Tag Archives: President Trump

JOIN THE PRAYER WAVE NOW! Trump asks nation to pray over his impeachment, says he’s done nothing wrong – Prayer sweeps the nation!

18 Jan




Father, we come before you in Jesus’ Name. Dear God, we come into agreement that no weapon formed against our president will prosper. We pray for your Divine protection, Grace, Love and Mercy be upon him and his family and that You will order his steps and “right” any “wrongs” the enemy would bring against him and our country. We ask for your continued wisdom and that you would bring light to the darkness that is attempting to envelope your people. May the attack of the enemy and those who would bring harm to our nation, simply to disparage President Trump, be quenched. And through all of this turmoil, may your awesome power be made manifest and may your enemies flee in your magnificent presence. For greater is He who is in us than he that is in the world. Amen!




Mark Caserta: Democrat impeachment hearings against American people – Contact your representatives now!

30 Nov


Committee Chairman Adam Schiff conducts House Impeachment proceedings


Mark Caserta is an opinion columnist and editor for Free State Patriot

November 30, 2019


Ladies and gentlemen, liberal Democrats have been desperately seeking a way to stop Donald Trump since his election to office in 2016. Needless to say, they’ve failed miserably.

Understand, everything important to advancing the interests of the American people has been placed on the back burner in lieu of the Democrat debacle designed to negate the results of the last presidential election.

Democrats have lied, connived and attempted to create a scenario in which they can convince Americans President Trump is an illegitimate president. I submit, he is indeed, illegitimate to them, as he represents the antithesis of their progressive agenda which is laden with ploys to continue the work of Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton in “fundamentally changing” America.

If you recall, they nearly succeeded.

The president’s “grade card” for his performance as president is nothing short of incredible! Despite the diversions of the liberal media, our nation’s economy has never been stronger. Unemployment is at a 50 – year low! It is at an all-time low for nearly every single “disparaged” demographic for which Democrats claim to represent! The labor participation rate continues to climb, with more people joining a viable workforce.

Our military and subsequent national security is, once again, respected by our allies and feared by our enemies. President Trump continues to fulfill his campaign promises to the American people with total disregard to how it may be leveraged to negatively impact him in the polls.

President Trump couldn’t care less about polls. He couldn’t care less about “political correctness.” He couldn’t care less about how “doing the right thing” will impact him in the mainstream media. His love for his country and commitment to Americans takes precedent over all of the metrics by which liberal Democrats run their political campaigns.

That’s why they hate him so much! Liberal “loathing” of Donald Trump greatly surpasses their “love” of country.

Liberals would like nothing better than to see our economy tank, our military fail and our nation falter if it means ridding them of the “pestilence” of President Trump.

Now, it would seem, despite the disengagement of the American people and the disenfranchisement of due process, Democrats will be conducting hearings of impeachment against the man who saved our nation from becoming something representative of a third-world nation under Democrat-socialist policies.

Trust me, when I tell you the world will be watching to see how “you” react. It’s imperative we do not lend credibility to these hearings and let our legislators know how much we oppose them.

Contact your local representatives at the phone numbers below. Let them know we respectfully ask them to support our president in his battle for the American people.   Yes, these hearings aren’t against our president. These illegitimate impeachment hearings are against the American people.

We should take that personally. Call now and forward to your patriot friends!


Sen. Shelly Moore Capito – Washington office – (202)-224-6472 – Charleston office (304)-347-5372.

Sen. Joe Manchin – Washington office – (202)-224-3954 – Charleston office – (304)-342-5855

Rep. Carol Miller – Washington office – (202)- 225-3452 – Huntington office – (304) 522-2201

Rep. Alex Mooney – Washington office – (202)- 225-2711 – Charleston office – (304) 925-5964

Rep. David B. McKinley – Washington office – (202) 225-4172 – Morgantown office – (304) 284-8506




Mark Caserta: Call to Action: Conservatives, get back in the game!

13 Jun


President Trump takes some time to interact with factory worker supporters


Mark Caserta is an opinion columnist and editor for Free State Patiot

June 6, 2019


For the first time in 15 years, I recently took a month-long sabbatical from writing.

Like many Americans, the constant barrage of fake news, liberal talking points and downright lies began taking its toll on me. And while I always pray for guidance before I write an opinion column, I felt it was important to just step back, observe and seek a fresh, innovative perspective on the idiosyncrasies of politics and the world around us.

Please don’t misunderstand. I’ll never compromise the principles of conservatism or the tenets of God’s Word. But introspection is a crucial part of preparing to change the world around you. How can one possibly attempt to address societal or economic woes if one is unable to move forward, objectively, considering all points of view.

So, after several weeks of thoughtful consideration to not only my critics, but critics of the conservative movement, I’m back in the game. And low and behold, I’ve received an epiphany! I’ve arrived at an incontestable conclusion about the progressive movement.

