Mark Caserta: Apathy is not an option for Christians!

16 Sep

If we don’t engage – we lose.

Mark Caserta has been an opinion columnist since 2000 and is editor for FreeStatePatriot.

Since the founding of our nation, Christianity has been the most prevalent religion in the United States.  Multiple sources estimate about 63% of the entire U.S. population, or around 210 million people, identify as Christians.  Our nation’s Founding Fathers risked their very lives to ensure citizens of the United States were free to live and worship as they pleased without interference from an oppressive government.

Documents like the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, as evidenced in their content, were clearly inspired of God and offered a foundation on which our nation could continue to grow and prosper. Simply put, the Bible was the foundation on which our nation was built.

But what has Christianity become in today’s world?

Around the turn into the 19th century, our nation entered a period of widespread social activism and political reform which appeared to focus on addressing many worthwhile matters such as monopoly, corruption and social imbalance.  Over the years, this “progressive movement” evolved into a “dark state” of sorts with an underlying goal of removing the Biblical standards and principles on which our country was built and becoming the enabler for morality to be measured on a sliding scale.  The premise was that man should be unrestrained or “gods” within themselves and not bound by a higher authority.

Understand, this progressive movement is exactly as its name suggests!  It is a perpetual movement, of sorts, that constantly applies pressure to the standards provided by God’s Word using the oldest trick known to man as employed by Satan in the Garden of Eden.

In Genesis 3:1, the serpent asked Eve, “Did God actually say, “You shall not eat of any tree in the garden?”  The intent as to cast doubt on God’s Word and to make God appear strict and restrictive on His creation.  Adam and Eve, for all intents and purposes, were as children, today.  They were in a formative stage and not grounded in Truth.  The enemy used their ignorance at their point of development against them and filled the void with exciting thoughts and ideas that “seem right unto man, but the end thereof is death”. (Proverbs 14:12)

The progressive movement began and continues with our children in the exact same way!

 In 1943, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that student in the classroom could not be forced to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in school preemptively removing any instructional guidance on allegiance to our nation’s Flag, the Republic for which it stands, or the belief that we are a nation, under God, indivisible, espousing liberty and justice for all.

In 1963, the same liberal court ruled the reading of the Holy Bible was unconstitutional, essentially leveraging the “Establishment Clause” of the Constitution against the Founding Father’s  intent of protecting U.S. citizens from government imposed religion.

In 1973, a landmark decision of the Supreme Court mistakenly ruled, once again, that the Constitution of the United States protected the right of a woman to have an abortion.  The decision struck down many abortion laws and created ongoing debate in the United States.

And the progressive movement has never been stronger and more proficient than it is today.

Abe Lincoln was quoted as saying, “The philosophy of the schoolroom one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next”.

And that’s exactly what the progressive movement does!  It employs the ideology of creating doubt and debate until the needle of morality moves further to the left.  And the foresight of the movement is incredible, thinking and planning decades into the future with a fierce fervency and tenaciousness.

Look around you.  Today’s generation is replete with individuals who grew up indoctrinated (by many venues, but primarily by public schools and the liberal media) by thoughts and ideas contrary to God’s Word.

 When I was a younger man, foul language was not allowed on television.  Now, it is increasingly becoming common place.  Nudity and promiscuity were once hidden behind X-rated theater doors, but now are not only on prime time television.  The horrors of blood and the darkest of evil intent are no longer hidden in the shadows but are on video games and in theme parks.

Society, through the exposure and desensitization to acts of immorality, violence and poor behavior propagated by the liberal progressive movement, has become devastatingly apathetic to the world around them.  Christians, called to keep the Word of God relevant among us, have hidden in the shadows, rarely raising their voice above the fray as Jesus required of His disciples.

So, where are you in your Christian walk?  Have you become apathetic to the lost and dying world around you?  Are you hiding in the shadows, afraid of being labeled a follower of the Christ?  Have you succumb to the ideology that if we don’t condone poor behaviors around us that we must be led by hatred and exclusion?

Have you resolved not to get involved in politics because “your vote doesn’t matter anyway”?  Are you comfortable with the violence and acts of immorality that have seemingly become part of our culture?  Do you identify as a Christian, yet stand for nothing in the public eye?

Don’t you realize that if even half of the true Christians became engaged and voted God’s principles, we would never lose an election?

Jesus took 12 men and shook the world.  They made themselves heard.  They believed in the cause, so much so, that most lost their lives defending The Way.

Throughout the Bible, God makes it known He is strongest during our weakness.  Folks, we’ve never been in a weaker position than we are now.  Progressive liberals are defeating Christians on nearly every front – and we’re allowing it to happen.  That’s not what we’re called to do.

What would you attempt to do, in life, if you knew it were impossible to fail?  With God, all things are possible.  But we are his instruments.

It’s past time for Christians to get informed and engaged and stop progressivism and darkness from destroying our nation.

One Response to “Mark Caserta: Apathy is not an option for Christians!”

  1. Linda Wright September 16, 2023 at 1:53 pm #

    You are so right!


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