Mark Caserta: Abortion atrocities must be stopped

4 Sep


Mark Caserta: Free State Patriot Editor



In light of the recent exposure of even more horrific business practices committed by our nation’s largest abortion provider, I would be hard pressed to name an organization any more insidious than Planned Parenthood.

Following a Los Angeles judge dissolving a temporary restraining order on the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), the group recently released its eighth investigative video exposing the reprehensible tactics employed by Planned Parenthood to “profit” from its abortion services.


In the video, StemExpress CEO Cate Dyer admitted that her company received “intact” aborted baby bodies from the abortion clinics with whom they work. In the dialogue with CMP investigative reporters, Dyer coldly shares the fiscal “advantages” and watch-outs of shipping intact baby parts.

“Oh, yeah, I mean if you have intact cases – which we’ve done a lot – so we sometimes ship those back to our lab in its entirety,” Dyer said while dining and sipping wine. “Tell the lab it’s coming,” she giggled about shipping the baby’s heads. “They don’t want to open the box, go, ‘Oh God!'”

Until earlier this month, StemExpress, a biotech company in northern California, partnered with Planned Parenthood to obtain aborted baby parts for medical research. In the secretly recorded video, Dyer’s callous disregard for the murdered children was ghastly. Such heartless demeanor makes one wonder just how far Planned Parenthood has gone during an abortion procedure to preserve the baby’s parts for profit.

In a press release accompanying the video, CMP suggests the practice might include the ruthless, illegal procedure known as “live birth abortion.” The release read: “Feticidal chemicals like digoxin cannot be used to kill the fetus in a tissue procurement case, so a fetus delivered intact for organ harvesting is likely to be a born-alive infant.”

The video also shows Dyer acknowledging that not only do abortion clinics prove fatal for babies, but they also may endanger women. Dyer admitted “rampant, rampant problems with bacteria” in certain clinics where Planned Parenthood is involved.

Planned Parenthood received more than $528 million in taxpayer funding during fiscal year 2013-2014, according to it and news media sources. This amounted to more than $1.4 million per day, in government grants, contracts and Medicaid reimbursements. And while liberals boast that only a small portion of these funds are used for abortions, understand that when a business receives money, regardless of the department, it relieves financial pressure on the entire organization. So in fact, this federal funding is integral to Planned Parenthood’s infanticide.

What sort of society would continue to condone such abhorrent behavior? Have we become so desensitized to death that destroying the lives of the unborn and shipping boxes of baby’s heads for sale doesn’t shock us anymore? Have we become so complacent with our liberal, dysfunctional society that we’ll commute such wretched behaviors in the name of “progressivism”?

A society which tolerates these atrocities is doomed for ensuing wickedness far beyond imagination – wickedness which our children will face because of our apathy.

It’s expedient that Americans willing to stand up against this abominable behavior, propagated by progressives, rise to be heard.

Mark Caserta is a conservative blogger, a Cabell County resident and a regular contributor to The Herald-Dispatch editorial page.

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