There are two types of liberals. Those who are unknowingly ignorant and those who are willfully ignorant. Either way, they’re ignorant.

And by calling them ignorant, I’m actually giving them a pass! Ignorance means “uninformed” or “unaware”! I’m crediting them with not knowing the facts!

Because, if they aren’t somehow ignorant of the facts, then, in my opinion, they’re knowingly traitorous to the American dream of peace and prosperity! There is no in-between!

Folks, liberals don’t like America very much. To them, we are and have been on the wrong side of history in everything from Capitalism to Nationalism. They seek another “anointed one”, like Barack Hussein Obama, to help them re-institute “fundamental change”.

In other words, flush America down the toilet in lieu of their new progressive matrix which is void of filters promoting morality, justice or common sense.

Despite their battle cry for “Democracy” and “freedom”, the Obama presidency was more invasive than a colonoscopy with a light saber. And our local leadership isn’t far behind. (No pun intended)

And please don’t rely on the mainstream media, either locally or on a national level!

They’re on a mission to do two things: Prop up the progressive movement and get ratings – period. And facts will never stand in their way! Recent events have illuminated local liberal ideology trafficked by those in whom we’ve mistakenly placed our trust.

Unsightly liberalism is impossible to disguise for very long. Even then, it’s like putting lipstick on Jabba the Hut.

Ok, enough Star Wars metaphors. Geez.

And by no means should you rely on local print media. The Herald Dispatch has succumbed to the Deep State and are seemingly content to solely channel news and opinion designed to influence, not inform. What an inequitable travesty for our local newspaper to take up “virtual arms” against the community that gave it birth.

It’s no wonder, they’re often giving away free copies at the grocery store.

Your peace and prosperity means little to nothing to these minions of progressivism. Trust me when I tell you, many of them would gladly sacrifice America’s wins for a single shot at removing President Trump from office.

Liberals must be the most vicious, vindictive vermin on earth, worse than a “vermicious knid”. (Willy Wonka 1971).

Losing the 2016 presidential election to a politically-incorrect outsider, who calls them out regularly for their intellectual dishonesty, is something which must be avenged! And they are only too happy to spend your hard-earned tax dollars on a witch hunt to dig up anything to discredit our president.

But after millions of dollars, dozens of liberal lawyers and a special prosecutor on a mission to unseat our president – they have nothing – at your continuing expense.

Prior to the 2016 presidential election, America was on a dreadful, downhill spiral. Jobs were disappearing. The economy was grinding to a halt. Our enemies didn’t fear us and our allies didn’t trust us. A record number of Americans had dropped off the labor participation force. Democrat, socialist policies and government regulation were strangling industry in lieu of donations and support from radical left-wing activists.

We were dying as a nation.

Yet, in 2 short years, President Trump’s pro-growth policies have resulted in real gross domestic product growth at over 3 percent over the last four quarters!

More than 5 million jobs have been created under President Trump and the unemployment rate is at a 50-year low!

African American unemployment, in May, fell to 5.9%, which is the lowest rate on record.

Asian and Hispanic-American unemployment rates have reached record lows as well.

President Trump has delivered on his promise to bring back American manufacturing. The National Association of Manufacturers’ Outlook Index had the highest annual average in its history over the past year.

Small Business optimism jumped to a record high under President Trump per a survey by the National Federation of Independent Business.

But, I ask you. Do you hear or read about these accomplishments or dozens of others, either locally or on the mainstream media?

Why not?

Simply put, liberals rely on your disengagement of the facts. They believe if they tell a lie often enough, marginally engaged voters will begin to believe it.

That’s the premise of fake news. And it should make you angry that the media is willing to play you for a fool.

I encourage you, my friend, to research your own facts. Come to your own conclusions. Don’t continue to allow the liberal media to force feed you trash.

And do some introspection. Take some time and gather your thoughts.

But think for yourself! Don’t allow the progressive prevaricators to control you and your children’s future.

And when you’re armed and ready, get back into the game.





Mark Caserta: Trump cleared: Time to investigate the real Russian collusion.

26 Mar

collusion hillary

Now that President Trump has been cleared, where was the real Russian collusion?


Mark Caserta is an opinion columnist and editor for Free State Patriot

March 26, 2019


Here’s the story of an angry lady, who was busy with collusion of her own.

She had hair of silvery gold, just like her hubby

They sought to share a throne.

It’s the story of a man named Donald

Who was busy with an empire of his own

But descended from his tower in the city

And he was all alone.

Till the one day when this lady met this fellow

And they knew it was much more than a hunch.

That this man would run against this angry woman

And that’s the way the Trumps became the White House bunch.

the White House bunch, the White House bunch

That’s the way the Trump’s became the White House bunch.


