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Mark Caserta: Winning with Trump is good for America

13 Oct


Mark Caserta:  Free State Patriot editor

October 13, 2017


trump in wv


Despite the constant barrage of negativity from the left and a fervent liberal attempt to portray the Trump administration as being in “chaos,” the number of wins President Trump is having for the American people is truly astounding.

And he’s just getting started.

Forget for a moment that all liberals espouse is formularized Russian collusion, a nonsensical focus on the Trump family and exacerbated stories maligning Trump’s “political incorrectness,” and let’s look at the successes our president is having on behalf of Americans.

President Trump hit the ground running with his “America first” agenda giving voice to those who felt completely suckered by the Washington “swamp.”

In under a year, Donald J. Trump has returned the United States to prominence as the most powerful and respected nation in the world. Converse to the prior administration, our enemies now fear us and our allies are beginning to trust us.

Thanks to an aggressive new strategy led by President Trump, ISIS has been effectively engaged and is on the verge of total annihilation along with their aspirations of a global caliphate, per U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis.

“ISIS is on the run and they have been shown to be unable to stand up to our team, have not retaken one inch of ground,” Mattis told reporters during a briefing in Baghdad. Mattis went on to say the defeat of ISIS is now imminent and he is confident U.S.-backed Iraqi forces will finish off fighters in their last remaining strongholds.

Via Trump’s leadership, the administration has successfully created international unity in applying pressure on North Korea’s nuclear proliferation aspirations. This unity includes an unprecedented partnership with China in applying economic sanctions on the rogue nation.

And the significant reduction in the number of illegal border crossers between the U.S. and Mexico is “nothing short of miraculous,” according to National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd.

“As far as the Trump administration’s efforts on immigration, this is something they campaigned heavily on,” Judd said in a C-SPAN interview. “At six months, where we are on meeting those promises, we are seeing nothing short of miraculous.” Judd went on to credit Trump’s “rhetoric” as being a significant deterrent to illegals.

Bringing jobs back to America was a cornerstone of the Trump presidential campaign. During his first week in office the president met with leaders of some of the nation’s unions and top manufacturing companies. Today, CEOs and other leaders from more than two dozen companies make up President Trump’s Manufacturing Jobs Initiative which plans to create 25 million American jobs over the next decade.

As President Trump strategically reverses the Obama-era “job killing” EPA regulations, we’re now seeing jobs return to our area. Wage earners will once again be able to step out from under the government umbrella and into the workforce.

And securing a conservative Supreme Court is simply icing on the cake.

Mark Caserta: Next president must meet these criteria

13 Aug



Aug. 13, 2015 @ 12:01 AM

So, which candidate do you like for president in 2016?

Usually, as the presidential election debate season begins, friends and family will begin asking me questions akin to the one above. Most of the time I’ll accommodate them with whom I believe possesses the best qualifications for the job, but this year is different. With so many qualified GOP candidates, it’s just too early to say.


But from a conservative’s perspective, any candidate on stage last week at the GOP debate in Cleveland would be better than the “community organizer” we have now. As we all should be doing, I’ll simply be watching and listening the next few months to the platforms of the candidates so I’ll be prepared to make the best choice.

However, I waste no time sharing who we don’t want in office. The best the Democrats have to offer so far is a scandal-ridden Hillary Clinton and the self-declared socialist senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, who’s gaining on Hillary in some polls.

But I don’t believe the Democrat Party’s eventual nominee has yet emerged. I believe someone will have to step up to salvage the party’s 2016 chances. Perhaps, the “king of gaffe,” Joe Biden, or the great “flip flopper” John Kerry will be the one. But right now, Democrats are quaking in their boots at the thought of challenging a highfalutin Clinton for the presidency. It is, after all, her turn.

Our nation has been on a slippery slope for over 6 years. It’s imperative we choose the right candidate for our next president, for the next president surely will have hands full redressing America from Barack Obama’s “fundamental change.” These are some inherent qualifications we must demand.

Our next president must have integrity. I’m amazed at the lies we’ve been told by President Obama, yet his own party never calls him out. Remember the “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan” promise? We must demand the next president be truthful with the American people at all times!

Our next commander-in-chief must be savvy in military and foreign affairs. We must regain the respect around the globe that our inept “diplomatic” policies have destroyed. Currently, our enemies don’t fear us – and our allies don’t trust us. We should adopt Ronald Reagan’s policy of “peace through strength,” not peace through appeasement.

Jobs and the economy must be a priority. Our next president must understand business and economics. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 46 million people or 15 percent of the population are living in poverty. And the labor force participation rate is the lowest it’s been since 1978. Yet, Democrats continue to leverage deceptive numbers regarding both the economy and the unemployment rate. It doesn’t matter that good-paying jobs are becoming exceedingly scarce and families are hurting.

Finally, the next president for whom you vote must be a God-fearing man. Progressives are tenaciously attacking anything that remotely resembles morality and God’s Word.

They must understand it will take more than a man to return America to greatness.

Mark Caserta is a conservative blogger, a Cabell County resident and a regular contributor to The Herald-Dispatch editorial page.