Tag Archives: presidential election 2020

Mark Caserta: Liberal Democrats are programmed as “Terminators”.

26 Sep

Mark Caserta is an opinion columnist and editor for Free State Patriot


Liberal Democrats have all become “Terminators”.

Just like the cyborg assassin sent by “Skynet” to kill Sarah Connor in 2015, they have been repurposed and reprogrammed with the sole mission of getting rid of the President of the United States – Donald J. Trump.

Come hell or high water – get out of the way – he must go.  And until that final “spark of entity” has been extinguished inside liberals, they will literally “crawl” toward removing him from office! 

Not only do they hate him, they loathe him. They are obsessed with every step he takes, every move he makes – even unto death.

On September 17, 2020, Marshall University assistant professor Jennifer Mosher horrifically wished a “COVID death” for all of President Trump’s supporters before the presidential election.

That’s not only treasonous, it’s demented and evil.

Leftist Democrats hate our president more than they love the nation of people for whom he is commander-in-chief.

So, given the level of disdain the left has for Donald Trump and his supporters, what “wouldn’t” they do to remove him from the Oval Office?

Would they create a factitious Russian Dossier to get approval from the Department of Justice to conduct a witch-hunt investigation hoping to find any tidbit of “evidence” worthy of impeaching the president?

Would they target his family and business in hopes of securing some small piece of evidence that Donald Trump was an evil man?

Would leftist, activist members of the FBI intentionally ruin the careers and personal lives of war heroes to blackmail them into testifying against the president in a totally fabricated investigation?

Would liberal Democrats be willing to return to a poor economy, fewer jobs, and increased poverty just to make the president look inept?

Would the left be willing to withhold economic aid to Americans during the COVID epidemic until after the presidential election, simply to create the false belief that voters must make a change?

Would the liberal media be willing to pre-empt truths with total falsehoods to create a narrative of distrust and hate for this president?

Given the level of impact each of these damnable acts against the citizens of the United States AND the fact that each of them is documented, proven history…ask yourself, “Is there anything on the table liberal Democrats WOULD NOT DO to rid our country of President Trump?”

If your answer is “No”, one must ask, “Would they be willing to cheat during the upcoming election”?

Without a shadow of doubt – absolutely!  I have reason to believe liberal Democrats have had a plan in place for years to disenfranchise Trump voters as well as emancipate liberal voters who favor their mission of removing Trump.

And frankly, my dear, they don’t give a *&^%$ if you, the American people, know about it or not!

They believe once they are back in power it’s no holds barred.  Redemption and retribution draweth nigh for liberals who plan to re-pay Trump supporters and conservatives for the pain and anguish they’ve caused the left the past 4 years!

So, watch closely, my friends.  It’s already happening.  Rest assured, the only way President Trump wins the 2020 presidential election is to win it SO OVERWHELMINGLY it negates the thousands of votes that will be adversely impacted by liberal, treasonous thieves who couldn’t care less about America.

Getting rid of President Trump is liberal Democrat’s mission, at any cost. 

And you will pay the price if they succeed.