 Yes, my friends, it’s been nearly four years since Donald J. Trump descended the escalator at Trump Tower to announce his 2016 candidacy for President of the United States.

Would this successful, millionaire businessman ruin yet, another Clinton plan to win the White House?

It mustn’t happen! The liberal media gave “the Donald” less than a snowball’s chance. In fact, they smirked and belittled the very prospect of anyone, much less Donald Trump, standing in the way of Hillary’s quest for the presidency. Everyone knew their liberal queen, Hillary Clinton, was the rightful heir to the White house throne.

Just as it was with Luke Skywalker – it was her destiny.

During the GOP primary, the world saw Donald Trump, in all his politically incorrect glory, take down 17 Republican candidates, one after another.

Democrats were elated! They would happily accept a challenge from such a “non-conformist” political figure. Certainly, the White House would be theirs for another eight years, allowing them to continue comrade Obama’s socialist agenda and fundamentally change the nation to align with their self-centered, progressive agenda.

Yes, a world in which whales are saved, and babies are murdered – with equal vigor. That’s the liberal dream.

Little did Donald Trump realize, his campaign journey and subsequent GOP primary victory would create enemies on both sides of the aisle. His critics now included liberal Democrats, Rino-Republicans and the entire liberal media.

Surely, this was an anomaly – a flash in the political pan.

But, still, Dems needed a backup plan. They knew Hillary was a candidate carrying baggage. Worst case scenario, Trump pulls out a victory and the Clinton, Russian collusion would be exposed! What if the truth was exposed about Uranium One? What if the world understood the level of quid-pro-quo the Clinton’s employed during Hillary’s reign as Secretary of State?

It was time for Plan B. Deep-state Democrats knew they were now operating at risk.

They knew they had engaged in collusion with the Russians in everything from Uranium One, to the fake Russian “reset”, to Bill Clinton’s outrageous $500,000.00 speaking fees! Liberals needed something in their arsenal to deflect attention away from the Clinton collusion and toward Donald Trump.

On November 8th, now known as the day the “earth stood still”, Donald Trump soundly defeated Hillary Clinton and became the 45th President of the United States. Liberal Democrats were in shock and denial over the loss. We witnessed emotions ranging from belligerent anger to mournful tears.

For conservatives, it was beautiful! But for Democrats, it wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right.

And it cannot stand.

They decided to execute their contingency plan and “turn the table” by creating fake collusion between Donald Trump and the Russians. But where to begin? They needed a catalyst for investigation. There were no facts, so they must create them!

Given Trump’s occasional, questionable lifestyle, Democrats decided to create a fake dossier regarding Donald Trump’s pre-presidential alleged sexual escapades in Russia. This fabricated dossier was later used to obtain FISA warrants eventually leading to special counsel, Robert Mueller’s 2-year investigation into alleged Trump – Russian collusion.

Taxpayers would fork out $25 million over the next two years as more than a dozen of Mueller’s “hand-picked” Democrat prosecutors combed the details of the investigation.

Let’s be clear, Democrats knew there was nothing there. They just knew they desperately needed a distraction from their crimes against the American political system. And the best way to do that was to “frame” Donald Trump for the exact same crime.

For two years, the plan worked perfectly. The liberal media was more than happy to be a partner in the attempt to frame President Trump. They hated him. In fact, the media’s hatred for Trump evolved the same way the Democrat hatred blossomed.

He called them out for who they truly had become – Fake and feckless.

But last week, all hades broke loose. Mueller had reached the end of the proverbial road in his investigation. They had done all and spent all they could to try to capture something, anything, President Trump had done wrong.

But they failed. President Trump was cleared of any wrong-doing. And true-to-form, he was the first to say, “I told you so!”

Now, the far left is predictably, going to do everything in their power to perpetuate this circus as long as possible. The fact that they will continue to look like fools doesn’t factor into their decision-making.

After all, they hate Trump more than they love their country. They know the only chance they have to win in 2020 is to take Trump out. He’s being too successful to run against his policies. They must run against his personality flaws.

collusion obama

Here’s a message to the GOP:

It’s time to go on offense. It’s time to turn the investigation around and investigate how the Trump investigation began.

I suggest beginning with Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama and the dirty Democrat machine.  Using the antics of the left, hire a special counsel and charge them with pursuing this with equal vigor as the Democrats did with Trump – maybe more.

Let’s ride this pony all the way into the 2020 presidential election. Keep them off balance.

And at the same time, let’s continue winning for Americans.

With this strategy, we win.

Do not naively believe if we take the high road, any high road, that Democrats will follow suit. Don’t be fools.

There is no high road with liberals. They all lead directly into the Swamp.





