”

During the waning moments of his farewell address to the nation on Jan. 11, 1989, the “great communicator” once again championed the cause of freedom.

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“And that’s about all I have to say tonight, except for one thing. The past few days when I’ve been at that window upstairs, I’ve thought a bit of the ‘shining city upon a hill,’ the president said. “The phrase comes from John Winthrop, who wrote it to describe the America he imagined. What he imagined was important because he was an early Pilgrim, an early freedom man. He journeyed here on what today we’d call a little wooden boat; and like the other Pilgrims, he was looking for a home that would be free.

“I’ve spoken of the shining city all my political life, but I don’t know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, wind-swept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That’s how I saw it, and see it still.”


Nobler words were never spoken. America yearns for leaders who will enthusiastically rise to every occasion, and indeed, pursue opportunity to espouse the prowess and exceptionalism of our great land.

But yet patriots’ hearts are grieving. Championing our nation as a shining city on a hill has succumbed to managing its decline in a world which has never needed her guidance more!  Often, rather than learn from the lessons of our past, history is rewritten to propagate the progressive agenda.

Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”  I believe such vision drove our Founding Fathers to establish our Constitutional Republic and to pledge their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to secure the blessings of liberty.

Where do you see America right now?  Do you see her as a “shining city upon a hill” or do you see her as a nation in decline for lack of guidance and adherence to principle? Do you have a vision for America?  Is the American Dream still alive for you today?
Carry these thoughts into the New Year and ponder your influence on humanity.

We can once again become a “shining city upon a hill.” But we must humble ourselves before an Almighty God, seek His face and allow Him to heal our land.

Let 2015 be the year you make a difference!

Mark Caserta is a conservative blogger, a Cabell County resident and a regular contributor to The Herald-Dispatch editorial page. His email address is mark@