Mark Caserta: Stop calling the liberal left the “Democratic Party”

1 Jun
Democracy left the liberal party long ago

Stop calling them the “Democratic Party”!

I wrote about this several years ago, but it never has taken root.

Do not refer to the Democrats as the “Democratic Party!”

Using the adjective “democratic” to describe the type of party the liberal left has become is an improper use of the descriptive term.

Democracy left progressives years ago. They are not the same party once led by JFK. There are something entirely, grossly, different. Frankly, something despicable.

Citizens of these United States live in a so-called democratic society, which describes an entity led by the majority of its members.

This is not entirely accurate in that a true democracy could be described as “mob rule”.

Mob rule in no shape or form suggests a people led by the rule of law. It more accurately describes the will of the masses, no matter the nobility or legality of the cause.

We are more accurately described as living in a Republic.

A Republic is a government in which the supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives.

Now, the key word here is “represented”! Sadly, that word has fallen from the political dictionary in many cases.

The will of the people should be a politician’s sole marching orders!

Understand that when we do not exercise our right to choose our representatives through the electoral process, we are abdicating that right to those who may or may not represent your belief system!

And don’t complain about what you permit! Voter turnout in our nation is embarrassingly low. We should be ashamed. In other nations, people risk their lives to exercise this right.

When you do not vote, you do not support the Republic – period.

The take-a-way of this commentary is that we should call the liberal left the “Democrat Party”.

It, then, becomes a simple moniker for a group of individuals who no longer love their country, United States Constitution, or the rule of law. They simply crave power and control, regardless of the will of their constituents.

So the next time you hear, someone refer to the progressives as the Democratic Party, feel free to correct them and tell them why.

And also make sure you model the example of patriotism by voting to keep our Republic alive and well.

2 Responses to “Mark Caserta: Stop calling the liberal left the “Democratic Party””

  1. Lew Rife June 1, 2024 at 5:19 pm #

    The democrat/liberal cabal more resembles a gang than a legitimate political party.


  2. lsuewright50 June 2, 2024 at 7:56 am #

    So true 🙌

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad


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