Mark Caserta: Team Trump working to draft National Emergency Declaration

26 Jan

trump team

(Trump legal team positioning for the legal battle ahead)


Mark Caserta is an opinion columnist and editor for Free State Patriot

January 26, 2019


Successful negotiating is like producing a fine wine.

If fashioned and placed on the table too quickly, you’ll likely experience something akin to a flavor-fortified Boones Farm Ripple. If allowed to develop its depth in a controlled environment, it can become a nice Cabernet Sauvignon with well-integrated tannins leaving the wine feeling silky on the palate and with a pleasing bouquet.

The most successful and enduring negotiations achieve a “win-win” for all parties involved. And remember, the more parties, the longer the process may take. Additionally, while one must always negotiate from a position of strength, it’s important to show the other party a desire for the process to benefit them in some way.

It’s critical, however, that one be willing to walk away from the table. Many acclaimed negotiations were catapulted by someone validating their position and sincerely, walking away.

For those wondering, that’s why Barack Obama failed so miserably in negotiating deals for the American people. He always seemed to be negotiating from a position of weakness and never toward a win for all parties, much less the American people.

Last week’s announcement by President Trump that he was conceding to the Democrats and allowing the government to re-open brought about a plethora of emotions and responses from those following the standoff.

Liberals and complicit media declared victory in that the president “caved” to their demands. Many conservatives were disappointed and even angry feeling their commander-in-chief “wavered” in the winds of political discontent.

Neither were correct. I believe this was a brilliant negotiating move by President Donald J. Trump.

Allow me to draw back the curtain revealing what I believe the president accomplished and his plans moving forward.

The president allowed the shutdown standoff to continue long enough to get all the Democrat cards on the table. And, indeed, they showed their full hand. He also allowed everyone to realize the full import of even a partial government shutdown.

But, Democrat leaders, Speaker Pelosi and Sen. Schumer were simply asking for the government to be re-opened and then, and only then, would they be willing to negotiate a deal. Frankly, that was a position easily substantiated by the media.

Now, while many people feel liberals will fail in producing legislation that funds a “barrier” or a wall, Democrats don’t have a leg to stand on! Remember, they voted on The Secure Fence Act of 2006, which provided much of what Trump is asking! That will, also, be a position easily validated.

Democrat leaders didn’t even include the Deferred Action for Child Arrivals (DACA) in their wish list, which is something President Trump had previously offered, proving their argument had nothing to do with compassion or benevolence.

So, last week, President Trump strategically, gave in to the Democrat’s demands.

Here ya go, Chuck and Nancy! The government is open and government employees will receive back pay. You have three weeks. Now get to work securing our border and protecting Americans.

However, here’s the “fly in the liberal’s buttermilk”, should they fail in passing legislation allocating sufficient funding for the wall along our southern border.

In his speech, President Trump confidently fortified his executive ability to declare a national emergency enabling him to gather financing from other resources to build the wall he promised during his campaign.

If Democrats fail in placing legislation on his desk at the end of three weeks, Trump will have already given them what they demanded. At that time, he will take the argument back to the American people explaining “why” he must declare a national emergency, as it is the only option left on the table. I believe the Trump legal team is already working to draft the declaration.

He won’t want to shut the government down again. He won’t need to. But there is no way liberal Democrats are going to give President Trump, yet another “huge” win by funding his border wall. Both parties already know this.

Trust me when I tell you, Democrat leaders are already shopping federal courts, such as the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, in preparation of filing suit against the President of the United States. They will claim his action is unconstitutional, and trust that the Ninth “circus” Court of Appeals will agree, since they are arguably the most liberal court in our nation.

Also, trust me when I tell you, the Trump administration already knows that.

Herein, my friend, lies the importance of the balance of the U.S. Supreme Court, as this will ultimately be decided at that level. It may take some time, but probably not as long as one may think considering this deals with what the president has declared a national emergency. It will, most assuredly, rise to the top of the court’s docket.

Regardless, President Trump and the American people will get a barrier along our southern wall. And it will be a wall sufficient to deter most illegal immigration, drugs, human trafficking and gang related entry.

This huge debacle is a travesty brought on by liberal Democrats.

The primary responsibility of a president is to protect our nation and its citizens. Walls are proven to work. Democrats have no other goal in this standoff than to cause President Trump to fail. His mounting number of wins are working to secure his victory in the 2020 president election.

The Democrat position does nothing but put Americans at risk. I consider that the antithesis of patriotism, bordering on treason.

Three weeks and counting. It will be an interesting series of events.


Mark Caserta: Bottom line: How many lives are Dems willing to sacrifice to stop Trump’s wall?

8 Jan

illegal immigrants

(A caravan of immigrants make their way to the U.S. southern border)


Mark Caserta is an opinion columnist and editor of Free State Patriot

January 8, 2019

Anyone who trusts polls, especially those from the corrupt, mainstream media, hasn’t followed politics very closely.

It’s no surprise the complicit, liberal media has been wetting themselves in excitement over being able to attack President Trump over recent polling of voters regarding the government shutdown, now in its third week.

Remember, these are the same people who told us Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 presidency in a landslide. I’m not sure how they could have missed it any worse. In fact, they still haven’t gotten over the embarrassment of losing to a political outsider who has strategically outmaneuvered them for the past two years.

Recent polling reports claim 70 percent of Americans want some form of compromise on our nation’s most recent woes – Government shutdown, the border wall and illegal immigration. Additionally, pollsters claim only 30 percent of Americans “don’t” want the president to compromise.

Besides not giving any credulity to these polls, anyone paying attention over the last couple decades, has learned “compromise”, in Washington, D.C., means gutless, Republicans cave to the Democrats.

That, my friends, is why our nation has had so many losses for Americans the last few presidencies. Politicians simply aren’t willing to succumb to controversy for fear of losing a vote.

As we all know, the definition of insanity, is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Donald Trump is about results.

So, I ask our readers, “How does one compromise on principle?” I realize this concept may cause liberal’s head to explode – but you don’t!

It’s one thing to compromise on a tactic or a roadmap for achieving a goal. But if the goal is to protect American citizens, where does one justify compromise?

I’m reminded of the military helicopter scene in the first “Die Hard” movie in which FBI agents, facetiously named, Johnson and Johnson, were flying to the roof of the Nakatomi Building under the guise of providing hostage-holding terrorists a route of escape. They, in fact, planned an airstrike designed to eliminate the terrorists with extreme prejudice.

During the flight, Agent Johnson asked Agent Johnson, the odds of the casualty rate of innocent hostages. Johnson replied, “…If we take out the terrorists, we could lose 20 or 25 percent of the hostages. His counterpart coldly replied, “I can live with that.”

I submit building the wall is no different! We have seen lives lost at the hands of illegal immigrants, deported time and again, but who venture back across our borders, only to commit crimes. We know illegal drugs are making their way across the border. We know terrorists and gang members are abusing our open borders to illegally enter the United States.

We know all of this eventually costs American lives. And while common sense dictates that some illegal immigrants are just looking to improve their lives, this must not take priority over rebuking the few who will commit a heinous crime.

Immigrants are welcome, but must take the legal route and come here with the goal of acclimating as a U.S. citizen.

Are Democrats willing to ignore these facts? And don’t forget, these are the same politicians who not only don’t want any border wall, they want to eliminate U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement as we know it!

How many American lives are Democrats willing to sacrifice simply to defeat Donald Trump in his mission to fulfill his campaign promise and build the wall? What is the acceptable civilian casualty rate to liberals whose hatred of this president far exceeds their love of country?

Building the wall will save lives and protect American sovereignty. “Not” building the wall puts both at risk. Trust me when I tell you these corrupt politicians will simply find something else on which to spend $5.6 billion.

They just aren’t willing to spend it protecting you – even though it’s your money.

President Trump will get his wall. And he will be willing to compromise on the terms of how he gets the money for its construction. But He will not compromise the principle of building it.

There is a difference.




Mark Caserta: President Trump may declare national emergency to build wall.

6 Jan

trump leaving for camp david

(President Donald Trump speaks to the media before departing the White House for Camp David on January 6, 2019 in Washington, D.C. – Pool/Getty Images)


Mark Caserta is an opinion columnist and editor for Free State Patriot.

January 6, 2019


As the government shutdown continues, both sides remain firmly entrenched in their ideology about building a wall along our southern border. The difference?

It’s this simple.

President Trump’s position protects Americans. The Democrat position puts them at risk.

I have a question for readers, and maybe more specifically, for Democrats. Why do federal prisons have some sort of a fence or a wall around them? Why do people build walls around their homes or businesses? The answer is ridiculously obvious to an intellectually honest person. But apparently progressive Democrats don’t fall into that category.

Walls are meant to keep people, critters or anything intrusive on their respective sides!  Why did the city of Huntington build a “flood wall”?  To keep out unwanted water!

The Democrats position asserting a wall along our southern border with Mexico would be ineffective and a waste of money simply defies common sense.

Per a May 2018 column in USA Today, at the end of World War II, there were seven border walls or fences in the world. Today, as President Trump pushes to deliver on his campaign promise to build a wall on the border with Mexico, there are at least 77 walls or fences around the world. Many were erected after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City and at the Pentagon.

Each of us realizes the threat of terror and crime across the globe has increased exponentially over the past 17 years. As the threats increase, we must prepare accordingly. We never “arrive” in our pursuit of safety. Our military is constantly working on new and innovative weapons designed to protect our homeland, while our enemies are simultaneously working on weapons designed to destroy it.

“Not” building the wall is a blatant dereliction of our representative’s duty and responsibility to protect Americans!

Let’s be clear. The battle over President Trump’s border wall isn’t about money for Democrats. It’s about seeing Donald Trump fail, at something, at anything – just fail. And liberal Democrats are willing to lower themselves to any level, to obstruct this president, even if it means Americans will be less safe.

But trust me when I tell you, President Trump will not fail in his “America first” pledge to protect our country from illegal immigration by building a border security wall or in some locations a fence. The president has often stated, geography will determine what structure will be needed to prevent illegals from entering our country.

Last week, President Trump threatened to declare a national emergency over immigration, which would allow him to bypass Congress and build the wall on our southern border. By declaring a state of national emergency, White House officials believe it will unlock money from other sources, allocating the $5.6 billion needed to construct the wall.

“We can call a national emergency and build it very quickly,” Mr. Trump told reporters in the Rose Garden when asked about an emergency declaration.

Asked if his claim was intended to scare Democrats into making a deal, he replied, “I never make threats.” Officials at the Homeland Security, Justice and Defense Departments have reportedly researched the issue for Mr. Trump.

Under the National Emergencies Act of 1976, presidents can take unilateral action in times of crisis, provided they notify Congress, specify the circumstances that necessitated the declaration and document all uses of executive authority that are covered by the emergency.

One must remember, Donald Trump “wrote the book” on negotiation. I believe shutting the government down was a necessary step to negotiate from a position of strength. He knew Congress’s feckless method of “kicking the can down the road” with Continuing Resolutions has never solved a single problem. He was determined to take a path to success, even at the risk of owning the shutdown.

Negotiation “101” teaches a party “must” be willing to walk away from the table. And that’s exactly what President Trump did. Democrats and Americans, alike, now realize he means business.

I expect President Trump will allow the government shutdown to continue long enough to get the attention of the American people in exposing Democrats in their illegitimate argument against the wall. If Democrats don’t come to the table with a proposal that fully funds the president’s proposed wall, he will procure it in another manner. I believe his team has already researched other options to secure the wall’s funding.

I still believe the president would be well-served if he would lay out his plan to ultimately have Mexico pay for the wall, either directly or indirectly. This most assuredly would bolster support for his position, as it was, indeed, part of his campaign pledge. At some point, he must do so.

So, for the time being, we wait and watch, as the mainstream media boost their ratings decrying every step this president takes. But in the end, it will be President Trump and Americans in the winner’s circle.

And liberal Democrats will cry and lament over Trump’s continued success as president.


Mark Caserta: My advice: Stay the course with President Trump

24 Dec

trump wall

(President Trump talks about a version of his proposed border security wall)


Mark Caserta is an opinion columnist and editor for Free State Patriot.

December 24, 2018


Progressive Democrats and “Rino” Republicans are in shock that President Trump would be willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill his promise to the American people.

Donald Trump promised he would address illegal immigration head-on and build a wall making it much more difficult for illegals to cross the border. A promise, by the way, which helped him get elected in an electoral college landslide.

Progressive Democrats still don’t get it, and never will.

Politicians have become so used to lying to voters to get elected, they lose their minds when someone actually does something honest and keeps their word, even if it’s controversial and could cost them votes.

If self-centered, elected officials would work as hard keeping their word as they do lying their way back into office, their approval rating may rise to the level of hemorrhoids and herpes, which it’s currently below.

Our U.S. government shutdown is well into its first week. But lawmakers displayed their concern by leaving Washington for the Christmas holiday, leaving their constituents feeling there is no sense of urgency to resolve President Trump’s demand for more money to build the border wall to protect Americans.

And we pay these people for what, again…exactly?

It’s disappointing and maybe even a bit criminal the way our elected representatives fulfill their responsibilities to their constituents. Don’t get me wrong. There must be some committed to their job, but not many.

In fairness, I’m disappointed President Trump hasn’t vocalized how he expects Mexico to pay for the wall.

That certainly was an integral part of his “stump” speeches during his campaign. I believe it would go a long way in negotiating with Democrats if he could present his plan to Americans as to how the Mexican government would ultimately foot the bill. It would absolutely add to his negotiating position.

Now, let’s be clear, $5 billion dollars for wall construction on the U.S.-Mexico border is a relatively small amount by Washington standards. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, the United States provided roughly $49 billion in 2016 in Foreign Aid to other countries, which included military and security assistance. This accounts for about 1.2 percent of the federal budget.

And we can’t spend $5 billion for our own protection? Trust me when I tell you this isn’t about money!

It’s about ending President Trump’s winning streak. And once again, what’s best for Americans couldn’t possibly factor less in liberal Democrats pursuit of this progressive prize. Their actions are guided by their passionate hatred of Donald J. Trump.

Also, understand, the argument Democrats leverage in their opposition of the wall that it’s “wasteful and ineffective” is hogwash!

As a senator, Barack Obama once praised border control legislation much like that proposed by Donald Trump!

“The bill before us will certainly do some good,” Obama said on the Senate floor in October 2006. He praised the legislation, saying it would provide “better fences and better security along our borders” and would “help stem some of the tide of illegal immigration in this country.”

Obama was talking about the “Secure Fence Act of 2006,” legislation authorizing a barrier along the southern border passed into law with the support of 26 Democrat senators, including party leaders such as Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer.

So, what’s changed? Which would be more “ineffective” – a fence or a wall? The argument doesn’t pass the smell test.

These Washington parasites have become so accustomed to lying, they don’t seem to believe “honesty” is a competency important to their position as a public servant.

Yes, President Trump is very, very different from politicians we’ve elected in the past. His mission is not to be re-elected. His mission is to be the most successful president in history. Having read several books and strategies on negotiating, I have a deep belief that many of his actions are not what they appear on the surface.

Successful negotiating calls for achieving a “win-win” for both parties. Most often, this takes time and planning. But one “must” be willing to walk away from the table. That’s negotiating 101.

And that’s exactly what President Trump has done with the Democrats in border wall negotiations. He made Dems an offer in 2018 which included protection to undocumented immigrants born in our country in exchange for border wall funding and they refused it.

That’s how negotiation takes place – offer, counter offer, deal or no deal – period. And one can never negotiate from a position of weakness!  And a wide gap is a traditional starting place for seasoned negotiators.

President Trump, with all his short-comings, is in the process of building a foundation for future wins. At times, it may feel uncomfortable, but understand, Donald Trump is thinking in terms of years, not days or months.

My recommendation is to stay informed, stay engaged and stay the course.




Mark Caserta: President Trump really has divided America

15 Oct

But not in a bad way…



Mark Caserta:  Free State Patriot editor

October 15, 2018


Yes, President Donald Trump has, indeed, divided America.  But not in a bad way.

The “Trump Factor”, which employs many successful attributes, is exacerbated by an unapologetic approach by the president to put “America first” in every decision he makes.  This lack of “political correctness” has exposed a growing dichotomy of ideology in our nation and driven people into their metaphorical corners.

In the first camp, we have patriots who love America and seek the continuation of our founding principles. These are God-fearing people who believe our nation is built on Biblical principles and our founding fathers sought direction from the Almighty in framing our U.S. Constitution.

In the second camp, we have dissenters who believe America is the problem and would fundamentally change society to align with their liberal passions.  They believe principles and morality are on a sliding scale and our Constitution is antiquated to our modern-day challenges.

Many of those who’ve lost hope in perpetuating their progressive agenda, suffer from “Trump Anxiety Disorder”, causing them to act and respond irresponsibly to even the simplest of issues.  While funny to watch, it’s disconcerting that many are so hopeless, they now advocate eliminating civility and conversation in lieu of intimidation tactics, up to and including violence.

Keep in mind, these morally depraved individuals are a minority and would be quietly whimpering in the corner in the fetal position, if it wasn’t for the liberal media giving them voice.  Trust me, when I tell you there isn’t anything progressives won’t say or do if it means convincing Americans to disavow the Trump presidency.

This so-called “fake news” is simply a reality of the world in which we live.  Understanding its existence is the first step to returning our country, state and city to greatness. But understanding its purpose, will help each of us circumvent it in our daily lives.

As a reminder, the definition of fake news is “reporting designed to disingenuously influence” rather than to genuinely inform.  The ethical principles of journalism, in stark contrast, have no place in progressive reporting.  Truth in reporting will never stand in the way of a manipulative story for liberals.

Remember, Hillary Clinton, while campaigning for president in 2008, told a story in a speech at George Washington University how she landed “under sniper fire” during a 1996 trip to Bosnia.

“There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport,” Clinton reminisced, “But instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”

Too bad the Bosnia war ended in 1995.  The Washington Post debunked her claim with old news footage taken when Clinton landed.  It revealed the former first lady calmly walking away from the plane and greeting people on the tarmac, while an 8-year-old Muslim girl read her a poem.

One can see how this could easily have been mistaken for sniper fire.

How about the 2015 admission of Brian Williams, then a very popular news anchor on NBC, falsely claiming to have been on a helicopter shot down by enemy fire while on a news reporting trip to Iraq in 2003?  Williams told the story numerous times, of how his Chinook helicopter was forced down by rockets and small-arms fire.

But factually, per crew members aboard the craft, Williams and his crew landed prematurely due to an impending sandstorm about to erupt in the Iraqi desert.

Interesting how a seasoned field reporter mistook sand and wind for a ground to air attack.

In both instances, the purpose of these prevarications was to disingenuously inform and influence behaviors conducive to their success and the progressive movement.

An underlying lesson one might also extrapolate from these outright lies, is that liberals welcomed both Clinton and Williams back in their good graces.  Their assets in the progressive theater, obviously outweighed their liability as liars.

Liberals are very predictable in the use of fake news to mislead and influence marginally-informed people around us.  Frankly, without the liberal news media, far-left progressives would be virtually powerless in propagating their agenda.  The bully-pulpit lends itself to impacting the masses.

In a recent study conducted by such authors as Stephen Hawkins, Daniel Yudkin, Miriam Juan-Torres, and Tim Dixon, entitled, “Hidden Tribes: A Study of America’s Polarized Landscape,” most Americans fit outside the camps of “hard-left” liberals and “hard-right” conservatives.

However, conservatives, in the general sense of the term, far outnumber radical or even moderate liberals.  Christian conservatives continue to be the most powerful voting demographic in the country, when we bind forces.

Based on the report, 25 percent of Americans are traditionally or devoted conservatives.  Of course, that metric varies greatly, depending on geography.  But only 8 percent of Americans consider themselves progressive activists, with views far less typical than either conservatives or moderates. If that 8 percent also varies with geography, the percentage must be miniscule here in Appalachia.

How did Huntington get so lucky to have most of them set up camp downtown?  And if these numbers are accurate, why does the liberal fringe seem to have the loudest voice in the room?

2 reasons: Among the 8 percent, fall the liberal media. They leverage their venue to the fullest. Secondly, Christians are way too lazy and complacent.  In many cases, we’ve simply allowed liberals to have their warped way with our city and our families while we sit on the sidelines waiting on Jesus to return.

I believe Jesus is going to have many hard questions to ask of those who didn’t join the battle.  Our savior took 12 men and shook the world! What have you accomplished with all you’ve been provided?

Consider this colossal attempt at molding history with fake news.

How many media outlets or journalistic pundits predicted Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential election? None, but not only did they not predict his victory, they amused themselves before their audiences with the incredulity of the Donald even running for the office!

No doubt, this liberal faction was split among those to whom the possibility of a Trump presidency was so revolting, they couldn’t bring themselves to adequately assess reality, and those who truly believed the American people were so disengaged they couldn’t possibly understand how frustrated most Americans were with failing liberal policies.

Either way, the same liberal loons who assured us of a Clinton victory are the same ones promising us a “blue wave” during the November mid-terms.  Once again, liberal Democrats are attempting to leverage the progressively complicit media in convincing the American people to stay home.

Liberals know the game always must be rigged for them to achieve victory.  And trust me when I tell you, they are shameless in doing so.  All’s fair in love and politics to progressives.

Understand what’s at stake in this November election.

If liberal Democrats regain power in the House of Representatives or the Senate, the least that can happen is the Trump agenda will be slowed.  But the worst is not beyond speculation.

Liberals will work diligently to accomplish the following in a very short period of time:

  • Eliminate Trump’s tax reform and raise your taxes.
  • Seek total and lasting elimination of parameters on abortion.
  • Re-instate EPA powers of regulation over energy industries, including coal.
  • Implement Obamacare to the fullest degree, to include the individual mandate. Once this fails, expect a government orchestrated healthcare system trapping you in its socialist net.
  • Despite our thriving economy, they will work to eradicate all Trump has done to rebuild it.
  • Liberals will work hard to impeach President Trump and Justice Brett Kavanaugh – and anyone else in their way!
  • Return us to the dysfunctionality of the Obama era, to include a lack of respect for America on the global stage.

The list goes on.

Additionally, understand, this liberal agenda will be supported 100% by our liberal leaders right here in Huntington, WV. who sadly, have their priorities for our city upside down.  All one need do is drive through our historic streets to witness first-hand the heartbreaking economic decay.

And as with Washington and the liberal media, our local print media is complicit with Huntington’s progressive agenda.  The leadership of The Herald Dispatch, have caused such degradation of the paper, it’s difficult to read.  And they’re surely no supporter of President Trump’s winning strategies.

Truly the only reason to vote Democrat is if you’re simply tired of winning.

Don’t listen to the media’s fake news.  We can own this election if we get out to vote.

Let’s shock the world and liberal media, once again, by keeping America great and making Huntington great again!


Lance Wallnau: Trump Delivers Prophetic Warning to Christian Leaders.

31 Aug

This is a must see for Christians.  You must prepare for what lies ahead.  Once again, we must rally to defeat progressivism in our country.  Listen to Lance Wallnau as he reads words from our president warning Christians of our future if we sit back and allow evil to prosper.